Ren'Py - Adventurer Trainer [v0.2.0a] [PastryIRL]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are a Konosuba fan, this is the game for you! Sure, it's a nsfw game, but more importantly it manages to simulate the laid back atmosphere of the Konosuba world quite well. You can see poeple who cared made this.

    Artstyle: Very nice
    Humor: Yes
    Combat: Charming 8bit style 4 people dungeon crawling. All the members of the gang can participate and their quirks are neatly build into the system (fe. Darkness having 0 chance to hit whatsoever but makes for a good tank)
    Music: Mirrors the shows vibe, very impressive for a fan project
    Events: sexy

    So basically it's like spending a few weeks in the Konosuba world, if that world was also R rated. I like it!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    14 days and game over. it really has a harem and sandbox tag.
    I like the animations but you should put that after 14 days game over.
    I liked the game but it seems to me that you can't put a sandbox label on a game with a 14 day time limit.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5144788

    Adventurer Trainer
    Version: 0.1.5a
    Type: Sandbox - VN feel
    Content: Medium
    Pacing: Steady
    Plot line: Main Charm of The Game - Konosuba Adventurer Life -> Adventure + Team + Trouble + H
    Setting: Well, Konosuba...

    Character Models: Really Good
    Personalities: Nicely Recreated

    Music: Decent but we got another SFX guru
    Animation: Really good but usually lacks a bit of length and variation

    Thoughts: Much better than expected. No Grindfest.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Compared to the other Koikatsu ren'py games on here, the quality of this game is on another level. The combat is a simplified version of Persona's and the rest of the game is like a lot of other dating sim games. Simply spend time with characters to earn affection and complete their events to progress. What Adventurer Trainer does better than other games is an in-game walkthrough that shows the exact conditions needed to progress and there isn't a grind involved in the game at all. Earning money is easy, you don't need to spam a event repeatedly to earn enough affection for a character, and the game clearly guides you to where you need to go next.

    I have zero complaints about the game in its current state. There isn't a ton of H-scenes currently so you might want to wait before playing if you want a game with a lot of content. I'm definitely looking forward to playing this game again after some more updates.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I've never written a review before, so sorry if this is a bit of a mess. Alright so to start off this game is really goddamn great for being a parody porn game.

    -It has great gameplay with the combat
    -All the characters actually feel like the characters from Konosuba
    -I also like how the Dev added characters from other series and really doesn't feel weird
    -The humor isn't bad which is really nice
    -And to top it off the porn is also great

    Changed my mind on my rating, this is really good game and I shouldn't dock a point for it being in development, I was just being paranoid due to other games. I can't wait to see how much more this game develops, really great job to the dev.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    WoW - that's my reaction to the first cutscene. This game even has an opening! Story is truthful to the original, scenes are alright. Im not the biggest fan of 3d models but atleast there are lots of cools scenes.

    Art 4/5
    Story 5/5
    Gameplay 4.5/5
    Fapability 5/5
    Originality 5/5 best konosuba game I've seen
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    At first I was skeptical about this game. Most of the RenPy games that use Koikatsu characters are garbage.
    But that's not the case here. You can see that the author really enjoys what he's creating.
    The elaboration of the characters, the world, the battles, and the OPENING! When was the last time you saw a cool opening line in an amateur game? Great soundtrack, fun battles, dynamic character graphics, and nice H-scenes.
    There's not a lot of content yet, but that's okay since the game is just starting to gain momentum.

    Of the minuses, I can note that people who are far from the Konosuba universe will not understand some of the things that happen.
    Also, I understand that some moments and characters will not be added to the game (due to the fact that the author distributes the game through Patreon).

    But it's still a great game and I wish the developer continued prosperity!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Whereas early versions of this game didn't seem like anything special, only after this recent update is it clear that this dev has real passion and is turning this game into something that we can all look forward to. They are right to be proud of the re-writes, and the decision to just make the main character Kazuma was a good one. I hope they keep revisiting old scenes, and improving the writing every so often, because quality is usually better than quantity in this case. Most people forget that any first draft is far from perfect, and that a lot of editing is required to make a compelling script.

    The characters are incredibly true to the show, and I appreciate the references to ReZero and Gabrial Dropout too. The combat system is actually fun, and with fantastic artwork. The only downside is that the story is still lacking in content, but I fully believe that's going to change in the future. It's still got a long ways to go, but this is steadily becoming the ultimate konosuba H-game that everyone wants and dreams of. I advise anyone interested to check this game out, and support the dev if you can.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy 5 stars. Great humor and writing. Fantastic scenes and the author seems to have a very good knowledge of the anime world and characters. The only downside I could think of is the fact that this game is in its early stages. I will definitely support this game in the future (When I am not broke)
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    My original review was kind of harsh. It's not really to my tastes having Kazuma replaced by a creep. It feels like something is missing from the humour of the original.
    This is pretty high effort though, good luck to the dev.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Played through all of this last night. As a huge fan of Konosuba, I think PastryIRL did a fantastic job of capturing the personalities of all the characters. Maaaaaaybe the first few scenes with Aqua felt a bit rushed/out-of-character, but also, meh. Would probably put this at a 4.5/5 but I'll round up

    Keep it up Pastry!
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Old Fart Having Fun

    The creator made an opening movie for this game. I repeat, they made an opening movie, and it fucking slaps. The fighting gameplay is mediocre at best, but the rest of the game mechanics seem quite solid. The visuals are KK, but are actually really solid models with quality renders that stand out from most generic KK models.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Played till the latest version and I like this very much. The humor and scenes are very well done. The characters are designed beautifully too. The combat is little grindy but fun. The story is good too. And hats off to the Dev for making this gem. A must play even if you haven't watched Konosuba. Good luck with the future updates.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    For 0.1.2a

    I hope this doesn't come off as some rude insult or anything. Just putting this at the top. Also, this review will be all over the place with structure.

    I think it's ok and has potential, but from what I've played of it now, it's not too fun. A whole lot of clicking and not a whole lot of anything else. There aren't many options you really have for things so it's pretty linear. You can choose if you want to pursue a girl or turn her down, but the whole point is to pursue them so it's a bit of a hollow choice.

    I am up-to-date on the manga, but I haven't read the LN. The game either brings in characters from the LN or just makes some up like Gabriel, Rin, and that blonde noble(who clearly has red/orange hair). I'm not saying it's bad or anything, but I just don't know these characters

    Battles are fun mechanically, but are limited due to the strict nature of Megumin and Darkness. Darkness is only good for baiting enemies. There seems to be no point in her even having any other options. Megumin's attack is too weak to even really do much else. I use her to stun enemies once in a while, but other than that all she has is her explosion. I get that it's trying to stay true to the characters, but I'm not sure that translates too well into a game unless you can swap party members. You're really only working with Kazuma and Aqua. The others are pretty much just going to be doing the same stuff each turn of every battle. I'm really not sure what can be done to add some spice to the battles so they aren't so samey other than adding other party members and finding a way to give those two some other abilities. On a small sidenote, something needs to be fixed with the battles. The tutorial says you can't back out of them and you should save beforehand and that's fine and you should do that, but sometimes you get dragged into a battle without even knowing it's a battle. For example, I did the event thing with Megumin and I was expecting a normal text based thing and saw no hints of battle stuff, but then I got carried to the battle segment. I didn't lose, but I can see it potentially being a problem to someone who is not great with battles and wasn't prepared. Should find some way to autosave, autosave before battle segments, or find some way to alert the player that a battlesegment will start up if they select an option.

    I'm not sure where this would fit in with this review, but I ran into a few instances that seemed out of order/place and I don't know if that's a bug or not. First being that Rin girl. I was with Chris and then the protag named her as if he knew her, but I don't recall ever seeing her before so I feel like there was some scripted event I missed out on that introduces her. Same kind of thing happened when I was with Yunyun and trying to get signatures. First house was some redhead who the protag just slams the door in her face and says we don't need to talk with her....but I have no idea who she is. I never saw her in the game, manga, or anime. Either she was introduced in some event I never saw or she's from the LN. I have no idea.

    The story is honestly not great in my opinion. I think it just should have been Kazuma, not some random avatar who swapped bodies. The story seems to be trying to recreate as many manga/anime scenes into the game as it can, but at that point why not just make the whole story a retelling of the anime/manga and shove h-stuff into the story as it develops? That'd likely keep it linear, but at least it wouldn't be a copy. It kind of feels like it's The Force Awakens where it's pulling a lot from A New Hope, but trying not to be obvious about it. Seriously, I think it'd be a lot better if it was just following the original story with some H-stuff tossed in. If you want to include some extra story bits from this, just have it so Gabriel comes to him in a dream early on in his adventure-days and tries to spice up his life more for her own entertainment

    I know the rules say I'm not supposed to mention other games as it starts to cross into some advertisement grounds so I'll refrain from mentioning a game I think it should take some lessons from(though it kind of seems like it's trying to mimic the mannerisms of the protag). If I can name the game and talk about it in a constructive way, is that allowed?

    The dialogue for the protag seems iffy to me. It's like he's Kazuma, but also not Kazuma, but also trying to be like Kazuma, but also trying to be like the aforementioned protag from another game I can't mention. The jokes he makes are very similar in nature to that protag of that game, but the reason it worked with them was because it felt more natural, relaxed, and the situations were a bit more comical. I guess it might be fixed by trying to make the protag more humorous in general rather than sprinkling it in here and there. He seems to jump from jokey to non-jokey too often. Maybe try to make him slip in little quips more often and be more playful. Otherwise he just seems like a clone of Kazuma with very slight differences. Again, I really think it should just be Kazuma.

    H-Scenes are, from what I've seen, not great. They're very limited and not very "intimate". I haven't unlocked them all, but I already got both of Megu's and a few others and most seem like generic basic touching. There's potential for more, but I'm reviewing the current version here. It definitely needs some more serious H-scenes.

    I'm not usually for 3D models, but these aren't bad. Only thing I'd really change is making Darkness' breasts slightly bigger, changing Aqua's hair to be a bit paler(it's far too blue), change Aqua's face a bit(something about it doesn't really seem right), and change that noble woman's hair to actually be blonde like Yunyun described her.

    I feel like there should be more things for you to do. I don't really know what and I know that isn't too helpful, but it just feels like the main map needs more in it. Pretty much all you can do is talk at home, do a quest, do a job(which seems like a bad option imo), wander, or visit the succubus bar. Maybe add some more stuff to the town that isn't just continuous clicking followed by a time of day shift. Maybe toss in some lite minigames. Something else to put money into. Definitely needs some stuff to do at the mansion as it's just text boxes of who's room you want to knock on. Should definitely add actual rooms that you can visit and do various things and potentially have random encounters. Like, go to the bathroom and take a bath to give you some boost in battles for a day and have a random encounter with one character who wants to do an H-Scene.

    The general gameplay seems very bare bones and more like a powerpoint than an H-game. It seems like it's trying to add some RPG battle stuff to it, but that's really the only "game" aspect of it and it's too bare bones to really be fun for long. It could really use a bit more depth in some areas I mentioned above. I'd be happy to help brainstorm some ideas if you care about this review or what I have to say. I hope you don't take this as an insult. It's meant to be constructive. I see a lot of potential and would like to come back to this when there's more content to it. I hope this review follows the review guideline enough
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.1.2a
    This is a really nice game parody of that famous anime, it looked good at first and instead it’s fricking great!
    The renders, models and arts really bring this game alive, it’s so colorful that it seems taken straight out of Konosuba’s world!
    In fact is one of the prettiest parodies around here.
    The story takes a turn from the original, the protagonist isn’t the chad Kazuma, instead the mc is a guy who switches bodies with Kazuma for a new life, in a way that feels really natural (Of course Kazuma would want a NEET life and us an adventurous life).
    The writing is pretty good, in fact some lines seem taken out from Konosuba, therefore it still feels natural and characters are well made and believable.
    For the gameplay it’s a sandbox where you can do pretty much what you want, there is even an RPG system which I really enjoyed especially the pixel art.
    Also I love that you can have the option with a girl to start a relationship and it does not force it.
    Cons are few, the game is still recent and has not a lot of content and the rpg side even if enjoyable has some problems like Aqua deals more damage with a stick instead of her magic and other little problems like that, but I am sure the developer will fix them since he seems reliable.
    I wonder how the next updates will go and the story evolve, for now I recommend this, it’s really fun
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for 0.1.2a

    So far this game is absolutely great.

    The story is as expected and pretty well written and the characters are accurate as well.

    The graphics are very good.

    It already has a good amount of content with a pretty nice amount of variety, I really hope they continue using the unique elements of the characters for the scenes.

    The combat isn't bad and you can cheat gold and buy infinite potions. I did find the third fight become a bit too challenging. You only have to beat it once, so it's not grindy, but you do have to pay attention and if you're not prepared, you can lose. Losing doesn't cost you anything though, just time.

    Overall I really just want more of the same, make sure the combat doesn't become to hard (or have a way to cheat it), keep the variety/personality going, don't become another basic sex simulator and this game should turn out to be a 5/5.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Very impressive what you have done with the renpy engine, I did not even know it was capable of emulating an battle system like that (good source to draw from btw) only complaint I have is that the koi models you're using are very good, but there are so many out there that are damn near perfect. I imagine that there would probably be issues with the authors of those cards but maybe you could ask them for tips. Also dunno if this is just because it's like a teaser but damn Aqua's movin fast. Anyways 10/10 finally got a lewd Konosuba game and it's actually really good, like aside from lewd good.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is excellent, I don't mind the combat because it's actually fun and not too repetitive. The combat elements is also very fitting to the story and characters (i.e. Darkness doesn't dodge and Megumin's 1-shot explosion). The combat to story progression is fair and you don't really have to grind EXP unless you want an easier time or have bad RNG.

    I enjoy reading the story and never find myself skipping anything, there is no tiresome monologues or fluff. The writing has similar pacing to the light novel, it's quick to the point and has good prose. I'm hoping eventually the story progress pass the anime and start taking inspiration from the light novels because there is a lot of interesting characters like Yuiyui, Sylvia, Komekko, and Iris.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly true to the show. Most h games, even parody ones, fail with poor written characters, or unlikeable, one dimensional characters. A great advantage of making a konosuba parody is that you have a great template to work from that lends itself so natural to an h game that I think that the characters were actually inspired from h games and this culture to begin with. As a result, the scenes and interactions fit naturally into the world of the show, if they aren't exact extensions of scenes that already exist in the show anyways.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Funny, well written and sexy. What more could you ask for?

    Great characters! The writing is really fantastic and I'm loving every second of it! There's an alcoholic priestess, a masochist paladin and a min/maxed sorceress so into her spec that she can only do 1 spell, after which she instantly passes out. It's a powerful spell though, and she will tell you. :)

    It's a bit short at the moment, but everything about this just screams quality. There are a ton of funny moments, and a lot of sexy ones too.

    Combat is decent, and not too overbearing.

    This is now at the top of my list of games I'm eagerly awaiting updates for!

    If you don't mind playing a shorter introduction rather than a full game you should definitely give this one a try! Warmly recommended!