Review of AFTERGLOW Version 0.2.0c (!Updated March 14 2021)
{!= Indicates Updates, += Rating Improved, -=Rating Decreased}
Story[5star]: Despite what your personal tastes are for this "Genre" of Visual Novel, prologue and character development should be things you look out for when it comes to story. As most of us VN connoisseurs know, they don't always follow the atypical structure of say a Novel or Film, but we certainly look for at least a Conflict/Resolution basis. In lieu of slaying some dragon to win the princess, we often find subtle and less grandiose obstacles, like getting her to do anal or being open to a 3some. Regardless, we will be looking for these key focal points in the plot, as we get beyond this prologue. That being said, I was able to ultimately give this 5star, because of the slow pacing; which allowed me to gauge what to expect in the future as far as depth and commitment to character and world building. Not only does this pace give me the hope that we'll have a long adventure ahead of us, but it says the Devs understand delayed gratification and appreciate a slow cooked meal. !I will summarize both current and previous updates, as I skipped one. As we delve deeper into the interpersonal connections between the MC and his potential love interests (as well as female to female, surprisingly enough) it becomes quite clear that these Devs, the Writer in particular, seems to double down on their approach and hasn't caved into the unwarranted critiques about lack of GONZO, for lack of a better term. While they did offer a consolation of sorts, with an extremely spicy dream sequence, the fact that it didn't happen literally not only acts as clever loop-hole device, but also serves as an Hors D'oeuvres (appetizer) to appease those salivating, at least momentarily. The progress has seemed to indicate a potential Harem in the brewing (albeit a small one) and should give fans options, while still retaining it's original vision's mission statement, and former namesake. This story can never drop below 5 star.
Originality[5star]: This is where I would give 6stars+ if possible, as there is nothing else like it around. Not only has the Lead Designer created an original art style; combining 3D with an almost 2D expression palette, but has designed such a great leading character in Meg(an) that most of us can agree, we feel that she is gonna be iconic, at least within this niche sub-genre of gaming. !The computer as a revelation device, has been done in this genre, but it's also timely, no one will (or should) fault PCs and Phones as props anymore, this is where we are. What IS pretty novel, and what keeps the Originality of this title high and separate from the pack is the psychology involved. No, not just the oohhh scary suspense thriller trope other VNs have thrown in for edgy factor; I'm talking about real Psychology topics, like the Oedipus Complex that comes with the MC's inner turmoil, as he's come to see his Landlady as almost literally a "Mother" figure. These kinds of thought provoking issues that are done in such a thought-out way really clash with the almost cartoony aesthetic presented, but that contrast pushes it even further if you ask this reviewer.
Renders[5star]: Unlike most RenPy games, the uniquely modified Unity engine allows for some dynamic things we barely see like screen transitions and other small quality of life effects like gentle wind across tall grass, or falling granules of pollen. The use of "Rack Focus" is also very well done here, not overused, but noticeable, and adds a cinematic flair to the presentation. And lastly I would like to point out the variation in Character CG over BGs; while a lot of 3D models fall into the trap of subtle variations not being "Read" very clearly, the poses and other small shifts make each expression distinguishable from the next. !The artist has been playing with some color schemes to indicate dream sequences or other changes in perspective, motion lines, better/more use of Rack Focus, as well as varying camera angles to avoid the stock "Waist Shot" that plagues the Japanese VN template. All show signs of trying to keep the viewer engaged visually, to enhance the engrossing story. But who are we kidding: most fans here lean on the visuals first.
Performance[4star]: The UI, being custom built, is very unique and refreshing. The Programmer chose to remain slick, lean, and allows more Art to show forth, staying close to the edges and out of the way for the most part. The transitions are above and beyond what similar games even allow. The world map is pretty intuitive and simple, but navigates as intended. !I don't expect this rating to shift much, as is the nature of Unity, but I will be looking for the QOL and other improvements that sound like are in the works.
!Version A was unplayable after a certain point. Version B was uploaded in a few short hours, and C within 24 hours of the update. C made everything working as intended, and this is a review of version C, so I have to give it up for the team's Coder for the dedicated quick-fix. +3 points for that, but it would have been a 1star Bug review if this were version A, as I would give any un-progressible Update. So staying with a 4star. Still waiting for that flawless update I know they have in them.
Grammar[5star]: As someone who is familiar with many forms of media translations, what I've found in a lot of these Lewd VNs, especially those with non-Native English speaking creators, is the poor grammar and understanding of the language. This game is clearly written by English speaking authors, who take their job seriously. !There was a lot of dialogue across 2 updates, nothing stood out which is great. It'll be pretty simple to drop a star when I come across anything that slipped by the proof-reading, but until then this can coast at 5. Up there with another author I can't mention.
Amount of Content[4star]: !The previous update was rather large, but this one was one of the smaller ones, so they almost cancel each other out. But I have to review the current so I'll drop this one a star. -1
Sound(NEW Category!) [1Star]: !I had already planned on adding this category to my review, because I felt they've had enough time to implement some form of sound by now, and to my surprise they just did in this very update. All that was added was a Foley track (ambient bg noises) but it's a start. Not much else, and for now it actually makes the experience worse (or it would have been 2 stars), but for every new additional component of sound added, I can start to add more stars. I can understand them not wanting to rush the Music, as so many of these VNs share the same tracks, so I look forward to see what their patience yields.
Voice Acting/*Animations: N/A
*While no Animated scenes are included yet, the Creator's background in Animation, and animation loops previewed in other sources leaves the player hopeful to the potential of them included in the future.
5+5+5+4+4+5+4+1= 33 /8=4.125 Average remains 4 Stars