Seeking Advice for hardcore games


Mar 19, 2020
Hi guys. I am not looking for a specific game but for a general type of game that always felt rare to me. So I am not sure if this goes here... sorry if I am making a mistake.

I am looking for arcade style games. When I was a teen I used to find some of those in newgrounds. Games where you had to fuck as much as possible in a specific amount of time, or do it before getting caught. I remember one sidescroller where you had to keep the parents distracted while the priests had sex with as many kids as possible (pretty fucked up, that game was probably kicked to oblivion since I never found it again... and I tried). You know what I am talking? Games with real gameplay and some depth but action oriented and not this metroidvania where you have sex when lose or something like that. Games that are really fun to play for 5 minutes where sex is like the general theme, not some kind of deep goal.

Games like haunted hump house (newgrounds again)... maybe with some more content or better quality

Arcade porn style I think.

Maybe you guys can give me some recommendations? Because I am only finding crap by myself T.T ...