VN - Ren'Py - Adored by the Devil [v0.8] [Empiric]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Review based on .5

    Zuri, Katherine, Vivainne, Nina some of my favorites. I would say that I personally really enjoy the variety of bodies that empiric has done in this one from Katherine's realistic massive chest to Zuri's full figure, to Nina's toned muscles.

    The writing is definitely a step up from Through Spacetime their previous title. There is an interesting story and I actually found myself reading all the text. This one also takes itself more serious which is a really nice feature. I have to say this is a very impressive VN.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.5

    It gets stale pretty quick. Demon hunting guild setting and bodyguard plot seemed to work at first but got boring unfortunately. Girls seem to live for boning MC for whatever reason (oh yeah cuz he is the only relevant male in this universe). It tries to be an AVN with story but flat characters and banal dialogues don't hold up to the premise. Yes visuals are good but it is 2023, not going to give 5 stars just for renders.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A Magnificient VN! The story plot is well written. The Characters are very cute and the new characters which are introduced every one of them is just perfect. Hope the VN will keep getting better and better. Keep up the good work dev (y) .
    Likes: Reyto
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I agree with most of the reviews here (except that one cringe-beast virtue signaling like he bout to bag all the purple-haired baddies from the sociology dept ), Adored by the Devil is an absolute gem.

    All the characters are fun, cute and beautiful, even grandpa :giggle:. The many personalities differ vastly from one another. They have their own manner of speaking and behaving. They come from different places, different norms and different walks of life. They even have their own flaws and shortcomings, something that is easy to undermine because they also have unique quirks and virtues that make them all so lovable. Yet despite these many differences, the characters all share the same goal: to give our MC the gawk-gawk 9000, even grandpa (jk).

    The MC is real chill. Not a pussy, nor a dick. One character has stupid big boobas because she is the goddess mommy queen. I hope Empiric continues making the game, despite its evil and "problematic" contribution that has forced 80% of all pornstars into getting boobjobs. You know the profession that relies on naked bodies being filmed in 8k 144fps, naked bodies that fall apart as it ages naturally.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the theme and artwork of the game so far. the only thing i can say i personally dislike is the huge saggy chest on katherine. it's just not attractive at all. good character models and story otherwise.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    The writing is unremarkable. It's too early to tell if the story is any good, but I'm leaning towards "no". The girls are all basically one-dimensional, only existing as their sexualities, which is boring and more than a little concerning. The writing is, overall, poor to mediocre.
    The big issue, no pun intended, is the creator's views on breast size. I like big breasts, but within reason. This game's creator is unreasonable. He (I'm like 99.9999% sure it's a man) seems to think that back-breaking breasts are normal. It doesn't come across THAT well in the screenshots (or I never would have started this game,) but most of the women have breasts that are preposterously, even satirically, large. It's weird, unattractive, and unhealthy. It would be one thing if this had a "stupidly large breast fetish" tag, but it doesn't. Instead, it portrays these ridiculous things as normal. At one point, Miu, who has like a C or D cup size, describes her boobs as "small", along with Lilith's, who's gotta be at least a C cup. I'm not great at estimating cup sizes, but that's not the point. This game subscribes to and perpetuates an extremely unhealthy view of what normal breast sizes are.
    That, combined with the lack of personality beyond sexuality for the girls, makes me think that this was created by someone with an extremely unhealthy view of women.
    Alright horny unintelligent 18 year olds, you can call me names, but the fact is this stuff does matter. Why do you think that like 80% of female pornstars end up getting boobjobs? Shit like this. This game should be avoided, as should its creator.
    I don't always leave feminist reviews, but when I do, it's because the game is really fucking problematic.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Tags are decent, nice storyline, fairly original characters, good writing. I am picky af, and not once have I touched the skip button. I´m invested.
    A rarity among games. Noice.

    All in all the fact that I wrote a review speaks for itself, this is one of the few gems on this platform.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I recently tested the game and it has me waiting for the next update.
    It may not be the perfect game but it's not mediocre or bad as others say.
    It has a lot of potential and it is a novel that I like to be direct without having to go around the matter so much.
    I like that balance between the sensual and the funny.
    And I understand the criticism of women with big boobs, but they also have the option to skip some girls and that's a positive point that it has.

    Even so, you can leave Katherine alone for me, who is my favorite girl, a redheaded milf with big tits, I'm inside, you can stay if you want with the tender Lilith.
    I'll keep a close eye on the progress and maybe a future scene with Katherine:devilish::Kappa:;)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed Through Spacetime (made by the same creator for those unawar). Finished playing through the current update of this one, and so far, its looking similar to that but with some improvements. Looking forward to future updates.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A really cool story, the premise of 'monsters living among us' may be used and generic by some standards, but the characters and modern setting make this one much more appealing. There's not much to the game yet, but by all accounts it seems promising.

    The models are, obviously, very good. The MC is pretty decent as far as male characters go, and the girls are all gorgeous and unique. I DO think there's a bit too much boob-age going on, and I appreciate the option to NOT pursue certain girls such as the mother and Sis. Nina and Lilith were quickly cemented as my favorite girls, and I look forward to the cute antics between the three characters. Unfortunately the "animations" which I use very loosely are pretty low-tier, and honestly I think I prefer just still frames over the jerky scenes.

    In-all, while again there's only about an hour or two content, it's definitely one to look forward to.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has potential, it looks like it's going to be a tried and true harem game just like its' predecessor, but I find the story and plot enjoyable, so I am going to give this game five stars because it nails what is aiming for!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v.04

    I'm kinda pissed that I'm giving this a lower rating, because the game actually has potential and elements that are working for it.

    Daz games with really great renders are not uncommon these days, but even this is one of the better I've played. The character models are a bit too doll like for my tastes, but there's no denying they still look great. Animations match up to that quality well enough too.

    Problem is, that isn't enough for me. The writing is what usually gets me into AVNs and this one is falling flat.

    To put it simply this game blows at creating any sort of tension or build up. Events just kind of... happen? In a weirdly mundane type of way.

    Honestly the game is boring. Which is weird because the premise is actually the opposite. You're a seemingly strong demon hunter who got sent by your seemingly more powerful grandpa to protect some people. I would think that would lead way to some action packed encounters with demons and intriguing plots about hunting different monsters and such, but no. Not really.

    We do a sort of side mission to help a cop solve a mysterious string of murders. Sounds cool at first, until you play through the entire part in 10 minutes because the game blows through it instantly. You instantly know it was a demon, instantly find said demon, and instantly defeat said demon. Move on to randomly fucking the cop we just met and know absolutely nothing about.

    Sound design: also extremally lacking. It is very awkward to watch silent fist fights. Game needs some sound effects. It also needs better music because what it currently has is not doing it any favors.

    The characters themselves aren't much better. Now admittedly I think the mute demon is super cute and some of the other demon hunters are actually a bit interesting. The rest of the characters are very forgettable. The family you're sent to protect all fall for the MC instantly and have very few scenes expressing any type of personality outside of some basic tropes. The game doesn't take time to build them up. You see a couple quick flirting moments before you and the mom are discussing becoming fuck buddies. Just doesn't do anything for me.

    If you care less about writing and story then yeah you'll probably enjoy this more. It certainly looks good enough and the writing isn't necessarily awful. But towards end of content I found myself holding the skip button because I was losing interest. As of this version, I'd only return to play this as filler when I got nothing better.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I am sure this will be a popular porn game. Technically it looks great. The animations and characters are very well designed. The scenes and animations are beautiful. Very high quality from a technical point of view.

    The writing is extremely succinct while being understandable. The story isn't totally stupid, and neither is the writing. In fact the story might be good, if there was more of it. There are quite a few typos, but not enough to make it confusing.

    But why only 4 stars? Why not 5 stars?

    In my opinion, the game lacks any build up or character development. It is really just a collection of porn scenes that are loosely hung together by the typical magic dick syndrome that so many visual novels are built around.

    Will it work long term? I am not sure. Probably it will, since it is technically better than quite a few games.

    At this point it is a great porn game, but not a great visual novel.

    I felt like the writer's skills were capable. There are some effective parts. A bit more writing and a slower pace would have been far more effective. I don't think this sort of pace can be maintained without constantly adding new girls, which is pretty much what happens so far... a bunch of different women, all quite beautiful, getting added. Sex with some of them happens real (too) quick. I suppose if interactions with the women are kept really short, as they are now, then the number of women won't lead to people complaining about the lack of content in future updates about their favorites.

    There also isn't any game here. It is a kinetic novel. Sure you can make some choices about seeing or not seeing the MILF's insanely large tits, and I guess you could cut out sex scenes with a character if you wanted to... but you would be doing that based on almost zero information and there wouldn't be much content left.

    To be honest I am not sure if the lack of choice is a bad thing in this case. Choice in these games isn't always very effective. Only a few visual novels actually pull it off effectively, and most of the time writers are better off just telling a story and bypassing player agency especially if the game is really just an engine to show off rendering and animation skills.

    Anyway, I enjoyed it from a technical point of view, but I didn't really find it all that erotic. Almost no build up. Just instant sex scenes, not unlike watching a standard porn video that has a tiny bit of set up.

    As mentioned they are technically great scenes, but they would have been way, way, way more effective with some sort of build up. A wasted opportunity in my opinion. Some technically inferior games do a much better job creating erotic scenes with less appealing renders and animations.

    Also, I really couldn't understand what was going on with some characters. Like Hannah acts as though she has some deep connection to the MC, which simply isn't part of the game. She has barely met him. I wish there were more scenes between her and the MC to establish this connection. One trip to the movies isn't enough (though I did enjoy the fact that the bad movie they went to was Empiric's last game). Zuri is the same way. They meet very briefely and then the next day Zuri seems to miss the MC. I thought he would come and visit? Where is he? I am looking so sad. More magic dick, I guess.

    Hell, Sasha starts lusting/thinking about the MC before they even meet.

    I also would have liked more background scenes between the MC and Miu. I suppose more information will come out about the relationship with Miu, since they have a shared past, but there isn't any shared history with Hannah, Vivienne, Zuri, Sasha, Katherine, Isabella or Emily so those relationships progress way too quickly and don't really make much sense (other than the typical magic dick explanation - I suppose it could get reveled that the MC actually does have some sort of magical sex power that is instantly jump starting every woman's libido since he isn't fully human).

    Don't get me wrong, I like the characters that Empiric has created, which is why I wish there were more scenes with them.

    With all that said, if you are reading this and haven't actually downloaded the game then just stop reading and download it. You can play through it very quickly as there isn't much happening between sex scenes, and it is definitely worth a look.

    Empiric has talent and I look forward to seeing what the future of Adored by The Devil brings. While I might have some complaints about the game so far, I freely acknowledge that the quality of what is here surpasses most of the competition.

    Maybe some relationships will become more interesting, or perhaps the story will end up being interesting. Or maybe the next update will add 6 more women and it will end up essentially just being a high quality sex scene viewer.

    Either way, I am sure people will like it. It does look beautiful.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    what can i say... this game is very very very good. characters are likable. some jokes are rly good, the mood in this game is exactly what this game makes it so good. i dont know if there will be a harem ending. idc if iam honest but lilith has to become his girl. its one of my top 10 games. i love this game :). (sry for my english)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually love the idea of the game been a VN, for me a great game so far.

    The visuals are in a single word gorgeous. The girls are attractive and feel like individual thoughts, it feels like a lot went into making them look the way they do. The MC is well designed and not overbearing, for me it adds the connection with the reader by looking "normal". Animations are pretty good, all custom and just a little stiff at times.

    The story for me is really strong. Found the game at .2 and it's been developing steadily. I accept it's somehow lacking in some areas but it has time to avoid the Good of gaps. The characters have a lot of design and presence but tend to feel like pieces with one role to play and little backstory. The pacing takes off right of the bat and this adds to the aforementioned issues in the story. The story in general grabbed my attention and that is what keeps me here. However, there are some grammatical errors and a couple contradictions that just trample with the immersion. English is my second language and I can overlook it more easily than some of you might.

    If after reading this you feel like giving it a chance, it should give you entertainment for sure. In the end, some eye candy never hurt anyone.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Actually a pretty good VN, the reason it doesn't get a higher score is mainly because of the writing but we'll get there.

    So first off, the visuals are gorgeous. The girls are all attractive and distinct, and it feels like a lot of thought went into making them look the way they do. The MC is also pretty good-looking, though a bit bland. Animations are decent, not super fluid but clearly custom.

    The sound is pretty bog-standard--a set of different songs for general use depending on the situation--not unique but not bad. I remember some sound effects like knocking and such but nothing remarkable.

    Now for the writing. It's very barebones--the characters don't feel like real people but rather actors that are there to play their roles in the story, and the pacing is super fast with no downtime or characterization moments. It's not exactly bad writing, but it's missing something. There's also some plot contrivances and some grammatical errors, but it's pretty minor stuff compared to that seeming lack of immersion. Still, at least it's not boring. Just didn't pull me in or sell me on the world at all.

    None of the flaws I mentioned are deal-breakers for me, to the point that I was considering giving it 4 stars instead of 3 (if I was able to I'd give this game a 3.5) but as it still has plenty to improve on so the 3 seems fair.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2986322

    10/10 of a game.
    The girls look beautiful and hot, in particular the mom.
    the setting is great
    The dialogue feels natural
    I hope this game will have a lot of sex scenes. I will follow it for now, good luck dev
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is incredibly good, the rendering and the models themselves are really beautiful, the story is also really good, and I love the title music. I hope the game will continue to be developed for a long time.
    Likes: hyfka
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    There isnt too much content yet in the 0.2 version but so far it looks like another good game. I already enjoyed through spacetime and this promises to be another great game. The looks are pretty good, the women look quite beautiful, some tits might be a little too big for my taste, but overall it looks great. The storyline also stores quite some potential with the supernatural world, special powers and all that. It isnt clear so far what powers the MC has and how everything works but i think its great that you get to know more and more as the story progresses. It feels like its going quite fast, espacially at the start, but i cant really tell why it just feels like it has quite a fast pace but that might change as the game will go on. There are some grammatical errors espacially in the beginning, some words missing which made it a little weird to read so maybe a proofreader would be good, but thats just minor inconveniences.
    I can really recommend this game, give it a chance and try, it looks like it will be a lot of fun to play and im looking forward to the next updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice renders , great teasing, and an excellent start. All models look different from each other with different proportions and they do have unique characters. The premise in the modern setting seems believable. Definitely recommended.