VN - Ren'Py - ALT CTRL DEL [Ep. 8] [Burst Out Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    (Review of Ep. 8)

    This appears to be another novella with great visuals and some humour added to make up for the weak story. In this case it would seem that the developer was inspired by some popular movies, TV series and other stuff to have a go at a story based on the concept of multiverse.

    It's not terribly boring so far, though the fun tends to be provided mostly by Stella and Hunter, while the parents have generally boring dialogue. The story is mostly a cheap excuse to insert the sex scenes. For instance, a certain police officer wants to have sex to become pregnant, as if having sex once was a 100% foolproof way of achieving that, and when Hunter is left inconsciuous after refusing to have sex with the WTF lot, Theo is all happy about it. So, I presume the success of this will depend on how many people value visuals and cheap humour over anything else. But hey, absurd comedy has its audience too.

    I'm also hoping the animations get better over time.

    Anyways, I wish you good luck.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Episode 7

    Had high hopes for this as I enjoyed the devs other games. But man this one is very disappointing.

    Possible spoilers

    The story could work in theory but some writing choices have definitely made it hard to enjoy.

    Having the entire family as the "MC" is a refreshing design choice, but it can be hard to balance with the players tastes, with having even one annoying character bring down the whole thing.

    The choice to replace the super smart dad with a less smart, more horny/cocky dad was a big mistake so early on in the story. I can only assume this was done because the devs wanted to try a different story route of the "dilf" characters defenses being broken down gradually like in their other games. Unfortunately the new dad is much more annoying and the fact that no one in his family seems to notice he's not the same person (especially the super smart daughter, or his wife of at least 2 decades), is one of those huge plot holes I hate about doppelganger plot lines.

    The daughter seems to be the main focus so far, with her playing a major role in the plot lines of each new universe. Also she develops her I-want-to-have-sex-with-everyone feelings early on pulling her ahead of the rest of the family in terms of MC potential.

    The art and animation is of the same quality as their other games, which is decent with a few...odd character design choices.

    All in all if you can deal with several unlikable characters, an episodic storyline, and sex scenes for the sake of sex scenes with no real emotional connection between the participants, check out the game. But if you want a little more connection between the MC and their LIs check out the devs other games or look elsewhere.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders and the models are OK.

    The story is just 100% boring. The main characters travel through parallel dimensions, and you would expect some adventures, but they are not engaging at all.

    The purpose of the story seems to be just to serve as a wrapper for sex scenes (including incestual) which could be hot. But the problem is, sex scenes aren't sexy.


    There's nothing interesting, neither story-wise nor in erotic department. (Except that the daughter looks sexy, but that's it).

  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This isn't necessary bad by any means. It's just not all that good either. The models are nice, the environments are well rendered, and animations are a bit rough but decent. I even found the premise interesting and was looking forward to seeing more updates. Perhaps this would be another VN to earn my patronage. Unfortunately, the updates are short, far between and each seems like more about showing off a different reality than expanding on the actual story. This would be fine if it weren't for the fact that the updates are as I said incredibly short. Like someone delving out a comic 4-5 pages at a time. Because of this the reader makes next to no progress with the characters, the worlds they visit, and the overall story. It's 7 updates in and the only thing I can tell you is the father created interdimensional travel, a mysterious agency wants to stop him, they traveled to an incest dimension where probably they left their actual father, and an all females dimension where the men were imprisoned and "forced" to mate with the inhabitants. This was by far the worse part of the story. I'm not kidding, it wasn't exciting in either eroticism or adventure. Oh, and now the characters are in a world where the daughter is famous for ... no clue other than science is very popular there and she's now on a game show at the end.

    Aside from that there's the relationships. Oh man. The daughter is harboring suppressed feelings for her entire family. The mother wants her son and daughter so bad she can hardly stand it. The father, well he's stuck in incest world, but the guy posing as the dad constantly says inappropriate shit which gets called out but no one is cluing in and this guy is trying to get some from literally everyone but the mom at this point. And then there's Junior. He's so clueless it would be sad if it weren't so depressing. I've tried multiple runs and made zero progress on any of the family front so if you're hoping for that to happen, bad news, the only thing you'll see will be on incest world between alternat family. That's it.

    So how can this VN be improved? Make updates worth our time. If you're going to focus on each world like sliders make it long enough to matter. The longest portion of this game was the all female world and it took four updates to get through what should have just been one large update. I've checked too. The last update (0.6) was only 20 MB smaller than this one (0.7). I'd understand if this is how the author is dropping the public content and made it clear that if you want more content you'd have to be a backer that would make sense, but if this is how the backed VN is being dropped I'd have to say there's no incentive here. The story has gone nowhere and the worlds are pretty boring on all fronts.

    I'll have to give this a 3 stars for the premise and chalk up the rest to this not being for me. I wish the dev all the best in finding their audience with this and if anyone reading this enjoys this VN consider backing the project. F95 is a great site to try these titles out but if you truly enjoy something try to show the devs some support.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I appreciate those who want to experiment but this project has, by its nature, problems that clash with what, in my opinion, an AVN should be.

    Here it is not the story that is created to highlight one or more kinks but it is the story that, in its flow, "encounters" the kinks.

    This means that if you are looking for something specific you will come across it but it will never be explored in depth and, consequently, it will not give you any satisfaction.

    The same goes for the X scenes. There is very little build up and pathos because all the scenes are linked to specific plot needs.

    Furthermore, there is no real MC and this does not favor immersion in my opinion.

    The technical side is appreciable, especially in the character models (I find the mother model one of the most beautiful in the MILF category). Unfortunately the animations are really basic.

    The fairest rating would be a 3 and a half but since that's not possible I'll give it 3 stars.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hilarious! This game is way to funny and is worth the try if only for the writing. Without spoiling, the story is insane, and I believe it will only get more so haha.

    The family has great genes, especially the MILF mom and the son which are top-notch character models. The scene with the son at the Bureau of Breeding impregnating his gorgeous lookalike mom was hot as fuck.

    This is a fun filled sci-fi adult comedy that was entertaining from the start to the end. Can't wait for the next update!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great start on the game. Got a tons of laugh with the weird cultures of the multiverse world. This is the only time I played that with multiple protagonist works as each protagonist resonates with other protagonist. They are a family with different traits and characteristics which compliments each other weakness.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This one looks better than the other offerings from the same Devs. The animations are middling.

    Having multiple protagonists can be tricky to pull off without ruining story immersion, have to see how that goes.

    The biggest problem is again the writing.
    The dad is not very likeable as he is pretentious and obviously bad with people.
    The son has an ego a mile wide and pretty stupid.
    The daughter can be pretentious as well but to a lesser degree than dad. One of the more likeable characters.
    Mom isn't too bad.
    Alt. mom, dad and son again not very likeable, especially dad and again son.
    Girlfriend was pretty useless and served no real purpose other than to throw in yet more slang.
    Daughter's friend blurts out sisterfucker in Hindi for unknown reason, dad blurts out shit in klingon again for unknown reason.

    Yes, the plot resembles Sliders quite a bit but still has potential but I'm not getting my hopes up as Powers that be also had potential brought down by bad writing, and what seemed like a plot that was just winging it rather than being clearly thought out ahead of time.

    It really comes down to whether the Devs can get a hold of the writing. Have the story line written out in advance, stop putting in slang that feels forced in, and create characters that are likeable and people can empathize with or relate to.

    With so many VNs going at once it will be hard to pull off. As is this is a middle of the road offering.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played the current version [v0.0.02] here's my review:

    Game is fairly new, but there's a decent amount of content. Game is very linear, nice pace. The controls are very easy, smooth gameplay from start to finish. Took me approximately 30 minutes to play.

    The Milf (Mc's mom) is strikingly Hot. I haven't seen a model like her in any other game. She reminds me of a 90's Sharon Stone. Smoking Hot! Very well done, I can't wait to see where this story goes. Good Luck Dev! And, Thank you for the awesome game!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    ALT CTRL DEL [ v0.0.1 ]

    First of all game got some nice renders and visuals. Liked the story concept and got some sound effects too. Not that much content but gotta say a nice pilot episode. Surely this would have been my fav game but the kinks here is not for me. Not a fan of multiple protagonist games. Here you will control characters dad and son. Dad model looks nice it's not a usual face we see in many games. But son's model is usual model. There is s female protagonist tag attached here so in the future update seems like we will control female characters too. Despite the fact the kinks are not my fav I enjoyed the game maybe because it's short and there is not that much sexual content in this release.

    Well if I have to make an opinion ofc dev is not gonna change the multiple protagonists and the kinks so make the sharing and swinging only between the family and alternative family members. Don't involve other male characters except the dad and son. Well it's just my personal preference. I'm not reducing the rating just because the kinks involved here is not my preference. If don't like these contents avoid playing the game or just give this version a try and decide whether you want to play the future updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    OMG, this is gold... Without any spoilers, the plot revolves around a family, M,D,B,S getting trapped inside another multiverse. I usually dislike multiple protagonists, but damn.. it really fits here, being able to see the new world through different perspectives.
    The writing is excellent and witty. I love the way the game portrays the relationships between the family, specially the geeky ramble between the dad and daughter, or the overprotective nature of the mom towards her son.
    Good renders and decent looking characters. this is quite a promising start. Hoping to see more of this soon.