VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Alexandra [v1.0] [PTOLEMY]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice characters they felt well rounded and diverse, the story was good if not a little derivative, main character has some interesting moments. will be happy to see what happens next in the story. Alex is very like-able and scenes are well distributed across the story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game, for the current update, is pretty long with a fair amount of sexy stuff but the most important thing is that the story is captivating and has every now and then some humorous dialogues. A great game that I will follow
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're just looking for a porn game, this isn't it. This game is more of a Japanese eroge style VN, with a much heavier focus on story rather than sex scenes. The UI is decent, renders are really good, the weakest part is definitely the animations, however even those are passable. I guess the biggest takeaway is to not play this if you don't like reading.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: v0.70

    - Great renders of characters models
    - Great polishing of female character models

    - Poor sex scenes
    - No much content sexual (4 or less short scenes)
    - it's a game to just read
    - Boring game
    - Boring history

    The high ratings and reviews made me think that this would be a good game and with quite pleasure. I ended up deceiving myself because the game has very little sexual content. I like adult games that have sexual content, and you don't get stuck in a story that doesn't quite match the style of an adult game. In this game, you will have to read a lot of texts and you will notice that it will not get anywhere. It is quite disappointing to see a game that has excellent graphics and renders and to have a bad gameplay and story. The story of this game is not much to catch your eye, with an organized crime theme, it may look good to some and bad to others, her character works for an organized crime family and the main female character is one of the boss's daughters. Well, I can't explain much about the story because I totally lost interest in following the script, this is because some choices you make have no impact, so I decided to move on. I spent about 30 minutes skipping dialogues until I found a hot scene, and then I saw that the game was quite poor in that requirement. In all, I think this game only has 4 sex scenes, so it’s not even worth testing if you want to relax.

    Final Rating:
    Certainly this is one of the most disappointing games I have ever seen, because it has great graphics, renders and polish and to have a gameplay and a blinding story. Well, nothing against creating a story with that theme, but could have used the imagination and creativity to elaborate a much better story. I don't see this game as a game for adults, it's like you create an open world game and the function is just to walk and do nothing else. It's a game with high recommendations but that's not all they say, the game has great renders, but that's it. Therefore, if you are looking for pleasure, I suggest looking for another game, because I do not recommend it. But if you are looking for a game that has a lot of reading, feel free to try it out. Anyway, I gave a star rating because the story is not good and I had no interest in trying and the gameplay, well, it is just accepting or refusing. If not, go back to the beginning of the game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story and character development. Visuals are great. Looking forward to updates. Seems something in MC's past is similar to Izzy's experience. Could Alex take over for her dad showing the internal steel Izzy discussed?The MC's red rage will come in handy.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an amazing visual novel.I honestly didn't have very high hopes for it at first, but decided to give it a shot and I am so glad I did! The supernatural overtone are done exceptionally well. I love the interplay between the charachters. and the relationship dynamics between the MC and the 2 girls are fantastic. The sex scenes and animation aren't as smooth as they could be, but still very hot. thank you for such a great story/
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    4 to 3 Stars due to disappointing and lackluster rushed ending to an Otherwise good story. Leaving many unresolved plotlines and characters developing ignored/forgotten.


    Up to release update 0.65
    I'm a sucker for gangster and criminal underworld themed stories. Especially non-Italian focused gangster stories.
    Alexandra where the protagonist's life changes after meeting Alexandra the daughter of a crime boss and her close friend Isabella. it's an interesting story exploring crime, drama, romance, mystery, and maybe possibly fantasy & supernatural elements. As the protagonist learns the ways of the mafia business, interacting with various characters. To me the most interesting story that PTOLEMY is involved in developing, but there are some problems for me and possible improvements to be make in the story.

    One of the main problems with this visual novel game is lack of screen-time for characters (specifically other possible love interests) that aren't named Alexandra (aka Alex ) or Isabella (aka Izzy). Those girls being Jasmine, Danny, Adriana, Narysa, Jamie, Jenny (+ Samantha), and Alice, especially with Jasmine and Danny getting the least time as of update 0.65. Missing opportunities to flesh out the personalities of these other characters and have them interact with the protagonist, all who the protagonist sees on a regular basis when he's doing job tasks and running errands. (Yes the game is titled Alexandra, but that doesn't mean the story can't focus other characters). Basically just skimming over these characters instead of expanding them. Also the short updates with short content doesn't help the matter (and that PTOLEMY is developing multiple games (3+) at the same time).

    Instead of doing time-jumps during and in-between those tasks and errands (driving people) have the Protagonist to get to known and maybe develop relationships with these girls. As each girls in someway helps the protagonist in his business. Danny and Jasmine, helps he physically with his fitness and fighting skills. Adriana, assisting him learning about rules and history. Jenny, his gun dealer and gun instructor. Alice, his informant and helps him in other tasks. Narysa and Jamie, being more involved in his crime running business with steal expensive cars and drug dealing. Learning the know-hows about businesses he's involved in.
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    Another problem is having the Protagonist not being taken seriously and looking like a pushover and some instances waiting to be told what to do. Also, not giving the Protagonist (and Players) the option to get to know characters. As of 0.65, it changes slightly with Alex and Izzy agreeing to listen more to the Protagonist (mainly Alex to start listening more). So hopefully in future updates it shows more results of him being more assertive, actively learning the ropes of the crime game, and taking the initiative in intense and dangerous scenarios.

    One example for both main issues mentioned above is with the character Clara the agency owner. She clearly doesn't like the Protagonist and basically tolerates him when he's around her. Even after being given advice from Boris (Crime Boss & Alex's Dad) and Vanya (Alex's Uncle) to get to know Clara on friendly terms and to be an imposing boss. But the developer PTOLEMY never gave us the opportunity to have the Protagonist be friendly with Clara and being an imposing boss and not to be seen as impersonal as a Narysa said and be seen as a decent and approachable guy to the girls at the agency. Making the that advice be pointless.

    There's also the sudden plot branching in the story regarding how the Protagonist dealt with the cocaine money problem. The fact that there's an alternate way to deal it isn't a problem, it's that results in locked out content of a certain character...
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    I'd rate this 5 stars if the story gave more screen-time to the secondary characters/possible love interests and fleshed out their personalities. Also no sudden branching that locks out content and scenes with certain characters. The Protagonist character development as a competent person. Also, more longer story content between updates. The worst that could happen (beside being abandoned) is the story is rushed and given an half-assed ending and explanation.
    Likes: hrhr
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow!. If for nothing else, this game deserves 5 stars for actual intelligible dialogues instead of walls of text.
    Other than that good renders, very good humor.... semi logical story (at least progression is somewhat logical). Slow on the erotic content as others have said, but overall a good game (Became one of my favorites even before the erotic content started).
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I am so far truly enjoying each release of this title. The story is so far unique and engaging as well as it leads to some enjoyable scenes. Characters appear to be well thought out. Unless the quality drops significantly later in development this is a must play.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    My Top 1 game. Story is just amazing. I literally dive into the game for 8 hrs.
    1. Graphics are good.
    2. It's pretty straight forward game.
    3. Characters are cute, you're really care about them.
    4. Pretty easy to make choices.
    I recommend this game to everyone!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not often i read a good story and Alexandra is one.

    Gangster storycan be boring and violent but this one is perfect. I spend 4 hours reading and it was nice, i cared about the two main girl, the boss, every one.

    Very well made.

    The only thing people may not like : Dont think about fap maybe the 2 first hours, you will be desapointed and the sex scenes are sometimes a bit grey and not very well animated i must say.

    BUT everything else is well made and i say, try this game, hope you will enjoy the story like me. I will come back here in 6 months in order to read a lot of content again.

    Will be hard to wait
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game love it so far starts a little slow but well worth it all the girls look great personally Alice is my favorite would love to have more interaction with her in the future and also Emma but awesome game can't wait for more updates
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has a decent storyline about joining what seems to be some sort of gangster maffia of thing

    the characters are unique the renders are decent

    Didn't like the whole puppy nickname seemed a weird for the mc considering how he is supposed to be a bad ass

    But overall it was a gud time playing it so far

    wish the dev luck with this one
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Good story, but i don't realy like the ea games like choice, you can choice but if you dont take my choice the mc is dead.
    Add kinetic to the tag if you don't let us a real choice.

    Renderer are not bad, but puppy is horrific.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm rating the 0.6 version.

    So far, this is a damned good AVN in my opinion. The story is interesting, the character models are attractive, and there's a good amount of lewd content after the slow burn of the opening half of the game.

    I really appreciate AVN's that have more going on than just the lewd parts and this is definitely one of those. But if your only interest is in the lewd renders, well, this may not be the game you're looking for. It has a slow burn (but is worth the wait IMO). I don't normally like poly relationships in AVN's but in this case, I think I've come to appreciate it more as the game has gone on.

    The story is set in a mob context and there are other things going on than simply your relationship(s) with the mob boss's daughter and her preexisting girlfriend. There are some small 'supernatural' or possibly mental health aspects to the story based on some dream sequences and conversation snippets. But they don't really detract from the mobster feel IMO any more than 'gut instincts' and 'hunches' detract from a good cop movie.

    I'm looking forward to seeing how those other story elements develop in the future. The renders all look great too.

    I read some of the comments about the mc having some issues with regards to being under the thumb of Alexandra, and having the weird anger issue. Personally I think that judgment should be reserved on the MC's anger issue until we reach the end of the story. I think there may be more going on than we know yet. To begin with, it does make the mc seem like an asshole. But he becomes much more sympathetic as the game progresses. And I love how it acts as a bridge between the mc and Isabelle and her mother.

    As for the 'sub' complaints....nah. I definitely don't see it that way myself. But your mileage may vary.

    If I could rate however I'd like, I'd give it 4.5 stars out of 5. It's a fantastic game so far: one of the top-ten I've played so far. There are a couple of other games I love even more but it's definitely in the top-tier IMO. And it's not fair to compare an unfinished game with completed games.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Gotta say i like the game alot and can't wait to see how alexandra changes as the game progresses further she already seems like she could take over the business.As far as the main character he seems quiet at times but is very capable of handling problems i love how the relationship is developing with alexandra and isabella. It was great to see isabella warm up to the MC.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I was very surprised I played the game as long as I did as it took forever to get to just a hj scene. Had it not been a holiday break and me being bored I probably would not have kept playing but I'm glad I did as despite a couple of complaints I have I ended up enjoying the game and look forward to more.

    The major complaint is the dev seems to get side tracked and move on to another couple of side stories without finishing ones he already has in play that's just left in limbo while he's on to another side story or two or three. A project team may help to keep him grounded and focused. Solve that and I'll gladly change my rating to 5 stars!
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoy this game a lot. The girls are pretty interesting and the story holds my interest. It's not a perfect game, but I really enjoy all the characters. The relationship between the MC and the girls is fun and endearing and although the dialogue is isn't the best, it has its moments.

    I wish PTOLEMY made his MC's with a bit more of a personality. They normally say very few words and are kind of lazy characters. They seem to wait for someone to do something for them rather than be proactive. Would be nice for MC to take some more urgency. Anyways, besides that the game is pretty awesome.

    I would recommend this game, it is dialogue heavy but I find all of it meaningful and enjoyable to read through.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has strong story, good renders and a possibility to make at least seemingly important decisions.

    It is what one could expect from a game of this type and the main characters are rather interesting.

    The biggest weakness for this game is how the photos transition into video and how the video looks like - not a big fan of those transitions or use of those in games like this, because they don't work too well. They work decently here, but that's how far I will go in my assessment.

    Plus points for characters actually changing clothes at some points - it really bothers me when the characters have 1 set of clothes for the whole length of the game - it's just lazy when that's the case.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll start with the good, and what made me think it was only fair to give it a 3 star, even though I'd like to give it lower.

    The girls look good, and in the beginning the story was looking like it could be interesting and unique. When they introduced all of these places where you could do jobs and the like, I thought it would have been a perfect candidate for open world and more gamey elements like doing jobs and working your way up in the crime world. All of these foundations are solid to build a good vn/game off of.

    The rest, just.... frustrating. I tried to push through, but the whole "puppy" thing is just fucking weird. Talk about objectification. The women in the game really don't treat you like you are a person with any agency or dignity. The fucking.The teasing tag should be a femdom tag. The girls just incessantly demean you and order you around. Chauffeur, chaperone, bodyguard whatever. This isn't a love story. You are a "puppy" for two spoiled lesbian teen girls.

    The MC (you) is a psycho killer.... who is also a submissive doormat, and a sappy softie and also has zero personality but everybody likes him. The whole time you are being talked at and ordered around, you don't have any input or real impactful decisions.