Unreal Engine - Adult Escape From Zombie U [v2024-10-15] [mayorto]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of negatives more than there is positive for the game. The animation is great, but it needs to be put in the oven a bit more.

    1. The hitbox is absolute jank. The biggest upset is that the crawlers and dogs could grapple you when you are jumping (you can avoid the eel zombie by jumping, why not them?)
    2. Gameplay is really boring and too stretched out. Add point 1 to the mix, and it becomes frustrating.
    3. To gain the gallery, you need to reach the end, which consist about 5~6 stages. You fail, you start all over. I don't have problems with "perma-death", but point 1 and 2 makes it annoying.
    4. Each zombie type have multiple animation, but the gallery only shows you one animation for every zombie type. It cannot be chosen, it's not randomized. It is fixed to 1.
    5. Button mashing A and D to struggle out of the grapple is TOO HARD. The progress bar is really slow, if you want to have a guaranteed chance of struggling out, you need to use both hands. you won't even get horny enough to play with one hand anyways.

    Unless you have plenty of time to kill, avoid the game for now.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The animations are incredibly well done. I l love every frame of them. Combat could use a bit of work but it is okay-ish. I love the emphasis on the pantyshots when she attacks.
    I sincerely hope the rest of the characters are as well done as her.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    After some not so fun versions of the game, now it's starting to look a lot better. The game, right now (version 2024-10-15), has decent amount of scenes, all very well made, reminiscent of the old flash games, but high quality flash games. The gameplay is kinda infuriating: a simple 2d sidescroller, but with random everything generation, making some runs actually impossible. I hope they add a better generation and more enemies. Finally, the ending is worth the madness of the gameplay: it's...shocking, but in a good way. I didn't expect it!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The animations are fantastic, but that's the only good part about this game.
    When it comes to raw gameplay this game is downright terrible and not worth playing.
    The whole game is about getting knocked down slowing you down and countering those knock downs. Simple enough. The problem is the animations are slow and sluggish and the enemies attack in such ways that you are stuck in an endless loop until they are all dead.
    I eventually turned the difficulty to casual and set a macro to button mash out of grabs for me, but the final level was so cheap that even then I couldn't win without being very lucky. The dogs are by far the worst enemies because once they knock you down you are stuck in 3 straight loops and can't do anything about it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    So, this used to have a good thing going on with the chalk-throwing bit, but now it's strictly a side-scroller, and a frustrating one at that. Early on it's just your typical side-scrolling 'escape from the thing chasing you on the left while avoiding the monsters on your right' type H-game, but then comes the introduction of low enemies, where the game starts to become frustrating; the first ones you encounter move fairly fast, and the only way to hit them is to crouch, but the low-attack animation has an almost ridiculous windup time, paired with the fact that there's also a slight windup to crouch as well. This leads to extremely frustrating scenarios; even if you manage to shake free, you have very little time to crouch and attack immediately after, and if you're even a smidge too slow, you're just going to have to mash A and D again to break free, which ALSO has a long windup time. This will happen MULTIPLE times in a row, and backing up to create some distance is not an option. There's also the fact that pressing S and D simultaneously will make your character roll, which will result into, more often than not, rolling into enemies, rather than just stopping in place to attack low.

    At the very least, the art looks amazing, but the mechanics themselves feel absolutely janky.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is okay, gameplay is boring and very repetative but scenes are very nice. I hope to see new enemies, a bigger dogs for example. I dont like planned heroines look except tall girl, she looks different and fresh
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice and smooth animation, some bs moments here and there and oh god it absolutely needs a volume slider for the music.
    Other than that it's aight, reminds me of the old side scrolling flashgames by koooonsoft.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game animated of platform scape that i try ever, you should try and support it for more girls, i want moreeeeeee.
    Another thing, they should optimize the game a bit . It may not run on all PCs and even more so if it's a toaster.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    It's not worth evaluating, but I'm writing this because I'm so angry that I'm going crazy. The developer didn't consider the gameplay at all, and the poor gamers just have to hope for less idiotic dogs and black octopuses. There's not even a save in the middle. I'll have to look for it until the all-clear file comes out. I don't even think about it
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    1. Original storyline: -The developers have added not only standard survival mechanics but also unconventional tasks and comedic moments, making the game less predictable.
    2. Graphics: -Despite being a mid-budget project, the visual style is well-executed, with atmospheric and detailed locations.
    3. Soundtrack: -The music effectively sets the mood and heightens tension at the right moments.

    1. Repetitive enemies: -The variety of zombies could have been better, as some enemy models are overly repetitive.
    2. **Clunky controls: -At times, the controls feel awkward, making interactions with the environment more difficult.
    3. . Lack of replayability: -After the first playthrough, players are unlikely to return, as the primary appeal lies in the story rather than the gameplay mechanics.

    “Adult Escape From Zombie U” is a decent game for those looking for a few evenings of entertainment with a dose of dark humor and zombie-themed action. While it has its flaws, it may appeal to those who enjoy a non-standard approach to the survival genre. However, if you’re looking for a game with a deep story or serious mechanics, it might not meet your expectations.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    you guys remember the meet and fuck series? those godawful flash games from ages and ages ago?
    now imagine if someone took that entire concept, and made it a like Max the Elf or Witch Girl but bad and stinky

    that's this game, ridiculous proportions, strange facial features, and all the stuff that comes with MnF, but with none of the benefits/quality of the other games i mentioned.

    tldr: if you like meet n fuck games, and can stand that artstyle, this game'll probably be fun and arguably fappable, but it's not for me
    Likes: LDV
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep going like this, that's the way. You captured the idea of the game right away, you put a 3D scenario in it, you drew better than before, the truth is that I like how the content creator is growing. Thanks for continuing to do it.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Great concept but, gameplay isn't the best. This game, "Adult Escape From Zombie u" love the name by the way, has great animation during gameplay. Unfortunately the actual sex scenes drop in quality compared to the other animations.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I wish the game part of this game was better.
    The animations are fantastic, the sound effects are serviceable and the art style is pretty good. The only real downside is the godawful gameplay. Both the pc and enemies have hitboxes that make no sense, attacking animations take way to long and the qte to escape from grabs will break your fingers by the 4th level.
    The best games moved on from button mashing qte's years ago and this game is a perfect representation of why.
    Just look for the gallery file in the comments and save yourself the massive headache (and finger ache) this game will give you.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Unplayable trash. Animations are horribly slow, enemies are just walls of hitboxes meaning that you can't jump over them or roll under. Attacks work like trash, sometimes you hit, sometimes game just doesn't register a hit even though it should've. Dogs are completely broken: if that bitch jumps on you and you throw it off (by mashing A and D) your character literally CAN'T DO ANYTHING and gets grabbed by same dog again and again because fucking developer didn't give character invulnerability frames for next several seconds after trowing enemy off. Traps are broken: when you roll over it you're immediately faced with enemy and just don't have enough time to do anything.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    It is definitely deserving of poor. I've had my fair share of poorly designed H games, Syahata's Bad Day also has great aniamtion and absolutely godawful annoying enemies.
    This game suffers from the same issues, later stages just become frustrating from how slow your animations are, the game sometimes requires very precise controls but your character is not precise at all, for example having a trap that requires you to roll and then another one that requires you to jump just next to each other with no gap in between, that means you are guaranteed to be locked into an animation and have to r*pe, yesI really mean R*PE your A and D keys.
    Enemies that crawl like dogs and those tentacles are also annoying, they often move faster than you can hit andif you want to progress you have to often stand in one place and wait for enemies to come closer
    It's just one annoying thing on top of another that just ends in a terrible experience
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    As far as great art and animations so crappy gameplay design and balance.

    Your attack animations are so slow that you simply don't have time to do anything. For example, if you get out of the dog H animation, you just push the dog away, but since the dog has a faster attack animation than you, it will 100% jump on you and it will be back to the H animation again.

    So the only thing you have to do is take your time and let the dog finish the scene or you're in a one-minute stunlock. Because every time you drop a dog with your resisting, you give the dog one hit, and it needs 4-6 hits. The enemies here have a huge amount of health for some reason.
    Ah yes, to resist you need to press A & D quickly but the bar fills up very hard and slowly. Why?
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    gets too much hate for what it is. It is a bit buggy and some of the monsters are unforgiving but can be beat with some patience and timing. Animations are good but voice acting is horrendous and some facials expressions look off. Overall, game has a lot of potential and I'm giving it 5 stars to balance out the other reviews but I would say in reality in its current state it is a 4/5 or 3.5/5 with more than enough potential to go higher in consideration that the devs don't slack and I am very interested in its further development.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This is pretty good but short. As a connoisseur of these kind of games, this was a surprisingly good experience.

    Animation: 9/10 decently made animations with great visual clarity. Great variety. Just very few polishing lacking from now and then, otherwise the style is what it is. They are somewhat short because of balance, but you unlock gallery for beating the game and are very enjoyable

    Gameplay: 8/10 good and methodic combat. You can mindlessly defeat enemies to progress, however, you can also save time by rolling pass them if you knock them down. This is somewhat RPC because there might be more enemies behind them and they can catch you, and very important in later levels when difficulty ramps up. Cons: jumping can janky but it works. Struggling out is a bit too hard.

    Sound: 6/10 sex sounds are okay but the voices could be better, and not personally a fan of the music.

    Stability: 10/10 had no problems, bugs or crashes if anything.

    Biggest con of the game is that there are options lacking, unless I just didn't find them. For example, sound vs music volume, gameplay settings like disableing the horde so you can take your time (although this way you can't lose because there's no protagonist health bar or anything). I couldn't find a way to remove complimentary enemies from the gallery. I had to go back to main menu to reenter gallery to fully reset it but this is really a nitpick.
  20. 1.00 star(s)



    Let me ask you something, if you are reading this.

    How does an Unreal Engine game fail to a Flash Player game?

    Think about that. Go look up Koooooon(forgot number of os) Soft games. Most of them overshadow this project and guess what, this game plays like a Koooooon Soft game, but feels worse mechanically.

    Just sit there and think about that.

    This sexual version of the game is just bad. Some of the sex animations are clunky and just silly and a lot of the team up ones are reused. Like, there isn't anything new of what the second enemy will do if you saw its grab, it will just do the same oral or whatever pose as it did before with another enemy grab.

    The only thing this has is a sex up teacher character and even that isn't enough to carry this game.