VN - Abandoned - Alone in the Milfy Island with Milfs and Girls [v1.0 ] [Milfyloverred]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    First, I hate when the Dev puts a box in just to have the Player click. If there is no choice, why make the player click? Second, why 12 choices that pretty much all lead to death. Now you've just wasted my time, and while I guess someone might call it trolling, it's just useless stupidity.

    Remove the spots where there is only a single choice to make. One choice is no choice. Remove the stupid jokes on the player, we aren't grateful for having time wasted, and it isn't funny.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is the devs first game, so he gets a automatic 3 for effort and it being animated.

    Animations 4/5 very fluid.
    Story 2/5 for now, A bit on the heavy side
    Gameplay 2/5 for now, A to B
    Graphics 2/5 for now, needs improvement
    Characters Models 3/5
    Characters Personalities 3/5 for now

    This is a A to B game, and choices currently either do not matter or lead to a game over. The dialog is pretty heavy, too heavy in my opinion, and the story is currently on rails. There is only one animated H-scene with a toy and doesn't involve the MC, but it is very fluid.

    Depending on the developers choices, this could become a great game to play in time.