This is alright for a text only, browser-based game. It won't blow your mind, obviously, but it's good for a prolonged fap.
It's the usual assortment of mechanics for HTML games these days -- daily life and relationship management, slow paced build-up to sexual scenes, and a backdrop of superheroes failing to ensure that a rapist doesn't abuse their new psychic powers to woo girls with personalities that function just shy of literal chastity belts. Time increments and action economy, weekly character schedules, resource management, etc... The gameplay won't surprise you, but it's competently organized enough that no apparent bugs or typos kicked me out of the "what's next on my to-do list" mindset.
The writing is good, although it leans heavily into trying to explain everything. There's a student/mentor thing going on between our rapist protagonist and the supervillian who is involved in accidentally awakening his powers, but unfortunately this relationship results in about 6 or 7 pages worth of unnecessary explanation for our new protagonist's psychic arsenal before even starting the weekly grind. These first five days are totally skippable, and I have to ask myself why I didn't just go ahead and skip it -- was I scared of missing out on some poontang? Oh, how foolish I was. There's nothing happening in those first few days worth sitting through all that text, so unless you're the type who would read the Silmarillion in order to fill out the fan Wiki page, do yourself a favor and hit the skip button.
Still, you get to the game proper, and there's... well, it's what you'd expect. Again, the writing leans on the heavy side, and this can be annoying when you're just trying to get to the next wankable scene, but it's far more appreciable when you finally get to the naughty bits. Each scene is long and detailed enough to make up for the wait, and the character building up to those scenes gives each one some additional flavor that's obviously missing from the typical Johnny Sins romp. Some of the necessary main quest scene flags are a little obtuse, but your villain mentor is waiting every night to tell you where to go and what to do, so it's not like you don't have the help you need. Perhaps the only help you'll need is in cleaning the floor from how long the game will blue ball you between scenes.
All in all, this is good for a knob polishing, but if my review didn't get this across already, I don't have much enthusiasm for this style of game anymore -- the fatigue has set in from seeing this design so many times. The Company, Superpowered, Big Bad Principal, Bimbo Life Coach, A Song For All, Casting Director... there's no shortage of games in this style, and even a fairly good selection covering the "mind control" fetish camp. I'd say this is one of the best and most complete, sure, but it feels like giving the trophy out for a college golf varsity championship game -- there's probably something better or more fun you could be doing with your time.