AI NTR Game?


New Member
Jul 27, 2024
In all existing NTR games, the NTR events are either (1) avoidable and easily selected by the player (just select X and Y dialogue choice blah blah...) or (2) not avoidable at all! My proposal is, what if the ability to avoid the NTR event solely depends on whether the player has enough rizz? If I hook up the waifu to an AI that is slightly smarter than a rock, this AI decides if the player's dialogue and actions have enough rizz to convince the heroine not to get fucked by chads or ugly bastards, would it be more fun?

On the one hand, this makes the game a lot more interesting, hopefully, but on the other hand loosing the game by getting NTRed means u have no rizz.


Jul 8, 2024
No, I don't think it would be more fun. While a small group might find it more enjoyable, the majority could end up hating the game if they can't prevent the NTR from happening. I think it's a risky choice.
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New Member
Jul 27, 2024
If you are talking about chat AI, it doesn't do code. It's just a language model, so it cannot determine what your "Rizz" is, nor can it execute functions to "turn on NTR" or something.

You can do some "Rizz" based NTR with simple code in Renpy. Just have a "Rizz" variable that goes up based on how "Rizzy" you are. Then use that variable to gatekeep NTR.

Btw, do people actually say "Rizz"?


New Member
Jul 27, 2024
If you are talking about chat AI, it doesn't do code. It's just a language model, so it cannot determine what your "Rizz" is, nor can it execute functions to "turn on NTR" or something.
This was true 5 years ago, definitely possible now. I made it call functions to change waifu expressions and also check conditions for moving to the next scene/change outfits.

You can do some "Rizz" based NTR with simple code in Renpy. Just have a "Rizz" variable that goes up based on how "Rizzy" you are. Then use that variable to gatekeep NTR.
As I said above, this is boring because all the choices are fixed and known beforehand.


New Member
Jul 27, 2024
No, I don't think it would be more fun. While a small group might find it more enjoyable, the majority could end up hating the game if they can't prevent the NTR from happening. I think it's a risky choice.
I think the thrill of not knowing if you can stop the NTR would make it fun tho. It might be worth a gamble?


Jun 19, 2017
This is similar to the philosophy I have for the game I am developing. NTR scenes are entirely avoidable -- but not "skippable".

If the player allows love interests to drift away or associate with other characters, those love interests may form relationships with rival male characters. Alternatively, if the player fails to adequately prepare for a battle and loses, the hostile enemies might take the love interest away by force.

Conversely, if the player romances love interests properly and keeps control of them, he will not come into contact with NTR. If the player wins battles and defeats his enemies, he will retain the love interests and maybe collect some new ones.

This serves three purposes:
  1. Typical players who want to retain their love interests and avoid NTR can do so. It's entirely in their control. All it requires is some reasonable decision-making and effort. Moreover, the risk of encountering NTR acts as a very real incentive to play the game strategically. If you fail, you fail.

  2. Players who enjoy NTR will see it occur as a result of their own actions. They are not railroaded into NTR. I am not an NTR fan, but if I understand the kink correctly, it will be more powerful knowing that you, yourself, are the cause of the loss. Your inadequacy resulted in a rival character swooping your love interest off her feet. It should be more impactful this way.

  3. Overall, it gives NPCs their own agency. My goal is to make a living, breathing world in a sandbox style. These things happen in real life -- if you don't want it to happen, you must take action to prevent it.
All that being said, my game is forgiving. It is relatively difficult to trigger NTR scenes and requires some profound recklessness on behalf of the player to actually get into these situations.
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New Member
Jul 27, 2024

AI writes the dialogue lines, determines what facial expression to show, and what scenes should be shown next based on the given conditions and current dialogue history
This site as many features that I've not experienced in the multitudes of AI chat sites I've tried. It will take some time to play around with it, but I'm both intrigued and cynical.

Is it actually running some code base in tandem with the LLM? Like that LLM can determine context and execute certain predetermined functions?


New Member
Jul 27, 2024
Yes and yes. It's open source you can view the code and confirm it yourself.
Indeed, I can't look at the code, but I did play around with it for a bit. Obviously, there has to be some code that is triggered by the AI to display the preloaded sprite that matches the current emotion. That's rather simple, but the ramification is that the AI can interact with code.

But what other things can it do? I didn't notice anything yet that leads me to believe that it can keep track of some internal variable and adjust the storytelling based on the variable.

Like let's take the common example of a stat based RPG. On other platforms, there are various bots that are "coded" with some stat based "gameplay." But this is all just LLM based storytelling. The stats are not actually being tracked. They are included only insomuch as they appear in the context window.

Ex) Bot tells you to make your character at the start.
Name: Bro
Class: Knight
STR: 15
CON: 17
DEX: 12
INT: 11
WIS: 13
LCK: 5

Okay. Let's say you enter something like that and the bot starts doing the story. None of those are actual variables. Whenever stats come into play, the bot will just hallucinate something they think is about right. When you ask the bot to tell me the stats again, it will be random numbers. When you expect stat growth, it will be random numbers. Because they are just words and not actual variables.

Same goes for any attempts to do a "code" in their scenario description. It's not actually code but just words. That's how LLM works up to now. I'm still looking for one that can integrate real code based logic into their LLM behavior, and what this site does with the sprites are a step in the right direction. But I wonder if we can do some more complex things soon.


New Member
Jul 27, 2024
Same goes for any attempts to do a "code" in their scenario description. It's not actually code but just words. That's how LLM works up to now. I'm still looking for one that can integrate real code based logic into their LLM behavior.
Many LLMs can do function calling (they can call actual functions in your code). Its just haven't been utilized in games yet, I've seen it used in production apps. The most obvious examples are ChatGPT and Claude, they can call actual functions using extensions (the extensions are some base code that also allow the LLM to call functions, such as web browsing).

When you ask the bot to tell me the stats again, it will be random numbers.
Here is an AI game that keeps tracks of accurate stats, the bot doesn't hallucinate a different value each time:
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