I have several game ideas that I'd like to eventually make and some of them I think would be best done in Ren'py, however, some of those ideas involve plots with conflicts in them and to be honest I don't think I have played a Ren'py game with a satisfying battle/fight system so I need ideas for alternatives to it. One example of it would be having the fights be just a rock, paper, scissors game instead.
Alternatively, please let me know of any Ren'py games with battle/fight mechanics that you actually enjoyed to see what work and what does not.
Why do you think rock paper scissors is fun? It's completely arbitrary. Even if following some logic like aggressive > balanced > defensive > aggressive, it's completely mindless on it's own. You can add layers to it, like incomplete information. Status effects. Magic. Skills. Etc. Also, a combat system only becomes something worthwhile if there is some character building to go with it. Skill trees, equipment, class system, etc etc. When you have all this, then the combat mechanics becomes something players might find interesting. Of course, the balance has to be just right. Can you do all this in renpy? Yeah, there are some games that do. A lot of them are just 'hey, this is kinda nifty for renpy', but a few are legitimately great. As you can see, it's a lot of work and when it comes down to it, many people will just ask for skip button.
It's gonna be more for your satisfaction than the average gooner on F95zone. You can just have choice based resolutions to physical conflict. In the lead up to it, maybe there is a choice to take a gun or not. And depending on that variable, maybe you have a few choices to pick from when you get into a rumble with the baddie. Something simple like that is fine. It's preferable to a badly designed mini game that is objectively unfun.