Ren'Py - Agent17 [v0.24.5] [HEXATAIL]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Really not much to say. One of the best games out there with a solid base system which makes sense and superb to perfect animations. Proper guide playing through and help to choose the desired paths. The only thing that I noted playing the game was the text, which can be more refined in some small interactions. The game has a good updating cycle (3-4 months) and enough content for new players. The characters unfold greatly, although the big number of characters can lead to bad development and can be a double edge sword. Hopefully, the creator will stay behind the game and see through the end and not rash things like some also great games which were abandoned (A.O.A etc.)

    P.S. Creampie scenes can be more intense and powerful
    Likes: Jarul
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    RANT INCOMING: V0.22.4
    i really wanted to like this game, but along with its development process it makes the same issues many other sandbox games make . Firstly i want to state i play these games for two reason the sex and the story. But when it comes to sandbox games so many of them add this useless grind so that people dont notice that every updates actually only adds about 10 minutes worth of content (this is an exaggeration). Very few actually manage to make a sandbox game imo that doesnt feel like a useless grind. This is not one of them. Or if its not plagued with useless grind its filled with a bunch of extra content (Stickers/Anti Cheat) with time that the developer could have used to create content for characters you havent had a new scene in 10 updates. Looking at you Erica. Not only that but this developer keeps adding new characters which dont get me wrong i appreciate the new characters, in fact the new maid that was added is amazing, but when youve got characters who havent had an update since V12. Weve got an issue. Ive personally played since v15 or 16 i believe. And i feel like characters that were there since the beginning of the story have either less or the same amount of content on characters that were added much later.

    Now with the rant out of the way.
    My honest thoughts when it comes to the story honestly like most reviews ive come to the consensus that its better to not think about it. The story and the dialogues between characters are not its strong suit infact for those who really care about the story i would just avoid this all together. I want go into specifics because in all honestly i dont really read in this game anymore. However i do understand that this game is being translated from another language so it could simply be a bad translation.

    The Art and the Scenes: now the scenes are amazing, that art is fantasic and there is imo not a single bad girl in this series. So for those who just want to fap, this is the game for you, if you dont mind a grind to get there.

    The sandbox: the Ui for the sandbox is actually not bad. Now ill be honest i talked about the grind, but a few updates ago i was able to cheat me a shit ton of money. So i dont really have to deal with it anymore. But for those that do its pretty rough imo. Ive already ranted enough about this so ill move on.

    All in all my total Rating is a 4/10, simply because when taking into account the story i cant give it a high rating. If i was just going off the sex factor id give it a 7/10.

    Things id like to see:
    Gallery, now while most scenes are repeatable not all of them, and id rather not waste my time trying to skip times, or use money to see a scene ive already seen.

    STOP ADDING NEW CHARACTERS: I already explained earlier but please for the love of god focus on characters so as Ruby, Erica, Alice, Agent 17, Amelia, Luna, Dana, JIHYE for christ sakes Girls had no content for ages now.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game need to be played with your brain turned off. Everything that happens during the game makes no sense at all.

    The characters are empty and their only role in this game is to be beautiful dolls for fucking. The main character will treat everyone like garbage, abusing them at every opportunity. And most importantly, they will either not care and will interact with him as usual, or they will enjoy it. So there is no question of any affection towards these characters.

    The main character is an absolute scumbag, I'd even say he could be in the top 5 despicable characters on this site. Not that he's evil, he's just a disgusting, petty bastard. And I mean, it's not that I'm averse to roleplaying as evil characters, on the contrary, I don't get enough of those games. But here the protagonist is just that, pathetic and disgusting.

    I gave the game 3 stars for two things. The game has very well done graphics, the characters are very beautiful and unlike many other games that use honey select, this one has hand made animations that look very decent. The interface, navigation and mini games are also done pretty well. Honestly, if the author had worked on the script, the characters and made everything so that you could really immerse yourself in it all, the game would be great. But here I can't really recommend it to those who like humiliation fetish, because the whole thing lacks characters depth, and some glimpse of realism. Since at the moment it's just a fuck-fest, where the protagonist through blackmail and other shenigans, inclines everyone to sex with him. And all the victims cannot resist it in any way. As I said, if you turn off your brain and just jerk off at the animations, then maybe it's not so bad. But honestly, I wouldn't support such work. I would rather look for animations elsewhere, and support authors who create games with well-defined characters, interactions with them and better plots.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Pros: Real good sexy scenes, animation and model. Only cons are some frame rate delay but don't affects much gameplay. Scene with Red Rose are too good to pass playing this games. Many fantasy can be fulfiled in this game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Highly recommend. I really like this game, enjoyable gameplay, the character designs are beautiful, a lot of female characters and sex scenes. I think it deserves a higher score. I'm looking forward to exploring this game further in the future.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Simp Cattu

    MC is a dick, he keeps making the worst decision in any situation. It's almost like he was lobotomized, and the few neurons left were implanted in his meat rod. Agent 17 was also hastily thrusted into the game without adequate explanation, even though she is an important part of the gameplay. But other than that, the story is slightly above average, UI is very clean and unique, the music is good and the characters are cute.

    Update: I have to say this again but the interface is very innovative. The minigames are also rather unique comparing to other VNs, and for those alone this game deserves at least 4 stars. Still, they can't salvage the failure that is the terrible story telling. The characters' dialogues are weird and they react unpredictably to the plot. My previous statement of the MC being retarded now extends to almost all characters in the game.

    - A girl can't afford $30 to save her sister, how did she pay for daily food and other utilities? I really cannot comprehend how or where she has lived until then. The MC can give her money later on a daily basis, does that mean she had to pay the fee every day, and just conveniently ran out of cash on the day that MC offered to help?
    - The "sneak into room" event with your sister, it just confirmed my theory that MC's brain has been drowned in seamen and can no longer perform basic human functionalities. I understand that this is a porn game and porn is the main focus, but my goodness the plot is so atrocious it's not even fun or quirky. Such a shame, this game really has a lot of potential with everything else being great.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable gamelay, lots and lots of content, char design is great, sex scene is awsome, but some mini-game better be just a 1 time thing,. MC kind of a dick most of the time, and a few char got left behind. Keep up the good work Hexatail
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game add girl again, nice nice! Im really love is game because play simple and have fun with grafic good performance in story's absolutely, and wait your update the best performance girl and much featured with play with girl choice option to play. thanks for update and lm ever support agent17 best game and longb the end because girl beautiful in you game, lm excited for next update
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has really great looking models. You can focus on individual paths (most of the times) without affecting other paths, and then go back to other path/s. Things become repetitive after a while, but twists and a special event make things interesting.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Vincent Valentine

    A very good game on the doorstep of my top 10... the level has become very high, but Agent17 is the standout favorite. A big favorite. I don't want to hurt the girls, even out of sexual interest, and that's the first point that bothers me. It's not about acting in a perverse way; it's about the fact that the game is incomplete, and many storylines don't offer choices. For example, with the first blonde (no spoilers), I choose to forgive her, and that's it... no further progress possible. Yet, it's open in the other path... so that really bothers me. I would have liked to play both storylines, provided that both offer development and the ability to interact with the girls regardless of the path we take. Anyway, sorry, I may not be very clear... In short, there are many good aspects, the sandbox is great, just enough possible feedback, and progress whenever you want. I've been looking for a game like this for a long time, so it's perfect. There's an atmosphere, and I love the relationship with Agent17; it's subtle because at first, it's just a phone, but little by little... once again, I find it unfortunate to have discovered the game just during its development; I would have loved the final version. Too bad.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy Moly. When I first saw the girls on the front page I was like: HOT DAMN THOSE GIRLS LOOK CUTE; LETS TRY THIS.

    So I tried aaand....
    I WASNT DISAPPOINTED. The opposite, I was so surprised about the amount of quality and amount of content even tho its v0.21.7
    The quality of art, renders, music, girls, storytelling (still in early phase but its interesting enough), choices..
    Everything is really high quality, its freaking amazing.
    AND the CHERRY on top of the ice cream.. you get to choose to go complete saint or corrupt scum path... aah, i just love that you get to choose those paths.. its just somethign different.. making you want to try out different routes for each girl..
    Crazy.. I love this game, its really good. Cant wait for more.
    I just wished one would get more fun with the blond nurse (Julia?) but being able to get BJ fun is enough (so far)

    Btw I read a lot of whining and crying for the DEV putting in anti cheat codes... Hell, deal with it guys. Its not that hard to invest A BIT of time to grind some money. If the dev wishes the players to commit a BIT of time for the hard work he/she is putting in.. hell, no one has any right to complain...
    Quick tip from me: Invest in bathtube cleaning stuff from market early, help the blue store hair girl a bit with sorting figures, donate sperm to hospital and invest in the vault gadget from the nerd girl in the library.
    As long as you dont invest your early money in lewd scenes early on, you are good to go.

    Amazing game 6/5* Peace.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a pretty great game with amazing renders... if you used the anti-cheat patch. If you didn't then prepare for a pathetically bad, time wasting grind. I accidentally used the old method, still linked on the front page at time of writing, and now my install is basically borked. Not going to waste the time downloading this again just to get around the developers pathetic attempts at padding by making you waste time.

    Even if you get past the stupid, stupid money grind there's just numerous instances where it feels like the game just doesn't respect your time. As an example:
    * Go to unlock a safe. Search room for a clue to get in.
    * Attempt to use clue. Fail at it.
    * Go talk to someone for a tip and go do it again. This process requires that you click nearly 50 times to solve.
    * Get one object. Deliberately leave an obviously important item.
    * Go to a new location and be told you can't enter without the obviously important item.
    * Go back to the safe the following day. Click 50 more times to get obvious item. Wait until night and go back.

    None of that needs to happen. It's not interesting. It's not world building. It's pointlessly wasting your time. With the developer putting a laughable amount of effort into preventing people from bypassing the money grind it makes it feel like they have very deliberately set out to waste your time and are offended at the idea that you might have other, better, things to do. Hard pass.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    At it's stage the game shows a lot of promise. There are different paths and each player can find what he seeks. The graphics are good as well (to my tastes at least). Of course there are some characters who are yet to be introduced into the playground, but it's always like this when the game is not completed. So go on DEV! Can't wait for the new updates.
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3184423

    Mediocre Story
    Amazing Models
    Good animations

    Stupid anti-cheat system that u can disable i hate when i see stupid stuff like this in a game
    The protagonist is kinda dark....
    The events are kinda buggy and sometimes they reset?(?)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Greatly executed male domination, wincest. Charachters are believable and interesting. Models are all different and beatiful with natural proportions (slightly exaggerated breast size to my taste)

    There is still room for improvement though: English version to me (a non-native) seems to be badly translated. There is also a problem with a large number of LIs, but limited content with each of them.
    Both of these problems are relatively easy to fix: 1st requires a good translator, 2nd requires more time and content

    Despite the abovementioned problems the fundamentals of the game are solid, thus 5 stars
    Likes: enm10
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I had a lot of fun with this one.

    First of all: Do apply anti-anti cheat mod as well as the Phone Mod. Makes the game a whole lot less frustrating imo. Playing it legitimately only artificially lenghtens your playtime with annoying stat/money grind etc.

    I do not agree with the anti-cheat dev policy but hey, I am not a supporter so I don't really have a say and won't have it impact my rating.

    Besides that, really cool corruption game. It's on the darker spectrum with mostly non-con content. There's also more vanilla scenes but yeah MC is mostly a bad guy. There's fewer and fewer games like that so I always like stumbling upon newer ones, especially good ones.

    Sandbox is okay. There's the classic event grind where you have to do this day 1 and come back to do that day 2 etc but nothing too tedious (once again, I recommend cheating money and points). There's a good amount of locations and girls.

    I personally really enjoyed most of the models. There's a good variety of personalities and backgrounds. Scenes are hot and the animation is good.
    Particularly fan of the little sister. Her innocence/slow corruption is extremely hot and I'm really looking forward for more!

    For futures updates, I really hope Hexatail can manage to focus on the already extensive roster and the main story rather than seasonal stories. Christmas one had very good scenes (but was grindy as shit for again no reason) but I'd have prefered a continuation of the story instead. There's plenty left to be done. :)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this is one of the best villain-lead games you can play. Admittedly, you can choose to just be kinda scummy instead of an outright villain for some of the girls, but the core premise is essentially that a horny teen with no scruples is given control of a top of the line secret agent. Using her, he leverages her abilities to bang everyone he wants, by hook or by crook.

    Part of the somewhat low rating is due to a huge influx of negative reviews when the dev started a hopeless war against cheat mods, presumably to encourage more people to sign up to patreon for cheats, which, kind of a terrible idea that clearly didn't work out.

    That said, the game is absolutely amazing with some of the best animations and non-consensual scenes you can find. Blackmail, drugs, coercion, taking advantage of innocent girls, the art is spectacular and the content impeccably degenerate. The only downside is that the minigames get painful after grinding a while, and the cheats are awkwardly implemented.

    Still, my first playthrough (without cheats) was still reasonably paced and it remains one of my favorites in terms of corruption. Could really use a gallery though.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    it's perfert game. like being a dik.
    this make me perfectly of own fantasy of sexual and desire. so wonderful. how cam he made this master piece. thanx so much hexatail!!!
    wonderful story and art.
    animation too, maybe he make all most of asisan's school time fantasy. need more updates. looking forward to completed this game. and want more ntr. need to like erik characters. so he stolen alll ladies. having huge something.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, have a good graphics, smooth animation, good story, pretty characters and i interested to NTR Girls to Principal. I hope Hexa will added more NTR to this game cause it's so good and i'll always to support this game ❤
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing gameplay experience, the character designs are pretty much 10/10! The game is kinda stingy with its in-game cash tho so the grind is not very much smooth sailing, not to mention the skip cooldown which can be frustrating sometimes.