Ren'Py - Agent17 [v0.24.8] [HEXATAIL]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing gameplay experience, the character designs are pretty much 10/10! The game is kinda stingy with its in-game cash tho so the grind is not very much smooth sailing, not to mention the skip cooldown which can be frustrating sometimes.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing gameplay experience, the character designs are pretty much 10/10! The game is kinda stingy with its in-game cash tho so the grind is not very much smooth sailing, not to mention the skip cooldown which can be frustrating sometimes.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is about a mysterious agent who can apparently do anything you want her to do, starting from gathering any information or blackmail material to solo winning any fights including breaking into prison and dealing with a whole gang of battle hardened criminals inside. I can't imagine anything more ridiculous than that.

    The basic gameplay loop consist of doing an event with some girl, without any thought put into common sense or character development, then working for money using the most idiotic minigames you can find free code for and then using the money earned by abusing your mouse to buy gifts and items required for the next event.

    And the only things that are somewhat positive are the models and the animations, but of course credit for that goes to Illusion, the maker of Honey Select, not the developer.

    Overall waste of time, avoid at all costs.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This game provides good h-scenes with the girls but the only letdowns are the following:
    Translations - There are minor mistranslations and a few untranslated words.
    H-scenes - Looks like they are lagging/low fps when performing slow movements on android.
    Character - The MC is the most despicable and scummiest person who ever existed in porn games.
    What about the grind then? It is alright you just need a few clicks here and needed with basic memorization skills.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The girls and scenarios are very hot, and if you can endure the grind, sandbox format, and maddening mini-games: you might really like this. I got part-way through the 0.19.4 update, and realized I wasn’t enough of a masochist to continue with it. YMMV.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know and not understand why the game's rating is somewhat low compared to its quality, but I do respect other opinion.

    For me, I love this game especially girls and animation. Every girl has their charm and loveable. The animation is flowing especially boob motion for boob lover like me :ROFLMAO:

    Because the girls are lovely, I want them all and want to be kind to them. On the other hand, a ntr, sharing, pimp and corrupt is interesting as well, so I love both path and love to play both.

    The story is not that bad but not good at the same time because MC is too much asshole but sometime too coward and good suddenly. But I don't care much about this perspective. There're good and bad, but overall, I love it.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Played on version 0.19.2 but did not get very far into it.
    For starters I love Sandbox games(I rarely play VN's) and for the most part a games "story" is completely unimportant unless its as bad as this one.

    It started out fine, you have a phone that lets you give an agent missions, alright haven't seen that before so good to go. I don't mind grind(I played both Straitened Times and Corruption without mods) and it didn't seem to bad. Graphics are good and girls are great. Mini games.... err I have yet to find a game with minigames that was good but hey maybe they wont be to bad.

    Shortly into the game you start running into the darker content, which is good in this case, I don't care what your reason is, if a character has the MC beaten up and steal from him don't think for a second I'm going down a "love" path no she's getting kicked... a lot .

    Then the first big red flag, the safe, what kind of stupid minigame was that? But fine at least you only have to do it once... wait... you only have to do it once right... My enjoyment of the game went down real fast.

    Then what made me stop playing,
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    That was enough for me, I get light stories or even stupid ones. As I said I don't normally care for VN's mostly because they take themselves to seriously and spend a lot of time talking about feelings and things that don't matter(If I wanted to read/talk about feelings for 10 hours just to get a handjob I'd get back together with my ex). So stupid story is fine/good but this just crossed the line into moronic which is a no go. It sorta reminded me of a Robin Hobb or George R. Marten book, the story doesn't matter it's all about torturing the MC, so not not worth the time and I spent way to much time writing this.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Personally I'm a vanilla bastard but I'll occasionally venture out. In this game MC is simply a scumbag and not much you can do about it. You could probably count on 2 hand the amount of consensual (no blackmail) scenes. And this game has plenty of scenes

    The visuals are good, way above average and plenty of good animations. Character design and characters are good and variety is plenty. The dialogue isn't cringy most of the time, writing is pretty good IMO and the story is okay. The plot is mainly driven by MC's dick although a few plot lines are moving towards actual conflict.

    Gameplay is a renpy sandbox, it gets repetitive with a few repetitive minigames. Way too grindy, without mods I would not be giving this game a review. There's a good amount of content, a few hours worth.

  9. 5.00 star(s)


    version 0.19 review:

    I think this game is criminally underrated for fans of darker content. If you're mainly a pure path player, just keep in mind that there's a lot less content for you. Some of the girls, for now at least, have only blackmail content. You have been warned.

    NTR is completely avoidable, although you may have to choose between pure path vs ntr/dark path for certain girls down the line. I'm not the biggest fan of NTR, but am usually a dark path follower, so that choice becomes harder for me. Would've liked an option for dark path without NTR as well, but it's not the end of the world.

    I think the models/animations of this game are done using HS2, and they're pretty decent. HS2 tends to make all characters look a bit asian/anime, but I do find them attractive. HS2 also means theres a ton of animations and sex content so far. No complaints here.

    Probably the biggest complaint I have about this game would be about the grind (it's a sandbox). Luckily, if you are a supporter of the dev (or browse the comments) you'll get access to cheat codes that completely eliminate that grind for you (sandbox nature of game remains, of course).

    Not much to write home about regarding sounds/soundtrack, but that's the case for the majority of AVNs here. I won't detract stars for that.

    I haven't been following this game for that long yet, but I believe it updates every few months, so I have no reason yet to believe the dev is trying to milk patrons.

    TLDR: give this game a shot if you're a fan of darker content. Rated 5/5 since the dev produces a free game full of darker content and many branching paths. Upped it from 4/5 original after seeing the dev release on a regular basis for free!
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The girls are certainly cute, some of the scenes are pretty good, and the plot, premise and sandbox gameplay could have been very good, but in almost every other respect this game is an absolute mess. Some highlights:
    • Almost every single sex scene in this game is non-consensual and involves some degree of blackmail, coercion, or just straight-up drugging and rape. Normally this is just down to taste, but it's not clear if the worst bits will end up being optional or required to unlock future content. Either way, eventually someone will come along and report this to Patreon and it'll be booted off the platform forever, leaving the game's long term prospects questionable at best.
    • If you're looking for any meaningful character development or interactions, this ain't it. The fan favorite that was voted for by the patrons has about a room temperature IQ, so that's not the fanbase's focus. But hey, maybe I could be surprised here if I end up playing future versions.
    • Most of the minigames are absolute mind-numbing drudgery unless you enter the Agent Patreon code, which allows you to skip all of them.
    • The choice was made to incorporate a ridiculous anti-cheat system instead of basic features like a scene gallery, making the progress tracker actually useful in any meaningful way, or of course more content. Their motives here are pretty clear.
    • The English is generally pretty broken and terrible, but towards the end of the v19 Christmas event, several lines of dialogue are left completely untranslated from the native Korean. This would have been noticed on a single playthrough in English.
    I'd like to have rated it higher because with the Agent code some few parts of it are worth playing, but the hostile user experience leaves a lot to be desired.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game could be so good. The girls are really pretty to look at and the story has a lot of potenial. But all that doesnt matter, because you play a absolutely disgusting MC. Even on the "Good" Side you have to punish and blackmail almost all the girls. And now comes the really dumb part: They fall in love with him despite all that. I know this is a porn game and we all playing it mostly for one reason, but come on, at least give the choice to do what i want. Despite that there is lot of grind. You have to do the same thing over and over again to get to the next Part with one of the girls. There are also a handfull of minigames, but they are boring as well.

    Summary: If you can toleate to play a whiny dumb garbage MC with almost no choice to change him, than have fun. Graphics are great and maybe that is enough for some people. For me it was a waste of time, sry.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is simple so far, pretty ladies and well-made animations, I also liked UI. I didnt mind grind in this game (it doesnt happy very often, usually I just check the gallery) . Definitely worth at least checking out.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.18.7

    First of: NTR! It is by all means avoidable. Not only is avoidable, it is CLEARLY marked as NTR as well.

    This game, is fantastic. It is in fact one of the games that made me enjoy Ren'Py games! But let me segment a bit.

    MC: The main character is pretty decent. To a certain degree, you can decide if you want to be a douche or not. Though some of the places, you have to be an ass, which i find a bit of a shame. Especially since one of the characters you are an ass to, is actually not deserving of anything but a shoulder to cry on.

    Girls/romance targets:
    Decently written. Enough girls to have different personalities to choose from, but not enough to get tired of repetitive character with different hair colour.
    One of the first characters you meet, have you chosing between ass-hole or forgiving gentleman. I would love to have a middle option. One where you show hardline mindset, not Saintly forgiveness or scorched earth only. Dont get me wrong, i like that you can do extremes, but i wish for a middle ground as well. Since things are rarely black and white.

    I find that the mini games are decent. They arent too taxing, and the most annoying one (the damn safe) is easily done with, for a small investment.

    i Already mentioned one of my grievances in the point of characters. But beyond that, i find that the choices i have are good. I can choose to go one way or another. And sure, i get that some of the more morally/ethically despicable things are pretty clear cut with only one path, that does make sense as far as the characters fairly simple mindset is (not seeing a different way to get from A to B). Overall, i find it good.

    So the overall score is a 5, but how can that be, if there are points i dislike?
    Simple, the format of the game, the circumstances and the story writing behind some of the characters are so good, that the small defects are easily disregarded. That said, i would more accurately give the game 4.8/5, but since thats not an option in stars, i round it up. I am looking forward to seeing more to this game, and the different options/outcomes, Good AND bad!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why this game is underrated.
    Among the games I've played, it's one of the top three for having a fresh experience.
    I like beautifully designed girls, fun gameplay and a lot of content in this game.
    This game is really the best. I love you, hexatail.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Despite the low rating I gave this a try and surprisingly it is quite entertaining and exceeded my expectations of a game with 3-stars rating.

    Of course it isn't a masterpiece but it offers you hours of fun if you have the time to grind, and honestly the grind is not as devastating as some people here have claimed; overall I had a lot of fun playing till the end of current build and look forward to the next update.

    1) Beautifully designed girls with many varieties, and there are more than 10 of them which has significant storyline so far and handful of side characters yet to be implemented.

    2) Actually fun gameplay - unlike many sandbox with meaningless grind this game gives out "quests", which sometimes require you to do a bit of thinking and puzzle solving. And as you progress down the storyline, many things actually become free so this kind of give you a sense of achievement. If you endure the initial grind it would say this is kind of fun to play.

    3) I find the UI extremely clean and reminds me of some japanese RPG. Of course not as good but good effort considering this is Renpy.

    4) Substantial amount of content - it took me 6 hours or so to reach the end of current build and I think this game has been released for no more than 2 years. And non of them are repetitive - each characters storyline is unique and gave you different experience. Unlike some games that basically offers you the same 10 scenes over and over again, the dev actually design different scenes with the many characters. Good effort.

    1) Grind - you need money and resources to progress in any girl's storyline. The level is acceptable for me, but for many it may be off putting.

    2) Bad writing. I can endure lack of sophisticated vocabs, unnuanced dialogue, or even bland storyline; but this is basically written by someone who has primary school level writing skills and the word choices cringes you if you read them line by line. Clearly the dev didn't put any effort in this department though, maybe this is just not his focus. Fortunately I am just here to watch some hot scenes so the text don't bother me as much.

    I think this game has a lot of potential going forward. All the best to the dev.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    PRO Good animation, beautiful character and render, ok story, nice progression
    CON Sometine fps drop, hard to grind for money ( new patch make everything much cheaper which is nice)
    overall its very nice ill give it 5 ❤
    - Expected tag Pregnancy
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is so good wtf. There are multiple routes for girls such as NTR (but not really as for example it is state that ruby will still love you so it more like sharing and prostitution) and love routes. The sex scenes are hot and have decent animations and more. The girls look great as well (especially ruby).

    The ONLY thing that doesn't make this game 5 stars is that it has some fucking AWFUL grind. Other than that though its fucking amazing.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    girls are hot
    ı like the pace
    many fetish and choice
    good renders
    goodd animations (loops)
    godd sandbox at times makes sense
    mc is dumpass
    plot is boring
    some girls are idiot
    bad sandbox at times as well
    verry long uptate and low content

    overalll ı enjoy good fap
    (sorry bad english)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The MC is a total perv and a loser happen to have access to Deus Ex Machina then embark on a journey to have his fantasy come true and have some sweet revenge in the process. Though the cotent quite dry right now definitely recommend
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Models are very good and so are renders in general (poses and backgrounds and so on). But for some reason, I'm looked out of content and can't finish some quests. It's either bugs or I've done something wrong at one point to fail quests? I also dislike grinding and this game has a lot of it, not to mention the anti-cheat system. Why?
    (But I'm just going to treat that as my personal taste to dislike grindy sandbox games and not let it impact the final rating).
    Either way I hope the reason why I get locked out is fixed at one point. And I wish you best of luck, dev.