This used to be just “Alone” and was made in RPG maker VX (2007 version of RPGM).
In 2013 author got really angry at RPGM VX and its many failures and cut features, tried VX ace (2012 version of RPGM), got angrier. He then rebooted the game in RPG maker XP (the 2005 version of RPGM) as AloneXP, a remake of Alone.
He has been developing it since it since 2013... using the 2005 version of the RPGM engine.
The game is ancient, it literally older than Patreon. back when it started it was the norm for porn games to be just 1 guy programming and writing and using random stolen art they find on booru. nowadays he has patreon and uses those funds to commissions an artist to replace the stolen art with original art made specifically for this game. This is going very very slowly because there are very few patreons actually donating. so currently the art is still mostly stolen booru random mixed art.
There is surprisingly large amount of stuff to do. Although it is somewhat limited by its engine.
This probably should have been split into several games.
Dev should really just end this game already and make a sequel in the newest RPGM. 10 years of active development since the last reboot is just obscene.