[R>Programmer] Share Alpha Prime

Nov 21, 2016
I have to throw the towel and ask for help. Let me start first with a brief summary of the events that made come here:

I had this project ongoing where I was doing everything by myself and was pretty much close to finish it all, pinching codes of other games from here and there (all codes had source identified by the way) and images from the net I had a 'decent?' enough game on html, but fate can be fickle sometimes. a few weeks ago my computer fried during a thunderstorm, even with said computer turned off and off the plug, and pretty much everything inside of my hard disk was lost. Almost 3 years of work gone in a flash of lightning. My only backup is at least 3 years old (yes I did at the start but later on put it aside). So now I pretty much have to start over, taking this 3 years of trying to code by myself and trying to mend codes from other people on my game, I learned something very valuable...

I suck at coding...

So I'm here to ask for help from the community


The name of the game is Alpha Prime - The corruptor. Basically is like 'The Company' lots of mind control and corruption elements, but you are a type of agent that goes hunting for the prey on your own in order to supply the demand of secret organizations. The game can be shortened or lengthened depending on how well it is received by the community, but it still has an end with 4 chapters and a conclusion. All the principal elements of the history are basically done, all I need is to convert from paper to digital so the duration can be determined on by how fast the person or team can code the elements required for the game.


As stated I'm the currently sole developer of this game. All the writing will be done by me and the images used in the game are pretty much real porn collected from sites out there, later on as long we can get enough funding we can try to obtain an artist to do the images but this will be open for discussion with the people who embark on this project with me. My patreon is pretty much out there for years now unused and left with digital cowebs and virtual dust, you can acess it here you can also contact me on discord my username is Nameless Marauder#2646

Looking for:

Html coder (preference Twine - Sugarcube since is what I was using prior to my hard disk wipe out) or if in case you think you are up to it, a Ren'py coder but this is pretty much uncharted territory for me, so if you are up to it you will have to take me by the hand and help me out with pretty much everything else.

Employment Type:

Well currently I cannot employ anyone since I don't have the capital for this, therefore anyone embarking on this with me we can pretty much discuss on his or hers employment, how you would like to get paid in the future or if you want to share the income we 'may' get with this project with the patreon Revenue.

Work commitment:

Do take in mind though if this project is sucessful. I plan to make other games, I have too many ideas for adult games but to little in means of using those ideas, this income would open a new door for those ideas and hence increasing our time working together, and eventually even expanding the team. What I can assure you is if sucessful, I plan to make many other games so we can make this relationship to be as long as you desire to work with me.

Preferred method of contact:

You can contact me here by private message or on discord so if you are interested in this let's talk.

Deleted member 609064

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2018
I am busy with my own project and 2 games I help out on but I like your premise. If I had less on my plate, I would be happy to lend assistance.

Please update this thread as you make progress and good luck! :)


Dec 17, 2018
Oof, lesson learned. Use git and github this time around. Private repositories are free now so you don't have to worry about having your source code stolen.
Nov 21, 2016
I am busy with my own project and 2 games I help out on but I like your premise. If I had less on my plate, I would be happy to lend assistance.

Please update this thread as you make progress and good luck! :)
Hey the thought is what counts, thanks anyway for droping by.

Oof, lesson learned. Use git and github this time around. Private repositories are free now so you don't have to worry about having your source code stolen.
Yeah a harsh lesson, and it wasn't much out of fear and more out of laziness, I work most of my time, so I had little to no time to fully focus on coding this, eventually when I was free, I searched for a code that could match what I was looking for and spend time mending it on my game. I backed it up at the start on my google drive but I threw caution in the wind and told myself "Ahh forget it! I won't need this...". Of course if I could have foreseen all this I would still be doing backup's on the drive until this day.
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