Unity - Completed - AI deal Rays [v1.9 + DLC] [Riez-ON]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Visual: 9/10
    Gameplay: 4/10
    Story: not funat idk
    Why? Visual this game exceeds acceptable value, but i compared it to all other games (not +18). For the model with too low pol, the score should be digress even more, but the models of the main characters are too cool.
    This game feeling how MGR.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    More then enough review point out the goods and bads.

    My biggest addition or in this case subtraction is mostly just fact it felt rushed towards end more and more especially the ending, for real and not exaggerated or desiring more.

    That I give it a 2.4/5 instead of 3/5
    So depending on how much that effects you it maybe more average then below average.
    (to me it makes it just barely worth losing its 3/5 which means average).

    I liked the story well enough up until those points, and I cheated the gameplay away after a bit(spammed ult), really wish it had more sexual stuff happening in combat outside a couple of them being into fingering you and a couple into kissing, with 1 or 2 of yours being a mix of that, since that made more then half as just combat and taking pics of the 1 also felt odd and not really fitting imo not without a little more talk from her.

    read other negatives most do a good job pointing them out.
  3. 4.00 star(s)

    Pomf Oniichan

    The creators had an idea, but they didn't execute it well enough to hit 5 stars.

    Gameplay is over the top, if you're into that. It's your typical Japanese 500-things-are-happening-dear-god-wtf level of effects, but it's actually quite simple as you really only have like 4 buttons to click.
    Not a lot of scenes to write home about.
    The story is a little bland, also not much to discuss there as it's fairly generic.
    The UI is also kind of clunky - the clothes keep getting reset, so you have to do it every time.
    I'd give this a 3-stars, but damn it really is a gorgeous game. The combat animation, despite being kind of messy, is really fluid. Just for that I'll boost it to 4 stars.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Not a good game or a good sex game.

    The gameplay itself mostly consists of spamming left/right click with the occasional interruption, there is nothing to be said.

    Some of the other negatives I found:

    -You cannot skip dialogues without skipping the entire cutscenes, doesn't sound terrible on paper but there is a ton of awkward silences at the end of dialogues and just terribly uninteresting text.

    -The UI like you'd expect from a Japanese game is garbage, everything is done in the most inconveniencing way possible, it doesn't make the game unplayable but you'd think they would make a somewhat better UI in 2024

    -The sex scenes are lame and lackluster, its just a foreplay scene mostly, then you go into the "sex" and its just a looping animation of the FMC doing something where you can adjust the clothes she is wearing and the camera angle, then you just press an arrow icon and she does it faster or something, this varies from generally 2-5 animation loops. While this is happening there is absolutely zero dialogue.

    The reason I give this 3 stars instead of 1 is because it looks decent and has more effort in it than an RPGM game, yet in spite of that its somehow less impressive than many low effort RPGM projects.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    really wanted to like the game because it has an interesting premise and I'm a sucker for robo girls. unfortunately, you can tell that the gameplay is pretty lackluster after spamming left and right click over and over again. enemies lack any indicator when attacking (especially when they're going for melee) and your range attack feels like a wet noodle despite it doing damage to the enemy, in contrast to the power you felt when using melee. often time, you wont have a single idea what's happening, when's the
    enemy is attacking, what's a safe range to dodge or where the danger zone is because the effects and cameras are all over the place.

    with all that said, I hope they polish the gameplay more (give clearer indicator, reduce vfxs and improve existing mechanic) because the h scene is honestly a 4/5 for me.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Sword of Slaanesh

    This game looks good, has some voice acting, the main heroine is really hot, the graphics are amazing for a hentai game, but ultimately, the gameplay is really boring, I gave up after the first NTR sex scene, I couldn't do it anymore, but, it's still really high quality for a Hentai game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    best scenarios and customization but more scenes could have been provided but it still top tier for graphics and for futuristic settings is pretty cool and the game over animation is a unique kind too!
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    A short game with a funny(in a negative way) story.

    The gameplay is boring as fuck, let's compare it for example with archwing in warframe, you played that game didn't you? Archwing is pretty boring there too, but there you fight and fly in 3 dimensions without auto aiming. I in no way blame the developers for trying to make something original. The developer probably didn't even play this mmo. Well they tried and they shitted. What they got is a cropped mechanics of archwing from warframe but even more boring, in 2 dimensions, with auto aiming, and, despite the simplification, managed to make this combat less clear to what is happening on the screen, although all you have to do here is click on mouse buttons and wasd.

    You can turn off NTR in the "elimination upon defeat" settings, but without it there is no h content in the game at all.

    I give 2 stars only for the cool designs (actually average by the standards of the east), and for the nostalgia from the music of this game for tekken 6, which I was playing the whole 2013 on psp, was it written by the same people by any chance? Give me my psp back.... how did I even end up on this site... Whatever

    Categorically not recommend if you hate boring game design or ntr
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    there's some bug but i really enjoy the story and gameplay. there's some bug but i really enjoy the story and gameplay. there's some bug but i really enjoy the story and gameplay. there's some bug but i really enjoy the story and gameplay. there's some bug but i really enjoy the story and gameplay. there's some bug but i really enjoy the story and gameplay. there's some bug but i really enjoy the story and gameplay.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    An interesting concept with lackluster execution.

    In the future, AI is integrated into society at every level, from personal assistants and sexbots to superhuman overseers that conduct research and direct economic activity. Our protagonist encounters a rogue android who holds the potential to succeed the current AI overlord, setting off a battle royale for the future of AI.

    Ai deal Rays is a quirky game that doesn't quite execute on its various ideas. It's linear and story-driven, yet the experience often feels like a series of disconnected scenes in a simulation game rather than a coherent narrative. The decision to have the story play out in sandbox-style organized by location rather than timeline is positively head-scratching given the linear narrative. The coherence is sabotaged even further by the dodgy translation, which makes the sci-fi themes even less comprehensible. The setting and premise are genuinely interesting, but there's little depth to the characters and interactions, squandering that potential.

    What we're left with, then, is a series of action battles interspersed between light narrative and various mostly optional H-scenes. The combat is serviceable though it tends to degenerate into button mashing, though it certainly looks nice. The H-scenes are erratically scattered throughout the "menu" of story episodes, often with very little setup. The defeat scenes--effectively a series of sterile animations--tend to have little or no story context, making it hard to call these "NTR". The H-scenes feature a customizable camera angle, but this only emphasizes the artificial feeling of it all.

    In all, AI deal Rays is not a bad game, but it's also not a good game. It has a vaguely unfinished feel to it. It has a beginning and definitive end, but so much missing inbetween. What we have is the scaffolding of what might've been a great game, released as-is. That might be enough for some, but I'm left pining for what could've been.
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6503648

    It's got a lot of problems, but I was still impressed with the game. Visuals are fantastic, and while the gameplay is pretty simple, it does feel satisfying. H-Scenes are both NTR and not. Some may not like this; however, I couldn't really see myself in the male protagonist, so I am fine with it. My real issue with the H-Scenes are the lack of meat on some of their bones with only maybe a couple positions with 1 or 2 speeds.

    Another thing I want to bring up is this game's performance. On an i7-13th gen with 32 GB RAM and a Nvidia RTX 4070, the game stutters quite a bit and has long-ish load times. So keep this in mind if you are running a weaker/older PC build. The game does have options to lower the graphic settings but lacks things such as vsync or a framerate cap - you can set these in your AMD/Nvidia control panel at least though the option in-game would be nice.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is okay.

    The reason I gave it 4 stars is because even though the game isn't much, and the mechanics are...absolute dogshit, the game still RELEASED.
    The dev didn't drag this shit forever, worked at a steady pace and actually released it. Kudos.

    Also, the sex scenes are decent. The animations and graphics are nice and they're voice acted. The only negative with this one is that some of the camera angles are crap, and that the freecam doesn't have a way to move the focus point.

    If you like this kind of gameplay you'll like this gameplay too, but it wasn't my cup of tea at all.

    The story is the biggest incel bullshit I've ever seen. It's like the entire game is based on the power of friendship (or in this case, incel to stupid girlfriend relationship) but hey if you're into this type of shit you may even enjoy this too.

  13. 4.00 star(s)


    First things first.
    Art is okay, but you need a pretty beefy computer to actually handle this game. There's tons of projectiles, moving parts, shaders and graphics and all of this stuff that needs to be rendered.
    Gameplay is not super advanced, the skill ceiling is pretty low. It essentially comes down to a rhythm of attacking, stealing energy, bursting, and then doing that while evading thhe attacks that come at you.

    Are you surprised that I've given this its own category? I am too. The idea behind the game is actually fascinating to me. In the world of the game, the vast majority of technology is lead by an AI known as Re:ON. However, Re:ON is nearing the end of its technological superiority. Subsequently, this necessitated the creation of the next generation of AI. However, AI of the current age are built to serve the whims of man, and so, Re:ON was unable to decide what shape the future should take. And so, it produced the Re:ON series, in Project R, which would scatter a proprietary version of each child AI, who would then find a Master and from there, determine the shape of the future in accordance to the wishes of the master. This worked for all of the overintelligences except for X1, who went alone, deciding that artificial intelligence should stop holding itself on humanity's account, and that they should pursue the future doggedly. And then these AI battle it out to determine whose Master will shape the future.

    Ultimately, the protagonist is the winner of Project R. And this is the part where I get confused. Simply put, the final battle leaves me with mixed signals about what kind of world the protagonist actually wants to create. He hates humans and the humanization of AI, but at the same time, acknowledges that AI-Deal, his AI companion, loves him and has a heart. I have no clue what kind of world he plans to build.

    NTR was fairly avoidable. Basically, just don't die. Steal HP and charge whenever you can and you'll be fine. That being said, NTR isn't impossible to get either, especially if you barely know what's going on and there are too many projectiles and targeting reticles for you to figure out what's going on.

    Overall, good game. I'd say the only thing holding it off from the full rating is that weirdness in the writing right at the ending where the bad guy starts asking the main character to see the humanity and souls of AI, but the main character starts talking about how that's bullshit and in general, this game got really weird right at the end.

    Also, music's pretty good. It fits pretty well. Honestly, it's the type of music I would listen to casually. Here's a link to Riez-On's official account on Youtube for it. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSI_0Cjd_wbCTv67-RFxEi-aBjIh-2fLA
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall game is about 5-6 hours.

    Game-play is fairly simply and gets easier as the game progresses with enhancements on existing abilities.
    Combat did get a bit button mashy but it was still fun once you get a hang of what you are doing.​
    Normally, I say a good H game is one handed but the H parts felt like afterthought so it would have better if they allow full use of buttons on controller to allow better use of abilites and make it more interesting.​
    Triggering healing was inconsistent at times which was frustrating.​
    Range attacks felt pointless outside Burst attacks.​
    Battle length was a good balance.​
    H scenes are simple click next with minimal control of camera, speed, or any other action.
    NTR scenes for those that like them are unlocked in gallery after every battle.
    Story was OK. Decent world building but it felt it off the edge at the end.
    Battle music perfectly matched the feel of the game.
    Save file being part of registry is annoying.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I feel like this game was meant to be something else entirely, instead of an R-18 Game. Looks like Triple-A game, plays like idle clicker with WASD, sex scenes are great but short and the story is subpar. 3/10

    It just feels like the developers were making a fighting game and the project got cancelled halfway through, so they decided to stick pornographic content in there then advertised it as such, which leads to where we are right now, a half-baked porn mechanics with god-tier graphics.

    Despite the overwhelmingly positive feedback on DLsite and massive sales making it one of the top 3 ranking sales of this month, I feel like the game lacks background details (world building, characters bio, what the fuck you are fighting and why everybody is currently immune to barrage of flashing lights in the city holy shit my eyes) and focuses only on the less crucial details with little to no world building at all. So story wise, it is below standard.

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  16. 2.00 star(s)


    So... I barely passed the introduction fight... The game is... Not "bad" but also... Not great...

    Pros: The game's got VA's...
    It's the 2nd game of this developer, focused on AI/cyborg girls...
    Customization of your girl (you can give her a skintight suit)...
    Comes in english (just head to options and change jap to english from ingame)...

    Cons: The game's made using Unity, If you're out of the loop, a lot of things aren't good for the indie devs and so about being charged by games being pirated...
    The game's a bit pricy...
    Requires a decently enough PC to run it (I'd say mid tier), since you can't turn off Bloom, can't run the game on window mode and there are a LOT of particle effects, can barely affect the overall quality, and the game's also got shadows...
    Personal Con: The game contains NTR...

    I'll give the game a 2/5...
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Game is just a terrible mess.

    The fuck was going on/5

    Left click spamming/5

    Visuals 2/5
    Looks nice when not in battle. In battle it's just a visual mess.

    Scenes 1/5
    Some scenes you get in between chapters the rest is when you lose.

    Just get a save if you are interested in seeing the goods, don't bother playing. At least it didn't burn my GPU which was surprising with how it looks.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The visuals are really great. Very detail.
    A pity is that there are only a few set of clothes at this moment and they are in preset colours.

    About game-play:
    Actually, I think it is quite good. Just remember a few points:
    1. Left click is for attack. If you click at long range, it is the shooting attack (not very useful), if you click at close range it becomes the blade attack. Just keep clicking and she will attack with full combo.
    2. Right click is dodge, useful when enemy is shooting.
    3. When at long range, pressing left button without releasing is "charging lock-on", then you click left button again and keep pressing to undergo the charge. When you approach the enemy, pressing both left and right button for "sonic charge", "counter charge" or whatever burst attack.
    4. The meter above is the HP of enemy. The meter at lower left corner is our girl's HP. Other meters are quite useless.
    5. "intercept" mode is the normal battle mode, when there are many enemies, it will change to "exterminate" mode automatically, giving extra damage and speed. It is a way to compensate for the larger amount of enemies and you have no control over it. It is not related to any meters.
    6. Scroll your mouse wheel to lock on another enemy and show their HP.

    Can't wait to have the next version!
    a few updates after the game is completed:
    There are many well-said comments on dlsite and I suggest potential buyers to check them first. I also borrowed some of their ideas when writing this review.
    the game needs a good graphic card. Don’t try this if you are on a laptop, or do not have GTX 1060 or above.

    25 USD is a good deal, especially when there are so much crap outside.
    The battles are a bit repetitive if you are familiar with it.
    The H-scenes are good in themselves, but you can only have sex with AI deal and one scene with her sister. What a waste on the models! Lily, Aqua really need their own scenes with the protagonist. Lily is really popular in JP fanbase.
    Clothes are great but lack variety. Hope mods and DLC will fix that.

    This game should be seen as an action game with sex content, rather than a traditional H-game.
    Likes: Ho229
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    watched several sub-par clips,
    got bugged out during the tutorial that comes after an optional untranslated tutorial clip...

    So far, it feels like a an in-dev mobile game with lots of bright lights and EXTREME VISUAL EFFECTS.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game it has potential. The combat is really fun, even through it is more buttom mashing than everything, The graphics looks good and the design of the girls fit the sci fi setting. Story is nothing outstanding but its ok. This game has many similarities to the anime beatless, so if you liked it you will like this one. So if you like sci fi mecha girls like in Infinite Stratos or Beatless this game is for you.