[S>Proofreader] Amateur archivist/editor looking to help out


Jul 20, 2019
Reading, writing, editing, formatting, a little bit of programming.

Preferred method of contact:
Discord: batturing#7043

Employment Type & Rates:
I'm not a professional so I'm not really expecting to be paid, but I'd take a paid job if offered.

I'm currently a student, but I like to work on my own schedule. I'm fairly flexible, and I can meet a deadline if needed, whether it's a strict weekly update or a loose final release date. Looking for something fairly casual in nature. I just want to help people create things, and this is something I'm good at and feel I can contribute. :)

Work Samples:
I wasn't really sure what would be good to include for this, so I threw in a couple essays I did on schizophrenia for my Abnormal Psychology class because they're the most recent essays I've written.

Additional comments:
Not sure where else to add something like this, but is there a protocol on this site or in general if you really like a game that's in-progress and it needs some proofreading, to offer proofreading to the creator (for free)? There are some games on here I really like that could use some text editing, but I don't know if it's considered impolite to offer something like that or how I would go about it. Any advice, especially from other proofreaders or from creators?