Ren'Py - Agent17 [v0.24.8] [HEXATAIL]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Puzzle games aren't really my things but this game is pretty fun, I already got all the scenes and everything and it took me quite a long time but I wasn't bored at all the entire time

    Not many bad things to say, I just really hope there will be some good scenes with the girl in the basement same things with white hair girl (I forgot her name)

    The best of luck with your awesome game!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fresh idea, not a boring visual novel. I personally don't find the grinding that bad, but obviously if you only care about easy fuck, no progression, it will hardly be your type of game. On the other hand if you enjoy corruption, character growth, mini games and actually a pretty fresh backstory this will glue you in front of the screen for good.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I really don't get it, can't the developer just keep making new content instead of continuing to improve this fu**ng anti-cheat? all my old saves are fu**ed up. it's just a ren'py game, I don't understand all this fuss about cheats.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    In this game
    Many beautiful and cute girl, creative and funny story, good graphics, like sandbox,
    very exciting for play,
    always continue update. ...
    Hopefully in the future it will continue to get better.
    Likes: Mxiio
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    People that rate 1 star are insane. If you watch a media that you know contains things you don't like then don't fucking watch it. People be mad since the MC is a looser and an asshole but its kinda the point isn't it? The story is more of a gag in some part and actually interesting and sometimes dark in other parts.The grind isn't that bad when you have basic management skills and most of the action for the grind aren't that long to do. The girls are pretty varied and all look pretty nice. I suppose the negativity comes from the fact you don't play as Uber Chad man and your character gets beat up from time to time but again, if its not your thing just stop watching. You don't see me watching gay porn and rating 1 star because am straight .
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The game does look beautiful and it is addictive to play. I truly enjoyed it, except when things should be taking its natural conclusion.
    Here is my problem, for a game that has the anal tag it has none. NONE at all.
    In the story it says something about the anti-anal committee, I don't care I wanted six months for one anal scene that should be selectable (cafe and nothing). Multiple hours of playing hoping for something with another character and nothing.
    Gameplay: 5
    No butt stuff at all: 1
    Likes: Mxiio
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Genuinely surprised that people actually like this game, and THEY are surprised that not everyone enjoys playing as a blackmailing, rapist loser. Apparently that's "good" - in some weird universe, perhaps. I also fail to see what, precisely, isn't disgusting about this OP. He's loathsome

    That's essentially it. I attempted to play this game once upon a time. It was repetitive, the characters were boring, and some incredibly unlikeable (MC included!) and the grindy element just added to the borefest

    Evidently this hasn't changed and the MC is still as pathetic as ever. This game actually deserves 0 stars, but I suppose 1 will have to do. The loser and blackmail elements certainly make the game "special" - but absolutely NOT in a good way
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just bordering on perfection. I'm quite surprised that some people criticize the loser or blackmailer character of the protagonist, when that is precisely what makes it special and great. You have many different and varied stories and the girls are beautiful. Another plus point is the villains of the story, great, the director being a perfect final Boss(I would really love more NTR scenes like this with other students and not someone easy to defeat) Overall it's a perfect game if you like this theme.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This plan is great

    The female characters are all pretty, so NTR can be avoided

    The male protagonist is a bit evil, but not inhumane or disgusting

    It is closer to the participation of ordinary players

    But it requires a plan and all routes need to be developed at the same time

    If you focus on a certain route, it is easy to lose money or get stuck in the plot

    Just keep a relaxed and humorous attitude throughout the process.
    Likes: Mxiio
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the first games I played, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    The ladies are some of the best looking in all the games I've seen. Very well done in terms of audio and gameplay. The new level systems in play are tedious if compared to previous versions, but playing the game doesn't feel clunky at all.

    Unfortunately, I finished the game in a few sittings, so I'm a little sad. Need to catch up on some work now

    Likes: Mxiio
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Kinky Boi

    Most pathetic MC I have ever seen, even girls looks beautiful incredibly beautiful, game is literally trash, I just hate grind, i don't hate sandbox at all many of my fav game have sandbox mode, but in this game there's nothing but just grind I wouldn't even mind bit of grind but nope whole game is grind, top of all MC is a pathetic wimp, dunno if he even a human, even though you can avoid NTR some of your girls still a whore and fuck around because of money or blackmail, game have no real story, I dunno what dev was doing after all these year, many events on hold still no progress?

    What the heck?

    Even I'm not gonna play this game anymore, it have my fav tags, but if MC isn't decent and lis is whores then it's a no from me.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    For me, I love this game especially girls and animation. Every girl has their charm and loveable. The animation is flowing especially boob motion for boob lover like me :ROFLMAO:

    Because the girls are lovely, I want them all and want to be kind to them. On the other hand, a ntr, sharing, pimp and corrupt is interesting as well, so I love both path and love to play both.

    The story is not that bad
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    . consistent art
    . character variety
    . harem
    . incest (Sister and Mom)

    I played this game years ago when it first got put on this site and there wasn't much content, so I wasn't expecting much when I found it a few days ago, but man did it deliver.

    There's so much shit I'm not even done yet, and I love it.

    My favorite thing about this game is that there are a ton of characters, and most of them have completely different circumstances, and there's a bunch of different types of personalities.

    I will say, it does not make sense how the mc gets the girls he does, but that's just how it has to be in a harem game. It could be better, but oh well.

    Sometimes the English can be quite poor, but it doesn't really take away from the game imo, it's just funny. Here's an example I like:

    "Would you like me to consume your semen? Ingesting your semen arouses me and elicits peculiar sensations."
    "Genuine intercourse would likely be much more pleasurable."
    "However, I'm hesitant to engage in intercourse, it intimidates me."

    My biggest complaint is that it is a pain in the ass to go back and try to see the different routes a girl has. I wish there was an option (when it wouldn't break other scenes) to change a choice you previously made so you can try the other side without having to stop doing other characters' stuff.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This might be the worst writing I've ever seen, plot holes and just pure nonsense left and right. Maybe the author used AI to write it? Or he's never sober doing the storytelling, hard to tell, but at least there is a coherent sequence of events
    And if "mistranslation" is to blame, then this is worse than any ML translation ever

    The grind is bearable, personally

    What carries it is that I like the visuals and the girls (the scenes are good too, though content isn't evenly distributed atm), if they grab enough of your attention, give it a try, at least that part is decently enticing
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The Dev is only focused on appeasing his harem audience while on the other hand, totally neglect people who enjoy darker story.

    1 such example would be the Ruby NTR path. It is there to bait NTR lovers and it never ever gets developed any further. Even after players been constantly requesting for it for MORE THAN TWO YEARS.

    If the dev is so afraid and worried that he will piss off his fanbase, just remove that NTR scene and remove the NTR tag. At this point it might as well not be there.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best game in site Scenes have decent replayability as well.This game has one of the better questmaps i have seen in renpy as you would know what to do if you check the questmap(if you dont take into account the incredible grind and minigames)

    the reason for my 5 stars is I hope that the game would develop more and continue as I really dig the style and animations and is without a doubt on of the better renpy games out there.

    the greatest thing that i dont like in this game is the puzzle
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game I've ever played. Very beautiful images, smartly designed UI, very easy to use. The girls are very attractive. I want to release more content and develop more deeply into the characters. Please don't end this game. Please develop it, it has great potential
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    On one side, the game has an undeniable level of VISUAL polish. UI is incredible. The path viewer in-game is also incredible. The renders are all also very good.

    On the other, the game lacks direction. The Storytelling is hair-wrenchingly annoying at times (you're forced to play a character that's basically a dumbass sociopath and there ain't much you can do about it); there's no real overarching story and every girl feels fairly independent (a common yet still underwhelming aspect of most of these pick your girl type games); some routes "exist" but even choosing the other option is stupid as they are either not yet implemented OR simply have a stub of content compared to the other (usually darker/morally corrupt) route.

    The puzzle minigame could be interesting but it uses AI Art. Solving a puzzle is where I'd like the drawing to make sense and be real-world coherent. It is not. Thankfully, it starts off piss easy to the point it's more of a chore to do it than anything else, but it gets annoying later on.

    Lastly, an issue - perhaps THE BIGGEST issue - with the game itself is how it plays. The developer is clearly good at what he does from a programming standpoint. Unfortunately, that did not translate well to his game loop. To view scenes, we need resources, that are drained every time we continue a character storyline. We can recharge these resources at Night Time, at the end of each day. The resource grinding is disgustingly boring and it gates you out of continuing character content for no real good reason. You could try skipping time so you could get back your resources faster, but the skip time button has a cooldown which can be lowered with items but is still a hassle to go through. Turning on dev console will then make the game unplayable by accusing you of cheating.

    No one would try cheating if you used an actual decent gameplay loop.

    It's clear the programmer/developer of this is in a constant war of trying to keep you inside the game with it open in a shitty loop where continuing scenes is gated behind a resource-based, time-based system... that no one gives a fuck about - obviously as if they did, they'd just play the game and not attempt to cheat or skip it - so he tries to keep you from bypassing it. There's no real reason to. The game is made worse because of it as the Dev attempts (and ultimately of course fails as is usual with anti-cheats) to make you interact with the game the way he envisioned it.

  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok, i admit: this game is cool.
    Yes, lot of dark option, but even chances to go on the "right" path.
    Yes, lot of grind (sometimes, really frustrating, but ok).
    Yes, lot of girls.(really, a lot).
    Yes, if there was a bit of walkthrough, or a better explanation of how to increase the hearts for each girls would be nice.
    But, in the end, is definitely a very good game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is, without a doubt, thee best construction-in-progress game I've ever experienced. Clean UI, adequate amount of money farming... and the scenes... hooorah. Can't wait till the rest of the games to be developed.