HTML - Completed - Africa Unexplored [Final] [Erik Van Reiker]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The concept is very good, the fight scenes are fun and the sex scenes too but the writing is just ok and the game is very short and seems incomplete, becoming just mid (promising but mid). I think a 4/10 is fair.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Game looked pretty good on paper, but it's totally not what it tells it is. By seeing this games description, images, title etc. you may think it has some sort of "porn" racism, race domination or at least harder race-play, it has almost none of it. Story is pretty rubbish, overall setting is pretty weird. The is no "cum inside" decisions, no dirty talk between actors during their sex scene, and mostly no story arc (even smallest) that leads to actual fucking most of the time, girls are already totally into you, and sure i don't mind it, i don't even mind them being easy to bang, but not all of them because it simply shows laziness and world is not convincing. Most of the time you simply see black screens filled with white text walls, full of non-needed information and after a while you simply skip the story.

    Author is also lying, this game is nothing like Breeders Heaven Reception or Adam & Gaia, this game is just very basic, "chose your own adventure" made in twine, it's so basic i could actually make similar game and probably way more people just by like 2 hours of learning how to use twine and sugar cube. That isn't like the worst thing overall, since not everybody needs to be excellent programmer, but if you already are using real porn, and twine as your game basis, then at least present some half decent story, and especially compelling sex scenes, most of sex scenes in this game are only basic gifs/ mp4 files with almost no background during those scenes, and that makes them a very shallow.

    The only good thing about this game is that it picked a nice fetish, but thats all.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Who ever made this was way more interested in writing about fighting then anything to do with porn, the porn parts seam to be an after thought at best. It is quite short with a needless part about how the main guy is actually possessed by his distant decedent. My biggest problem is that there is no real end it just sort of stops.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the models. The fight scene is weirdly epic. The writing isn’t half bad to be honest. It’s short and simple. At first Wasn’t really into this white man black woman but it’s not bad. Overall I really enjoyed it.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Contrary to my actual opinion of this game, I have now tested it because someone recommended it to me as an alternative to "Rated R Wrestling" or "FCR - Fight Club Reborn".

    In short, the whole setting is rubbish.
    The protagonist is a demigod, the developer completely unable to follow a clear structure and the gameplay so far is not discovery but only arena fight, fuck, arena fight, fuck, repeat, because no orderly conclusion takes place.

    The "chapters" are a bad joke and sometimes contain only 5 three-lines, which would have fit on one page, since you can only click "next".

    What is wrong in detail?
    At 12, the character living in Amsterdam thrashed an 18-year-old Biff. Breaks several fingers or threatens to break his neck.
    He reads several biographies over a four-week period of house arrest, he studies two degrees in Harvard (USA) and at the same time becomes European youth boxing champion in Europe.
    He spends 5 years in London and travels to several Eastern European countries until he travels to Africa at the age of 25 (by the way, not a word about his stay in America).

    The following chapter - 200 years later - would make the use of the pictures shown in the screenshots understandable. But honestly, what is this chapter all about? This has nothing to do with the first section and the following story. You land in Africa in 1794 and may be annoyed by the selection of pictures, the "door open, woman I want to fuck, oh yes, Lord" dialogues and more.

    This game immediately flew off the record and after this review, the game will be ignored by me.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The 2* rating is basing against other games on here.

    But as the Dev states its his first game and with a very short Dev window, if you take that into account its not bad.

    ~15 minutes of game play if you skim read.
    There is a lack of cohesiveness to some of the decision trees, but you can reverse out of all decisions with ease and go down a different path.

    Its very easy to complete and see all the content

    UI is just base Twine

    Videos are a bit small

    But at the end of the day it works and its a competent first attempt. Compared to most other first attempts its probably worth a 4*'s

    But the lack of content, design and interactions means you should really give this one a miss.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous girls. I wish more vn's had ebony characters. The game files list most of the girls stage names for those interested in finding more online. The story is however cringe worthy. With the dev repeatedly presenting himself in selfaggrandizing terms. And I got the same slightly racist vibe that I get seeing BBC in most game stories. Instead of black man "defilement" of white female, here it's feels like great white male domination of black women. Degradation and domination themes are fine. But, when combined with ethnicity esp. African, it comes accross to me as primitive and latently racist. Most of the games that strike me this way are from European devs. Different social context from mine(American).