Alerts/tags not working


New Member
Jun 21, 2018
A few days back i noticed that 2 games that i got an alert for were broken links, at the time i thought that it might have just been something that got deleted or something
But then later i noticed that i wasn't getting any new alerts, and the previous alerts i did have all were broken like the last one
They all had no title to them, just "'XXXusername' tagged with 'XXXtag'"
i checked tags and i couldn't watch any new ones or try turning it off and on again for the tags i watched.
Has there been some update or is this some bug? Or maybe i'm being dumb, that's always a possibility.


New Member
May 14, 2021
Thanks for pointing that answer out. I was just trying to see how to do it again as I only recently noticed it did not seem to be working anymore. It's to bad it was giving them hassles I really like the tab alert option it helped me find items I otherwise would have missed out on. I also hope they are able to get it added back in when the update is ready to go.