[S>Programmer] Amateur programmer in Godot, willing to work for peanuts.

jubal north

New Member
Jan 30, 2024
So I'm an amateur game developer in Godot.

I have never published a full-on game before although I've made many many games and random functionalities.

I have only ever worked 2D so far but if all you're asking for is a guy to make your visual novel I can help with that.

Contact me here on discord

Nov 6, 2024
Good Evening,

I am probably wasting my breath as I am not able to even pay anything, but figured I'd shoot my shot anyway.

First of all, I don't have anyone or any posts right now. I have an idea for a game that I want to be pixel art.

It's definitely going to be NSFW. I want to develop a fun, action platformer. Ideally one where the player can actually get the ability to both attack and have sex with the enemies. Among other non-enemy characters. This is just my very base thought. I have more thoughts. I'd really like to make an enjoyable game. But also give people an actual erotic experience on top of that.

I don't want to give away the theme just yet, cause obviously I want to see if I can find any potential interest from people.

I'm more of a writer than anything. While I'd love to do it all by myself I simply can't, I have 0 experience with art/programming.

I may be already biting off more than I can chew, but sometimes you just gotta go for it.

As I mentioned can't pay...I would if something came of the idea. So, I completely understand if you're not interested.

If you're still looking to try and do something. I'd be up to talking about it.

jubal north

New Member
Jan 30, 2024
Hi I'm using voice to text because I dropped my phone and my screen is busted beyond the ability to read it so if there's weird typos in here I can't see it.

I'm interested in working on stuff but this does bring up a problem of how are you going to get our assets.

I have my own spanking theme the game coming out soon and I will be having to spend my income on the assets for that game