VN - Ren'Py - Alternate Existence [S2 v2.3.0] [MrKnobb]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    3 stars tell the wrong story, but I have to take the middle here. In a more complex rating I would give 5 stars for the models, posing and scenes, and zero to 1 stars for the story.
    I really don't get why we have so many devs with really good skills in producing lewd content, that all think they have to tell us some world changing conspiracy space opera to entertain us.
    No! Just no! No no no!
    These are fapping games, I play them one-handed or at least with literally growing excitement. Give me some hot girls, a light-hearted background story, do some build-up with the characters and their relationship to the MC and then get into action! I don't want Rambo or Matrix or Star Wars retold, only with some tiddies added. I don't care for ancient gods or mythic bloodlines thrown at me to start an asset parade.
    A few hot girls in hot clothes doing lewd things is all I want. And goddamn KrKnobb knows how to do this!
    Every time Summer or Anne are walking into a scene, their tanned bodies barely covered, kinky heels at their feet, every wheel in my lewd brain starts turning - brilliant! Poses, mimic, even most of the kinky dialogs are top notch, bravo Sir!
    ... But why the space stuff? why the mysteries, the aliens... nothing of these things add anything relevant to this game. If you start with a sci-fi story, your player know what to expect. But turning a perfectly fine orphan kid story into a sci-fi world rescue mission is just disappointing. And yes I know, the foreshadowing was always there with MC's special features and his dreams, but honestly... I couldn't care less and constantly hoped that MrKnobb would drop the idea and go with the hot babe flow...a flow he definitely mastered. But now? Doesn't look promising at all...
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Alternate Existence has good points and bad ones. My main gripe with the game is the story, it loses interest because it is quickly moronic and all the girls just throw themselves at the MC without thinking or anything, except the main ones which drag it out without much sense. And once you get close to season 2 then it just decides to switch the plot completely and go in a totally unwelcome direction which is really offputting. Choices are mostly limited to which girls you prefer or if you want to skip some content, which is also a downside.

    Render quality varies, especially in the early stages of the game, but it ends up being pretty decent. There are lots of animations as well, some a bit clunky but in general they do their job very well. And girls are different and have different body types which is nice as well, and also different ages which can be easily identified. Sound is very limited though.

    So, all in all, this one I'm going to drop. Just can't find it interesting enough for my time once I started going through season 2.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    i am actually speechless of this one. all i can say is that i really enjoyed this avn. there is a lot of story, tons of great characters, and all in all pretty wrecking choiced you make. the mc first a loser at the beginning, getting more and more involved with tons of girls. its the high of his life basically. then the story going in a completely different direction than i expected in season 2. giving me the biggest plot twist of my life. mind is blown.
    anyway i am always up for a good harem game, but this one overtriumphs most of them .

    recommended 5/5 Stars
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    There are far too many LIs in this game relative to the number of renders. With the exception of family basically all of them are underdeveloped.

    There is no variety or routes for any of them. The writing has potential; you find the secret of an annoying camgirl who follows you around everywhere. Seems like a good character to have a blackmail path with. Nope, instead the game effectively forces you into the path of performing a cam show with her.

    Annoying cousin who is a total bitch to you for no reason? Nice, we can have a route where we break her will down? Nope, instead we are supposed to empathize with her for some reason and the game forces you into forgiving her.

    Oh, also one of the most attractive models in the game is constantly teased as a character who is interested in you. You can see her thoughts that she wants you to ask her out. We see MCs thoughts that he thinks she is cute. But the player never gets an option to take initiative with her, and the MC, as is typical does nothing. As this is one of the only women in the game who never throws herself at MC, nothing happens. One of the other most attractive models is just given to your obnoxious comic relief friend character (who is a whole different issue with the game, given his randomly showing up in scenes and saying bizarre dialogue that is counter to the tone. I think this is an attempt at comic relief. If this is an effort to develop a normal friend character, oh boy). Why would you write a game this way?

    Props for having a variety of models, some of whom aren't that attractive and some who are. But the variety isn't worth much when they are all underdeveloped, barely have any scenes, and their lust for the MC makes minimal sense but we're just bounced around from sex scene to sex scene.

    Equally annoying is how passive the MC is. The only choices to make are whether you want to see the scenes of these various random women who meet you and then throw themselves at you. The MC being pathetic would be interesting if it was part of his character arc and he develops from that start, but instead we are stuck watching him stumble around inept in everything while women just throw themselves at him because of a stupid plot point. He's totally passive in everything and the lack of choices to be made renders you passive as a player too.

    Oh, and the game effectively railroads you both into accepting a character as your girlfriend with no input and then also railroads you into cheating on her repeatedly? And then with no input from the player, MC reveals this to her? How is this effective game design?

    As far as the writing goes, your relationship with one character improves by virtue of you stopping men from raping her. Repeatedly. There is more than one scene with this premise. Why?

    The concept is ok here, and there is potential with some of these characters, but it is totally unfulfilled. On the other hand, there is one goth character who is very unique relative to other visual novels and also attractively rendered so that has some merit for uniqueness.

    Edit: Season 2 has drastically better renders but the story is somehow even dumber.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this game on the weekend, and I can only say that it was a Saturday well spent on this. I wonder how I didn't notice it before, but at the same time I'm glad that I found with all the content there is now.

    At multiple points in this story, my expectations were subverted. The story seems simple at first: Young, normal guy who's an orphan and down on his luck working at a cheap diner gets a call that changes his life. So after some convincing he goes and lives with Anne, a friend of his late mother's and her daughter and we get a pseudo-incest, standard college-themed game, right?

    Nah, far from that. But that's all I can say, because I don't want to spoil the story.

    What I can say is that I encountered a fuckton of lively, likable characters who all have their own raisons d'ètres, motivations, kinks, backgrounds and personalities, and I'm hard pressed to find a love interest I didn't like. (Samara and Daniella are the best though!)

    MrKnobb does an absolutely fantastic job at weaving in little hints here and there that later on make you feel like "Ahh, that makes sense, he did do this or that, after all." or "Damn, that's what it was all about." I love when foreshadowing happens, it's a stylistic means that devs rarely use.

    The sex scenes are fucking hot. They have a healthy amount of buildup and good angles and animations.

    If I had to criticise something, it would be that the MC in some renders has a complexion that looks slightly unhealthy and that the first LI that is introduced is still waiting for her spotlight. I also don't find one or two women not appealing visually, but I realize that this might be a "me" thing.

    All in all, it's a super solid, well rounded game that ticks all the boxes in my book that it needs to be rated at 5 stars.

    Cannot wait for the next update. Good luck to the dev!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This was a tough one to rate. I fluctuated between 2 or 3 stars.

    I thought the plot was pretty good and the writing wasn't bad except for some of the sex talk, especially the MC. How many times are you going to tell a girl she's tight or wet and you know you're hitting the bottom of the barrel for sex talk when you break out the " Take it, take it all. Also at one point when aunt was hesitant about crossing the sex line with her nephew understandably the MC threw an over the top hissy fit that was embarrassing. Weird since he was cool with other girls who wanted to wait.

    The models are a mixed bag. Most have body proportions on the extreme side, no variety in breast size, they're all big to even bigger. The Dev also seems to like women who are a bit rough looking meaning tats and piercings. A tat here or there is okay as long as not too many. Piercings outside of ears or bellybutton are a big turn off for me. Also at times they have green skin color and sometimes zombie grey.

    The MC has a kind of creepy look to him, every time I see him I hear a voice saying " It puts the lotion in the basket." His physique looks a bit odd and some times skin tone is off. He starts off with a ridiculous over sized dick which in season 2 it becomes stupidly supersized. This is a pattern for this Dev given the previous V/N. Someone has a fetish for supersized penises. The BJ scenes look more strange than sexy.

    The animations are a mixed bag also. Sometimes they look really good and sometimes less so. For one at times the Dev use that technique where the scene wobbles or bounces ( I forget what it's called ) which is a distraction. The lewd sounds are pretty decent.

    This V/N could be so much better if the women looked less extreme and had more variety and if the MC looked better. Also if the Dev reigned in the comical dick thing and if the MC spoke less during sex scenes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: Season 2 - 2.1.0 + Season 1 - 1.9.1

    I was really hesitiant to play this game due to the 1 or 2 voyeur scenes at the start and the presence of a previous game's MC's LI. After a few updates, I decided to bite the bullet and just try it. I wasn't disappointed; in fact, I loved the game. The renders, the girls, and the sex scenes were all good. Of all the AVNs I played, this is one of the most erotic games I have played.

    All girls have their own unique outfits (lewd outfits for scenes and normal ones). The girls are all pretty endearing in their ways (the experienced ones, the "tsundere" innocent ones, etc.).

    As someone who hates games that reeks of NTR, this ain't one of them. Just give it a go; you won't be disappointed.



    Unique Lewd Outfits

    Long erotic scenes

    Sex sounds


    Kinda long update times
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This games was interesting since the start...but the way Season 2 started I am now really eager to see what the author is planning. Of course some Adult content will be available, but the plot is getting really fun.
    The characters development is great...some girls more slutty that others. While almost every girls has her own issues, the story is not overdoing it by adding unnecessary drama.
    Not many choices as this is clearly harem oriented so mostly it's about kinks/girls the player is willing to see. Every character has hi own personality and I strongly recommend to read the dialogues as some scenes clarify the behaviour of the characters. Renders are good as well as animations. Author did not limit animations to short lewd scenes but also included some sexy scenes.
    Story is what make this game fun...a fantasy about an MC starting as deep as it goes in his life to a new lifestyle that he could not even dream about....with new lifestyle come new challenges.
    The fact that the author does not convert MC to a jerk overwhelmed by his new status and abusing his privileges is really pleasant.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    After playing the dev's previous game.
    I decided to give this a chance as the other one was not to my liking. Many shared this sentiment.

    This game does not have choices. It has just enough that the mods or whomever will say "it has choices so it is not a kinetic novel." However everyone who has played this knows good and well that it is in fact kinetic.

    The graphics are pretty damned good. My bias aside. I find myself surprised when I think of a certain game that went on . . . .I don't remember if it was a 3+ year hiatus or something around that number. And gained a lot of hate after it used to be one of the top vns. I.. . .I think that game actually edges out Alternate existence with slightly better graphics. Less girls to be fair. But slightly better graphics.

    The story is good enough I suppose. But bias comes back to piss you off when most choices really don't matter and the game is pretty much kinetic.

    Basically, if you're mad with the two maternal figures. Or if you don't quite see a reason to hate them while having no desire to give them any preferential treatment, it doesn't matter. They're going to be your LIs whether you want them or not. So if you wanted to forgive and then bone them, lucky you.
    They are visually appealing. But that's it as far as they appealed to me.

    Speaking of graphics. . . . it's odd. The mc in season 1 was brown. Mulato-black or some non white protag beyond any doubt. Season 2 turns him white. It might be turning him back shade by shade. However the mc looked like a different model to me after going in the sci-fi chamber.

    The script and mc claims he's more muscular. I say he lost his bulk. Looks leaner and less muscular to me and possibly shorter in height. Maybe he's more muscularly but since he's leaner it doesn't looks like he gained anything. However I will agree with the game that his dick became bigger for sure.
    In season 1 it fluctuated between above average to huge in terms of girth. To season 2's longer and seemingly similar girth to peak season 1 girth.

    The one good point aside from the graphics is that this appears to be harem unlike the previous game.

    Weird review to be fair. I am not a fan of pointless choices so I do not recommend. I will concede you probably will like the girls anyway.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Writing, Characters, Plot, Dialogue, Premise are all terrible.
    Visuals are good.

    Only play this if you are going to fast-forward through all the awfulness to get to the sex-scenes, and even those gets kinda same-y real fast.

  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Story so far is good, not many games like it, MC is from like another planet or something. Art is average and female characters design was decent.

    Story. 8/10
    Sex. 7/10
    Art/renders. 7/10
    Characters. 7/10
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Dident enjoy this one, havinga childish MC thinking like a 12 year old when he see some big tits only gets annoying when you as the reader just see it as a big turn-off.
    It dident help that i dident like 90% of all the LIs, but what really made it so much worse is when your forced into having sex with someone you dont want to touch with 10ft pole, its just one big fuckparty with no real relationship building.
    When i started playing i thought "oh very nice game, it asked me if she was someone for me" so i had the choice to say no, but yeah that was the only time before the fuckparty starts and you fuck anyone no matter how old or ugly with big saggy tits.....extrem turn-off.... its like some devs has a big tit fetish them selfs and thinks everyone else does to, it just kills the game.

    The graphics and animations are pretty good but again you cant really enjoy them when you keep trying to click the skip button as fast as possible to get away from seeing sex with ugly LIs.

    So yeah i cant really recomend a game with choices where you dont have a choice to whom you want to be with.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Another game with a cliche premise, tired and awful writing, utterly unlikable characters, and—to its credit—a reasonable amount of mediocre content.

    The story is something you've seen a before. I don't know why so many games in this genre insist on having the MC move into a brand new situation to start the game, but it's almost always awkward unless done exceptionally well, which this game fails to do. You can tell stories beginning in steady state conditions. You don't need some grand upheaval to get the ball rolling. I understand the appeal of narratively starting with a blank slate, but when the game is all about your past baggage it makes no sense.

    The anemic story is made even worse by the terrible pacing and insufferable writing. There's a lot of games guilty of overwriting, and this is one of the worst. MrKnobb seems completely incapable of letting renders speak for themselves or even giving them space to breathe. It's a visual novel for a reason. The visual element can carry a lot of a scene, to the point where often words aren't even necessary. Yet, this game overwrites more than most regular novels.

    The developer can't just show a hot girl on screen, and then maybe show the character stunned by how hot she is. No. He needs to add in ten extra panels of the MC's lizard brain going, "oh my god she's so hot!" and "wow! boobs!" and some commentary about his boner. Boner talk has literally never been sexy, especially not when it's ubiquitous with every girl that appears on screen.

    You can understand the occasional over-exposition out of the desire to make sure the audience understands a critical moment. But the frequency that it happens make it feel like the developer genuinely relies on it to carry the scenes. Either that, or he thinks the audience are a bunch of brainless lizards who can't identify an attractive woman when she appears on screen.

    The MC can be generously described as what an emo teen thinks a cool 22-year-old is like. He's irresistible to women. He's killed a person (but it was in self-defense!). He's stronger and tougher than everyone else. He has a pornstar dick. He sleeps in the nude, on top of the covers. He knows year make and model about cars (and has to obnoxiously show it off), because manly interest to break up how he does nothing all day except lounge around and fuck girls.

    He apparently has "exceptional" grades but can't get into school because of money. Like really? Can't get into literally any school? Surely if his grades are exceptional there would be at least some school out there willing to give him a full ride, then he can work to cover living expenses? Instead, it's emo porn for him to be down and destitute, waiting for this beautiful, buxom savior to come in and turn his life around.

    Yet he's insipid, whiny, oblivious, and absent of any charm. He strangely acts like an incel ("but hot women don't pay attention to me!") literally while hot women are throwing themselves at him. So, while said hot girl is seducing the MC, she also has to take time out of her day to play therapist for the killjoy MC too? Why is he bitching about hot women not giving him the time of day while a hot woman is currently draped all over him? You never expect well written women in the adult VN genre, but these women are so transparently written as incel fantasies that it's actually frustrating.

    The girls themselves are more props than characters. Most of them only have value in how attractive they are to the MC, or how much they want to bang him. None of them act or behave like fully fleshed out people, made worse by how there's over a dozen of them so it's doubtful even the developer can keep them all straight. They're little more than pinup cutout wet holes.

    Most of them range from weirdly aggressive to ridiculously annoying. The former is at least understandable, considering the MC doesn't do anything. You can't make him less of a spineless worm with any of your choices. He's just this wooden plank that, inexplicably, over a dozen women can't resist from humping. Most of them are as completely devoid of a real personality as the MC. You know it's bad when racist cliche of broken English Asami is strangely one of the better developed love interests in the entire game.

    The aunt is the obvious savior with the complex to boot. She comes out of the blue and gives him a Princess Diaries life upgrade for free, even if her reasoning never makes sense to begin with. She feels guilty for abandoning him when he was young? So why not just support him now instead of forcing him to "babysit" her daughter, who's apparently the same age?

    Why give him up for adoption when you literally have another child of the same age? She clearly had the means to care for a child, and not just scrape by, considering her daughter turned out completely spoiled and a borderline sociopath. For that matter, why are all his classmates all around the same age and at the same stage in life as him if he started 4 years later than everyone else? (Don't think about it too hard, none of it makes sense.)

    The daughter, the person you're ostensibly there to "babysit", hates you for no reason. She's a total spoiled brat devoid of any discipline or manners. But the MC is not much better. He's tired of her even though he doesn't even do any 'babysitting" (you know, the job he signed up to do). Hell, the first few chapters barely include any scenes with her because she just runs off in disgust whenever the MC is nearby (though considering how much of an incel cliche he is, I completely understand. It's the only sensible thing to do). The MC certainly has a cool gig. He gets free boarding in a mansion, free car and motorcycle, tuition, new clothes and laptop, all without having to actually do anything.

    Wait, are we sure it's not the MC who's being babysat?

    The cousin goes around partying and drinking and lazing about, spending mommy's money, bringing boys home, etc. But it's important that the developer includes she doesn't actually fuck them. She just brings them home to... I don't know, cuddle?... but is actually a virgin who's secretly desperate for the MC's cock. Yeah, again, don't think about it too hard. It's as stupid as it sounds.

    The other girls are just window dressing, to be honest. Most of them are absent any personality outside of being desperate to get fucked by the MC and totally eager to commit to being one-sided loyal playthings. Dialogue with them is wooden, stilted, and totally skip-worthy.

    The visuals are alright. Hell, many of them are even above average. There are some nice renders and abundant animations, including for all the lewd scenes, and most of them are quite nice, though fairly generic. Honestly, there's too many animations to the point that it breaks up the flow of the gameplay. Every girl comes with a dozen super slow, pan up pinups and a few too many goofy walking animations. All the women in town, apparently, walk with sashaying hips that would look over the top on a runway, much less when they're just going to the grocery store. Not to mention that you're end up spending fifteen minutes of your playtime just staring at girls' knees because of all the slow pan-ups.

    The visuals are held back primarily for two (2) reasons. The first is the lack of composition. Almost every shot is globally illuminated with the subject front and center. There's no creativity or imagination with the scenes. Secondly, ever girl has their makeup gun turned up to clown. We're talking like coming out of the pool with full on raccoon eyes, Betty Boop lips, and red clown blush on. Someone should tell MrKnobb that not every girl needs to have the filter turned to whore.

    But, if you're looking for very generously proportioned, high res renders of beautiful women, this game won't disappoint. There's an abundance of nice renders and a good number of lewd scenes to back them up.

    In a genre that should be all about choices, there's not many in this game. It's completely linear, and yet the only real choices you have is if you want to peek or not (poorly framed as peek vs "respect", as if chivalry is the only reason why you wouldn't creep on a woman in the shower). Later, this choice becomes do you want to fucc or not. And in a game where there's literally nothing else except having sex with a bunch of women, who would pick the option not to? The game could be a kinetic novel with zero choices and feel the exact same.

    The entire game feels like a transparently bad attempt at stringing together a bunch of sex scenes with the same male model. It wouldn't feel as bad if the game didn't take itself too seriously, complete with an overarching alien (??) plot that doesn't make any sense to begin with. It's hard to recommend it or anyone who doesn't want to hold ctrl (make sure you toggle on unseen dialogue in the settings) and skip through to the lewd scenes.

    Writing/Story - 1/5
    Visuals - 3.5/5
    Characters - 1/5
    Dialogue - 1.5/5
    Choices - 1/5
    Content Amount - 3/5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic VN. The characters are very well built. And the story is also good. This VN has lot of potential only one thing the dev should consider is the graphics quality though they are getting better with the updates. Hope this VN will get better and better with everything. Keep up the good work dev (y) .
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is at best a 3 star. It's just the same thing that has been done countless times before. It's the typical "someone comes back into your life after a decade" story. She even has the protypical daughter who immediately starts calling you a pervert. The writing is mediocre at best and none of the characters are likeable. This will go right into the --please forget you ever read this file in my brain. The renders were the only saving grace of the entire novel and they are the only reason I don't give it a 1 star review.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This is just a fuckfest, the renders are really nice but the plot is very weak; all the LIs have the same personality: sluts that are enchanted by the miraculous MC dick without a bit of romance whatsoever. If you like mindless sex just for...reasons... try it, i wouldn't recommend it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Got to love all the players review bombing the game because they don't like one thing or don't get choices with some girls. The author states on the OP that the game is very linear. The game is essentially a kinetic visual novel.

    The game is excellent from start to finish! The writing is well done and the story is interesting and engaging.

    There is lots of sex in the game as well as a compelling story. The sex scenes are animated and done well.

    The plot does take a long time to get going as far as the "Alternate Existence" part of the story goes. The player is only given breadcrumbs until the end of version 1.9.0. Until this point, the game plays a lot like a harem with the MC having lots of sex appeal. Due to his alien nature, he gives off a powerful pheromone effect on women. This helps to speed up his sexual relationships and exploits.

    I will agree with one common complaint with the game. The MC's real mother abandons him to focus on her career and then says that he is hugely important to his home world and only he can save it. This part of the story makes zero sense! If he is so important why abandon him until he is an adult? Perhaps this will be explained later but the author is going to have to do lots of mental gymnastics in order for this to make any sense.

    Overall, I was very impressed with the game and it succeeds on nearly everything as long as you understand that this is a kinetic visual novel.

    As long as the lack of choices don't deter you, I highly recommend this game and encourage others to give it a try! I wasn't expecting much based on the recent reviews but I finished the current version and am very grateful that I gave it a try!
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    English: 7/10
    User Interface: 7/10
    User Experience: 5/10
    Art: 8/10
    Dialogue: 3/10
    Story: 3/10
    Opinion: 3/10
    Avg: 5.14/10 [3/5]

    ====================R E V I E W====================

    As per usual, I'm starting this before playing through to current end of content. From what I remember, what little I do, as this game leaves no strong impressions, MC has magic powers that let him heal and is irresistible to women, even through phones? All I know is there's no reason for anyone to like MC, and some lawyer lady, that I don't think is in the story yet, jills off to MC trying to get him to the aunt's(I think?) home. After that all I remember is MC going set piece to set piece getting a bunch of unearned sex. The unfortunate truth is this one is very forgettable. But I guess we'll see as I go through the story. And I know that a lot of the brain dead reviews are people complaining about Samara - A character that not even MC thinks about unless she's on screen - has sex with her boyfriend. And the aunt gets eaten out by a prostitute. Because apparently they can't handle even seeing a girl, that's just pixels on a screen, kissing another girl. Wow. Samara's only claim to fame is she's the first character you meet, and the aunt has androphobia and paid a girl for physical intimacy that she's missing out on. It's probably the best written thing in this forgettable story. I will also say, it's very obvious this was going a completely different direction based on early game dialogue. If memory serves, this was rewritten or something? But yeah, all the terrible "god she's so hot" internal monologuing MC does is telling of how this was supposed to be. And any time there's anything serious or light, you have 18 different camera angles of Anne's(the aunt) body, and a fisheye closeup of her face.(Actually every girl gets the unattractive fisheye) Which is very unflattering. We get it, she has the boob and butt sliders to max, chill. Anyway, it obvious this starts as a mid tier "I have a checklist of all the porn tropes, let's get that patreon money" type game, then rewritten to that,but with a boring story that never returns to whatever they're hinting at.

    Usually, I try to sum up the story in the next few paragraphs. But beyond "MC can heal fast and women are attracted to him." The story is "If a girl has a name, you will sleep with her just for existing." Nothing happens, MC travels room to room and girls lick the tip of their finger and want sex. They hint at him being an alien but wow cool, it's usually 3-10 lines out of an entire chapter. So here's the notes as I took them:

    Samara supposedly has a history with MC but it isn't elaborated on and she's all but forgotten about later on
    You don't even see when MC is attacked and he comments on the girl he "saves" from the train but you're not shown her face until way later
    MC tries to turn down Anne's offer essentially to keep something familiar, which is one of the two believable parts of this script
    Asami is a bit of a racist japanese stereotype insert and I don't get why she's even in the story
    The dialogue is boring and somehow feels a bit clinical. It's just kinda stale.
    The clothes Anne buys MC go from orange shirt with jeans... To white shirt with jeans? Wow, such an improvement.
    The first "choice" is do you want red head or "...punk" girl. Then go on the same date with both of them. They both even essentially say they're into older guys? Essentially saying, you're not my type but your magic makes me like you. Then give you a reassuring thumbs up.
    Then the next choice is the same thing only between a mom and her daughter. They have a fake tech problem and even say the same things to MC.
    Honey saying she likes his skin tone when it's green and yellow is laughable
    The self deprecating lines the dev puts in to try to placate the player for sub par renders isn't cute. "The scene you're seeing is worthy of a magazine cover" Then all the trees in the back look like cardboard cutouts over a 256x256 texture on the ground is lazy.
    All the girls talk about this ethereal feeling when MC is around, you know, something that literally can't be portrayed to the reader? So No one likes him for more than his wizard powers. Cool.
    Every girl does this "Don't think I'm a slut but I'm a total slut" thing and I don't care if someone is like that, cool whatever, it's just that ALL of them do it. The only difference is hair color and face shape. I guess the minor difference is big boobs that look fake or massive boobs that look fake. All the food groups represented? Sure.
    You meet too many characters too fast. They all act the same, and there's never a point to anything. Meaningless sex and everyone not wanting people to know they're with MC. If it was told well with maybe up to three LI's sure, it could be okay. But there's just so much going on, but nothing's actually happening.
    It's an accomplishment to make a sex game this boring. Yes, sex is happening, yes, some of its appealing. But all MC did was say hi. I guess I will say this is one of the few games that have animations at a speed that doesn't look like everyone is stuck in molasses.
    The Summer story is dumb too, "Grr, I'm mad you exist because... reasons? Leave." Meanwhile MC, with no agency in anything, had no real choice not to be there and hasn't done anything. That tired old trope. And his argument? How can you be beautiful and annoying? Be abrasive but still compliment her... Okay.
    And since posing a face is actual work, she doesn't even look mad, just botoxed to eternity.
    Then Danielle and Adrianna, yet again, the same story, randomly met on the street and are in the same class, wow. Really putting those writing skills to work...
    "What do you do for fun?" MC's amazing reply: "Nothing." Wow. What a catch.
    Dean Anal.. Anel, has fish eyes without the lense...
    Andrea "You remind me of asparagus, does that explain it?" "Yes" NO. NO IT DOES NOT. Nevermind the fact she just licked blood out of his nose, but that is the worst line of dialogue I've ever heard.
    And Tania's route is almost the same, "Let me help you, we can't hang out long, but let me try on clothes for you." Zero effort. And since DAZ clothing all act like skintight bodysuits, the sex appeal turns into more comedy than anything. And his reaction to everything "Wow." or "You're hot" fun.
    Amber: Camgirl that acts weird. Nothing of note to be said.
    Magda is the story component but appears for half a conversation after chapter 4 then nothing happens.

    So, once again, I'm leaving this game with no impression left on me. I'll take a stab at the story: MC is the son of an alien or interdimensional being and the more sex he has, the stronger he gets. It's why he likes the stars, that was poorly expressed as he only talks about it twice. And he probably has royal blood because being anything less than a king would be too demeaning. The English... Feels weird. I don't know how to put it, there's a bunch of spelling mistakes, and it feels stiff. But there's also something that just rubs me the wrong way, I'm sorry I can't articulate it better. The UI is fully customized, it looks a little "Early 2000s scifi" But it's not bad, though the hidden away buttons don't do any favors. The UX is fine. It's unbroken, nothing great or bad. The Art is good. The stills are well rendered and are probably carrying this snoozefest. The animations are paced well, but grainy and jittery. But they look alright, unless it's a walk cycle, then they're laughable. The dialogue is stale, MC walks into a room, says hi to a girl, then she's in love. The story is nothing. Everything I've said about the story is me inferring what little I can from alien language and trailed off sentences. This one is not for me, if you want a fap, here ya go.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Nothing pisses me off more than forced chemistry with annoying characters and this game does that a lot. And I don't mean annoying in a poorly written way, they are legit written to be unlikeable characters. The aunt and the cousin who are the main focus of the game are both rich entitled assholes who aren't used to taking no as an answer, the cousin is actively a bitch for no reason at all, literally hates MC just for his existence and the aunt abandoned MC (orphan) when he was 5 and never reached out despite having all the money in the world. I could understand her predicament if he was a bit older,like 12 or 13 but abandoning a 5 year old is not the same as abandoning a 12 year old especially the excuse being one as shitty as "I had to focus on my career, I had to climb the corporate ladder", that's makes you an inherently shitty person in my book and you can see why being forced to like such a person can be extremely offputting to players. Also when she finally reaches out it's not because of some guilt or anything but it's because she needed someone to babysit her spoiled little bitch.

    Atleast in the beginning of the game MC has some sort of reservations towards the characters but it all goes down the drain within the first 5 minutes of the game when MCs hormones overpower his IQ. MC's thoughts are mostly comprised of how hot every girl he meets is, you as a player are given no choice over it, you are forced to find LIs attractive even when they aren't. There isn't any option to indicate that MC isn't interested in someone, there is only an option to "act respectfully or give in to his feelings"

    Also I'm convinced that the writer is a closetted cuck, the most likeable LI in the game is already in a relationship and there are also voyeur scenes of LIs getting dicked down, which you can only opt out of seeing, not avoid them from happening at all. Look, I'm not one of those people who want every LI to be untouched virgins but atleast wait before we as a player decide not to pursue them before watching them being piledrived through the screen. I'm pretty sure if there was an orgy in the game MC would be the last one on the line waiting his turn. Watching others fuck seems to be a common theme in this game.

    Coming to the MC, he seems to be a massive pushover, a beta male in all aspects. He has no self confidence or self respect whatsoever. In his first encounter with an LI in University he says something like "beautiful girls never bother with someone like me that's why I didn't say hi", that should tell you all about the MC. Even his superpowers mostly comprised of him taking as much shit as he can until his attackers tire out. Feels like the writer really projected all his insecurities into the character.

    The writing is also kinda meh, story is not unique, it's an amalgamation of every "orphan MC turns out to be the chosen one" story, dialogues are cringe, Lis are meh.

    Only good thing I can say about the game is that the visuals are good, and they use animation presets which make it kinda bearable.

    All in all, trash game, would not recommend.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. If you're delicate and require anything and everything to be completely optional like some people around here, you might not enjoy it entirely, but this game is fantastic for what it is.

    This game has extremely hot renders and gorgeous models. The story isn't deep but it's not a story-focused game. You could just download it for the gallery, but you will miss out on some very hot renders.