Unity - Completed - Alien Invasion [Final] [I-Project]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The game looks pretty good design wise but the h-scenes are extremely repetitive (sounds and animations). Also, i couldn't for the life of me find how to shoot. I pressed every keys on my keyboard and she just wouldn't want to shoot with any weapon... It is not the worst game i've played so far though. It can be fun if you want to break highscores but without guns, it is not worth it.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Once again, from the translation notes: " The game was translated with "XUnity.AutoTranslator" to see the English text, you need to be connected to the Internet. "

    Thanks, but no thanks! That's worse than not having a translated game at all.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit: So apparently shooting doesn't work on keyboard, but it does on controller.

    As I was playing this game, I spent the entire time wondering

    "Where's the H-content?"

    I had spent the last 5 minutes dodge sliding enemies and I-framing through every projectile before I noticed my own flaccidity. Up until now, I hadn't seen a single tentacle to hurl protagonist into and was getting very depressed.

    So I decided to take my appendages off the controls and let the enemies have their way.

    Except it went straight to a game over/continue menu. Clicking "no" led me to the gallery where I saw all the animations even from enemies I haven't seen yet.

    That's all this game was.

    -Character design kinda cool.

    -Controls busted (maybe just me, but where's the shoot button?)
    -Repetitive enemies
    -Not even an H-scene upon losing, sends you to gallery after game over.
    -The better you are, the less you're 'rewarded'
    -Lack of H-content, heck, content all together. Though excuse me if this is just an accepted trait of endless runner games.
    -mtl, though to be fair you wouldn't even need to know moonrunes to figure this game out within seconds.