A very good start to a game. As others have mentioned, this is very similar to Captivity, and I fucking love Captivity, so that's definitely impacting my review.
First thing to mention. Zoom out. The game automatically zooms in during sex scenes so you can see everything, so I have no idea why you start zoomed in outside of sex scenes. With the default zoom setting, you can straight up be hit by enemies you can't see, which sucks, and even the melee enemies are practically hitting you before you can see them. The default zoom is by far my biggest complaint at the moment.
Once you do zoom out though, the gameplay is pretty good. It's a bit buggy at the moment, and the first (and only) level is very basic in terms of map design. But the enemy design is really good. Every enemy has very different behaviour. There's the basic slow moving enemy that just walks at you, then a ranged enemy, a semi-invisible enemy that creates a smoke cloud when you shoot it (my personal favorite), and a large and fast enemy that has some sort of speed boost ability. Given how good the enemy design is, I expect future map's to be more interesting as well, and I can't complain about the first map being basic, as it makes sense to set it up like that. I never completely ran out of bullets, but the default pistol doesn't have infinite ammo, so that is possible, and it probably shouldn't be. It would be a really lame way to lose, even if getting down to just the basic pistol ammo wise basically means your screwed anyways.
As for the porn, it's also very good. There were two instances where the enemy's cocks clip through the player's model, but I imagine those will be fairly easy to fix. The enemy design in terms of sex scenes is also varied and interesting, with a Halloween theme to them that I quite liked.
Excellent game. I fucking love Captivity.