RPGM - Completed - Alice's Conclusion [v1.0a] [Hervi]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is in the limit of just being there, but scenes are just so so.
    The game can not be considered grindy but is of grindy nature. You repeat certain actions to increase the "lust" that allows you to have access to a event, but dont expect building up or anything, it just happens and that's it. You repeat smilar tier events to achive the lust needed for the next event, and that's it. The rest of the thing is predictable and has been done better by others. There are a lot of lines not tranlsated, tehre are lines where a character is talking the line of another character, there is a money system in place, but I still don't know what is the use of it. Well it is just terrible
    The art is barely holding the thing together but there is nothing to call "writing", it is the most basic anyone would come up with, with the exception of a couple of gigantic exposition dumps.
  2. 3.00 star(s)



    Alice is unjustly sentenced to ten years in prison. Will she manage to survive the sentence while keeping her relationship with her partner on the outside intact?


    Unlike what you’d expect from a prison game, which often involves stats or ways of accumulating money, there’s nothing here. You move around the prison according to strict timetables, and have to unlock the various scenes by building up your Lust.


    The erotic content is very satisfying, rarely involving anyone other than Alice, but the latter is sexy and endearing. The corruption is a little slow at first, but then builds up very quickly. Scenes range from forced sex to voluntary prostitution, with everything you can imagine in a prison. It’s all rather tame, but the content is generous and quickly unlocked.

    What I didn’t like

    I would have preferred a little more involvement on the player’s part. Everything is easily unlocked, and moving around the prison becomes more of a chore than a stimulating exploration. We spend our time going back and forth to check if there’s a new scene or if our Lust level is sufficient. There are more stimulating gameplay options.


    If you like collecting scenes, take a look, it’s a good pick. If you’re looking for a game to invest in, Alices Conclusion will probably be too light.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I wish I could give this game a higher review, because the concept and the art is decent. But this game suffers from MAJOR time padding; you literally cannot progress the game at certain points until you just do random stuff that isn't plot relevant, doesn't increase your skills, and offers little to no story progression. I ended up skipping through multiple days until I finally hit a trigger that would allow me to continue playing the game (for those of you who also got stuck at lust 9 and talked to everyone at every timeslot about 15 times just to make sure there wasn't some hidden trigger that you missed, no, you missed nothing). You literally just have to wait multiple days until you get another visitor and then it unlocks the next portion of the game; that is terrible game design. A game should ALWAYS feel like you have control over when you progress or see content, if you don't then it's a visual novel - just make it into one.

    Again, I wish i could give it a higher review because i was reasonably excited to try this game out and the mechanics seemed fine at first; but I personally absolutely despise when devs put triggers or gameplay in purely to make it take longer. I understand that you want to be able to say that your game has X hours of content, but content means actual content, not just spamming click until something of relevance actually happens. At the absolute least, if you want to do games in the same way you should have a little note or quest marker saying "you need to wait 3 days until the next event" or something like that so that people don't waste their time trying to figure out why nothing is happening.

    Art: 7/10 it obviously has some effort put into it, could be better, but it's not bad by any means

    Story: 6/10 the concept is good but the poor MTL and several parts still being in Russian make it very difficult for me to give it a good grade. The parts that are translated seem passable but the characters seem to be hastily written

    Gameplay: I would have given it a 7/10 if not for the arbitrary time consumption and vague directions. But as I said previously a game that almost intentionally wastes your time between content is not a good one.

    People like high quality short games just as much as a high quality long game. Padding out a game just to make it seem more impressive because it takes longer to achieve something just dilutes the experience and makes it much worse.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    First of all this game is just bad. Its a sandbox RPG that is made in RPG maker with each location needing to be teleported into. There are no connections between levels, everything feels just dead and empty.

    Lewd content is hard to access and at least what I read in comments you need to farm for few days masturbation scene (that is just a PNG) to get to anything. There are no guide, quests or anything of value. I ended up wasting half an hour trying to understand what this game wants from me and just getting bored. You have around 5 locations and they are just bad and boring. This is not a sandbox, more like a box without sand. Boring and empty.

    MC art: Its just meh at best. How she looks clothed and in just underwear feels completely different. It looks like her breast just baloon when you take coat off. Im not into giant baloon tits.

    Now TL: its MTL from russian to english. I luckily enough dont need it cause I can understand russian. But for first 15 minutes I was playing with ENG tl and many of things there have wrong translation, that certainly doesnt help with confusion on what to do to get to anything.

    Gameplay loop: I skimmed some of dialogue so I have no idea what to do with jobs cause I dont want to restart entire epilogue to read what he said to me. All I get is ¨there arent jobs for you now¨. As I understand you need to come at specific times to do the jobs, but time skip feels random and just useless. Game would have been better without it. It just a loop of ¨wait, wait more, wait again¨ to do anything.

    TLDR: Game sucks not worth time at all.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: I don't recommend this. Here's the recollection room code if you want to just look at the sex scenes:
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    For any curious vanilla readers -
    Is NTR avoidable? yes. Is there any fulfillment out of doing so? no.

    How's the NTR? I'd say not good. The writing is bad. You can't expect me to feel like a bond is being broken just because Alice and her boyfriend say I love you a bunch. The guilt of having sex behind her boyfriends back just seems like passing wind and it feels more like cheating and being a slut if anything.

    -Variety of sex scenes.
    -Small download size

    It's got some kinks up in here like sex with futa, bestiality, and even tentacle sex.

    -Occasional bad grammar/lifeless dialogue. Get ready to see a bunch of "Ah..." as moans. Good Ending spoiler alert:
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    -The English version still had parts of dialogue in Russian.
    -Lust system is simple, but it ain't that fun repeatedly running across the maps looking for a scene if you're lust-gated.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    A soulless game, a "meh" experience overall, that's just what this game is.

    However, it's not a complete waste of time by any means if you want a quick fap: art its nice (even tho anatomy is fucked), and the progression of the game and the scenes themselves are pretty good (even tho there's no sound effects). Also, the gameplay is just plain and simple as every other average rpgm game (walk, explore, get scenes, repeat), so you get the point, it's good fap material and that's it.

    You might like it as much as i did if you are a NTR lover, but hey, maybe that's just me because the main girl's face reminded me of ratatatat's artwork which, spoiler alert, it's not.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very well done, very intutive and without heavy bugs.
    The art is loveable and personally I love the prison enviroment.
    You really have a lot of choices and some lead you to various ending.
    Imho: the only cons is that it is too short...
    I hope in a sequel!
    Likes: Daioh
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game, it surprises me more than I expected, without a doubt I was left wanting more, good story and good pace of progress, the only thing I see that could be improved is some way of knowing where to go without having to look at the time and the activity calendar, I mean, just to be picky.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Tried the game when it was v0.05 and tried current version of v0.65.
    The game is being developed on top, but a lot of issues are not addressed, which makes me think that the game is heading to bad direction, as core of the gameplay is not fixed.

    This is generic sandbox game, with very simple storyline and very simple lust system. The more main character does, the more things are unlocked, but you are forced to find those events and once you find it, you need to grind the stat to unlock it.

    The whole day routine is completely pointless, as there is no punishment or reward for following the appropriate timings and tasks set for the player, you can basically do whatever you want with no punishment, which makes the MC jump from 0 to 100 very quickly, there is no build-up or corruption, once you have 5 lust you are getting fully naked and performing blowjobs and full on sex, which is really bad for corruption game with lust system, as any player wants some build-up. Not to mention having a clothing system THAT DOES NOTHING!

    The good side is that the game is under development and more scenes are being created with quite good art, but core of the gameplay and storytelling really puts me off.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    I had my doubts about this game right after reading the title, but I thought maybe "conclusion" had something to do with the plot. But no, it's really just MTL without understanding the meaning. Being the native speaker of the original language of this game, I assume the dev meant "Alice's imprisonment". I haven't played the MTL English version, but considering the problem even with the name of the game, I would guess that it's of the same quality. As for the original language, it's no better - lots of silly grammatical errors, very dry language, lackluster dialogues. Reading the sex scenes is a chore because of how poorly they're written. As I said, dialogues and writing in general are the weakest side of this game.

    The game has only one redeeming quality - it's somewhat a nice art. As for the other aspects of the game, it's lose on all fronts. I confess I endured this game only for half an hour then deleted it for good. Right from the beginning the game appear to be generic corruption game similar to those low quality japanese game that pop up every month.

    In this game there is no goal, the player is not given any task, you are just thrown in and you have to run around the prison and look for events to corrupt the heroine. Let it be so, the setting itself promised that you could make it a good game in the genre of survival, and even as a sandbox, because the heroine starts as an innocent victim and is in prison on false accusations. But there is nothing to do in this game outside of looking for these events with red hearts. The heroine is not looking for ways to get free using criminal connections between prisoners and outside criminals or talking to her boyfriend about ways to expose her former boss. Instead, we are immediately offered to sleep with the head of the prison in order to reduce the sentence and this is apparently the whole idea of the game.

    You can say no to any sexually hungry prisoner or guard and it will not have any consequences. Well, literally, you just won't be able to do anything in this game. Yes, there is an option to refuse any sex scene, but it even in dialogs it looks extremely lame, as if the author added it just to create the illusion of choice. In fact, there is no alternative. Also there is no moral break of the heroine that she is forced to do something in order to survive in prison. There are no other stats for which you need to have an eye on except for corruption, you're not forced to do anything.

    The game is also divided into hours, during which you can do something, which stretches the player's time in this boring loop even more. You don't have to follow the daily routine at all, you don't have to go to the cafeteria, you don't have to work, and you don't have to do anything at all, there are no penalties for that.

    I could also touch on the topic of NTR and how it is even possible given the circumstances our heroine is in. But given the character dialogues that I read so far, I doubt there's much to see there.

    Anyway, there's a lot more to say about the downsides here, so I'll end by saying this: If you just want to jerk off to the art, download the save file with open gallery and don't bother yourself with this piece of work.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The scenes are of good quality. Well done developer. The game is simple, but that's a plus. No need to run, search, understand. Turn it on and sit and do things. The plot is for fans of NTR mainly. But the public will love it too. As a connoisseur, I am delighted.
    Likes: Daioh
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Fallen Raider

    Good game! I'll be waiting for the full version!
    I really liked the art and a couple of characters.
    I hope that there will be an opportunity to develop a relationship with Christina, and the "girl" from the shower
    Likes: Daioh
  13. 2.00 star(s)



    Seriously, this is not good in each and every department.

    Art. I'm not a (good) artist, but even I can see the broken anatomy from time to time, especially when it's face. FACE HOLE ANATOMY BAD. YOU FIX. ME UNGA BUNGA.

    Story. I'm not going to complain about the plot being basic as fuck, because it doesn't matter. Lots of Great novels have similar basic foundation. But it's impossible to deny that here pacing and prose are extremely lacking.

    Pacing is all over the place. The initial corruption steps are too few, with too few moral deliberations. I get that you don't want to blueball the players, but at the same time, the girl has to put up a fight to make it interesting. This was not interesting. The solution to this is that you make first corruption steps more visible to the player than in-game characters. Here it's just "Blow me!" — "Uh... alright."

    And the prose —including porn— is just unbelievably dull. One of the first scenes is masturbation, and sorry-not-sorry I'm gonna spoil it for you right now. It goes like this:

    "I hope no one heard this"

    I shit you not, that's the whole "scene". This is not MTL's fault, obviously, it's just the source is drier than an Egyptian mummy. I simply can not rate this positively, this is like... 3rd grade level writing.

    Gameplay. There isn't any? This is a walking simulator. You kinda sorta grind money, except there isn't any way to spend it, so you don't really grind money, you just walk to progress through event chains and money come as a bonus.

    Heck, forget the lack of in-game economy. This game doesn't even do branching properly! For example, you can get the BF dump Alice, and then commit to the Warden ending, and what do you see? Ex-but-magically-not-ex-BF waiting the girl at the prison gates. Come on!

    Anyway... You get one star by default, and one extra star for effort. Two stars it is.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This is currently a good OUTLINE for a good game, but far from complete and with glaring problems at the moment. A current danger is people getting lost in the empty space and not knowing how to progress, so I'm writing this as much as a review as it is a guide to help others get the most mileage out of this game as is now. The current state of the game relies on a specific path rather than choices, and thus certain options MUST be explored to further the game.

    First and foremost, no worries, MTL is fine here. Translating Russian to english is far easier for a program than Moonspeak to english.

    Second is: do not pass a single opportunity to raise her lust, and your first goal is lust of 3 to access the first scene with the warden. Two can be gotten in the intro/first day itself, a third can be picked up by masturbating at night. Once you have this, visiting the chief warden is a whopping +5, with most scene paths demanding a minimum of 15 to continue. This is the point the game gets a bit easier to explore, but the very beginning before you've got 15+ lust suffers from a bottleneck where you'll wander around a lot, not knowing what you can even do to progress. Focus on 3 Lust for the first visit, then visit him enough for 15, then things get more flexible.

    The paths in game with at least some amounts of content at the moment are showering, some guy from the Canteen, a gloryhole in the bathroom in the courtyard, the job of nurse (starts on day 3 I believe) and the warden himself. There's some misc scenes here and there beyond these, but not many and doesn't really lead anywhere interesting.

    The current main path the game pushes you into is the warden path. There are currently no alternatives available and all other paths eventually end with a "more content next update" message after about 2-3 scenes for them.

    Giving this 3 stars because while it has areas where it's rough around the edges, it also has potential. Currently a problem is there's so little content that much of the game is currently empty space with nothing to do, which could scare people off. (BUT to the dev's credit, priorities seem to be in place: fleshing out one path at a time is a good and organized development plan) Would also add as a criticism that the dialog admittedly sucks. There is no sex talk, just "ah" and "unf" and "eek" being spammed during a sex scene.

    Beyond that though, if each path is fleshed out and explored in a manner the current state seems to imply is the plan, then this would be a nice little 4 out of 5 stars for a game, with good art, good variety, hopefully then more straightforward and branching options on how to progress, and multiple endings.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    A simple game, but well done, with several endings, it is premised on a simple plot, but it is well elaborated, overall an above average game, which will not disappoint you, if you are looking for a fast but fun game, and with good pictures and the best part uncensored ^^
    Likes: Hervi
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    • Art is very good
    • H scene is (y)
    • No quest note or objective marker to indicate what should we do or how to go different path.
    • No CG gallery or Scene replay. A huge miss on dev.
    • Repetitive gameplay (like most H RPGM) most of the time you running around to different place and sleep.
    Other than that is just a decent NTR genre RPGM game. Personally I have no problem with MTL, but no gallery and scene replay is a huge miss potential since the art is very good. Can't give 3.5 stars so Imma give it 4.
    Likes: Hervi
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    as of 0.25-

    I finished all the content a lot faster than I thought I would. Probably an hour or so, can be made much shorter if you know what to do. Game is a bit repetitive; there's still some untranslated russian text, and though the MTL is acceptable, it is still undeniably MTL.

    Art is stellar as should be obvious. The gameplay is a bit boring but admittedly we are early in the demo; particularly raising your lewdness level early on can only be done by masturbating at night for a +1 increase. Game could use the little hearts and indicators of events to help progress a bit more smoothly since there's lots of toeing around talking to everyone trying to find stuff and there's not much to find considering it's a demo, which makes it a bit infuriating.

    Nonetheless the game has good potential. Keeping an eye on it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ Alice's conclusion v0.25]

    Bit early, but much potential.

    Love the art.

    Writing is derivative. Scenario's been done recently, corruption and even moment-to-moment plot flow is lacking; fluency is what you'd expect from a translation.

    Porn's fine so far, but not enough is here (easily explained by it being an early release).

    TLDR: Smooth out the narrative and add some meaningful lewds and this'll be golden.