RPGM - Completed - Ambrosia [v1.07] [Shimobashira Workshop / Kagura Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Man, I liked this game, but 5.5 stars? It feels kind of generic and grindy. There’s a noticeable gap between the beginning and the end, and the extra activities mostly boil down to killing and crafting something with X items.

    That said, the art is great, the map is small enough to avoid getting lost, and there’s a decent number of events. However, too many of them feel like copy-paste content. Overall, it’s a good game with its own gimmick, but others do it better and have a lower score.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A excellent game from all perspective.

    It's not tedious, the areas are of enough quantities and coming a decent pace.
    The combat is basic RPGM and simply works.

    From a visual point of view the porn is okayish. It doesn't really shine imo.
    What's really good though is the corruption and the variety of scenes.

    In overall it's a good porn game. The experience comes from playing it rather that merrily watching the CGs.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Not usually into female MC corruption games, nor the religious elements which the devs seem to love, but this was done well. Very polished, detailed and balanced world, good quests. It's just a bit too linear and obvious. Maybe it's because it's centered around a fetish that I do not have, but I just can't get fully involved because it can be too ridiculous for me.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    One of better games of this genre.
    Balanced combat system with well weighted difficulty, good corruption system, good H scenes, sexy MC, decent story. What makes this one unique is pretty good audio, usually this RPGM games have way worse OST. Overall a must play rpgm game focused on MC corruption.

    Edit: Changed score to 4 stars.
    I made last review somewhere in mid-late game, now i beat it. Late part was somewhat rushed and devs didnt keep quality as it was in early-mid game. After MC got corrupted it became pretty boring, combat also was way to easy in lategame and i just rushed to see ending. Still good game, but not as good i thought.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    im gonna get crucified for saying this but i prefer ambrosia over celesphonia, PUT DOWN THE PITCHFORK! LET ME COOK DAMN IT!

    first of all ambrosia have a simpler plot and a more relaxed world building compared to celesphonia where the town you are living in is going nuclear and its up to you to save them,

    WELL ambrosia have none of that!, you can take as long as you want and corrupt the MC in your own pace which is a better aspect if youre new to this genre and ERORPG in general

    Comparing both games ambrosia have less dialogues and simpler ways to get the scenes and a linear story and honestly it has its own charm to that

    in conclusion: Try this game first to ease you into ERORPG before touching any of the other top tier games because this is some good entry title into the degeneracy youre about to descend into
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Shimobashira Workshop did well with Ambrosia but it's not their best work, which goes to Magical Girl Celesphonia, and most of the issues present here (that ding it to a 4/5) were cleaned up for Celesphonia. Still, it's worth a play.

    Ambrosia is an RPGM-H title where the main character, a religious girl, is slowly subjected to corruption. The gameplay and dialogue mostly respect your time and the game will keep H-events and H-scenes prevalent enough to keep you entertained.

    Player Choice
    Shimobara Workshop is great at giving the player freedom of choice in how the main character is corrupted. However, Ambrosia suffers a bit from difficulty being too easy at times; while it's nice to give the player clear paths, you pretty much have to choose to slow down or corrupt the MC because you likely won't be struggling with combat or choices.

    Still, I like the option of keeping her pure or mostly pure or going in on corruption. Situations the MC finds herself in have good build-up and there's a lot of variety in H-events and H-scenes.

    Content and Gameplay
    The story is passable for what it's worth. It's close-to-mimic, or was mimicked, to their most recent game (as of this review) Enishia and the Binding Brand. The devs seem to consistently enjoy the religious-to-corruption stuff.

    Combat and other gameplay is straight RPG-M. It resolves relatively fast, and you will get very strong at a quick pace, so slow yourself with activities if you want a more "natural" move to H-scenes.

    H-content is really good though lacks animation at times. Shimobashira has consistency along their game titles and I think it works fine, though once again, Celesphonia is the true best at it in my opinion.

    Overall a definite "recommend", but consider Celesphonia as being the more refined of the two.

    If you appreciate this review, see my profile; I list all of my reviews in a comments thread. Thanks ☑
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Non-lewd Gameplay is kinda meh, and there's very little incentive narrative or mechanically to corrupt the main character, but since that's why you play these games to begin with, it's not such a big deal. Art is fine for the main character, everything else is just not very good.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    FLAWS -

    The map has lot of things to do and discover. The story: It's not anything profound or anything but it keeps you engaged.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    version 1.07

    well it's a classic so it would be a sin to rate it lower. although as a porn game in modern times, without animation it's not that good. but there are some unique and hot scenarios, and there are many scenes, but there could have been many more, some usual tropes are completely left out. i still enjoyed it. it has many fappable scenes, you are just handheld a bit too much with teleports and escapes and etc. well, i guess it's a chill fun game. makes me want to play celesphonia again.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The most complete RPG Maker H-game I've ever played! Gameplay loop feels good, it's easy to switch from dungeon crawling to improving the temple or doing odd jobs. The boss battles are great too, had a bunch of fun prepping for the final boss. I don't recommend grinding, as it would make most battles too easy, even on Very Hard difficulty.

    Lewd content is fine, expected more CG's but the art works well in general. Bonus points for adding a simple option to fully unlock the gallery without needing multiple playthroughs.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of freedom it is crazy how many things you can do in this game,want to be a virgin throughout you can but it's hard ,you want to take easy route and become a sex craved whore your welcome,I won't spoil the rest but this and dev other games have content to occupy you and freedom, enjoyed it very much
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Completeness: story is finished, fatal bugs are fixed, major update unlikely.

    Mechanic: regular rpgm mechanics. Utilize a lot of aspect from the engine's base mechanics(buffs & debuffs, traps, moving in-map projectiles, weakness & resistance, etc.). No party system, so no recruitable NPC.

    Story: make sense(?), minimal twist, tame and innocent enough for virgin run. The side things is mainly for the slut run.

    Progression: too fast(?), you need to hold back yourself from ending the game early if you want to get some scene. Innocent to slutty in less than 5 business days. The New Game Plus is great since you can choose what to keep and what to reset in some degree. Grinding doesn't progress time forward, so you could have 6 hours into the game and still on day 4. Enemy stats may force you to grind for level or equipments, but ingredients for equipments are often limited each day. Is replayable to scratch that itch of "slutty life sim".

    Art: the fully furnished temple is gorgeous. Bust size is a bit inconsistent(?). Towns are nicely designed. Cave dungeon walls could use some work.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Special place in my history / heart this one. Incredible variety, and the first of its kind to get costumes done so well. Very hot themes + Flode is pretty cute
    Thank you shimobashira workshop for this introductory game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't review games much, but this is my favorite H game of all time. Story, characters, scenes, even the fights. Love it.

    Slow but satisfying corrpution, and very importantly, being completely corrupted does not really cause just a depraved and bad end. She gets a child she takes care of, saves everyone and ends up happy.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably Kagura's best work, no doubt about it (other than Summer/Winter Memories, but this might actually tie with them on my tier list)

    This game is by far the best corruption game I've ever played; the scenes are hot, the story is good, and the game actually has RPG-like gameplay. It isn't only solely focused on lewd, it actually has gameplay. Weapon crafting, potion making, etc. And you have to find the materials for these as well, just like a real RPG.
    Also, while this may sound daunting, it doesn't require much grinding to get what you want (most of the time), which is good.
    11/10 would play again.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    strongly recommend,It has a very high degree of plot completion and game freedom. and the clothes system is also a plus for me, with slow corruption can u always explore more and more.The combat system is also very good, with many routes and combinations
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6577935

    Ambrosia is most likely the best corruption game I have ever played.

    Now you might be you thinking, what about Magical girl Celesphonia? 3 factors make me prefer Ambrosia.

    - I prefer the priestess (nun) over the high school girl archetype; I think the fantasy medieval setting, is much more interesting than the urban contemporary one (too many tentacles nowadays); And "Ambrosia" has an abundance of Free (non-time consuming) events, and doesn't feel as restrictive and mechanical as "Celesphonia". There's also Enishia and the binding brand (coming to steam i think), but they went crazy with the ammount of things you can do in that game. I had an actual list of to-do events in front of me, and soon enough it was too much.

    The good:

    Lots of adult content and a significant portion is actually good - That's what you want to see in this kind of game. Now, I will say that something like "samurai vandalism" has better tags, but that's completely personal, and "oneone1", can go and "suck on an egg", they won't see another penny.

    Competent RPG - Remember that the focus of the game is the adult content. As far as these kinds of games go, the mechanics present here are satisfying. Can't ask for much more than that, and they even deliver a huge amount of content, including some nice crafting.

    The story and premise make sense - If I'm not calling it idiotic, then that's high praise. You know how this goes, "the evil god is rising, yada yada yada, multi-phase-final-boss-time". Well things have a cohesive structure here, and the random girl with some magical powers, beating the crap out of dragons makes perfect sense. It's not crappy, what more do you want? (I really hate double standards in videogames, but I can't be distributing scores of 3, 4,and 5 all the time now, can I? FLEXIBILITY is the word of the day)

    The heroine, the setting, the balance between types of events, like I mentioned earlier are also positives.

    The bad:

    Shimobashira workshop doesn't enter "crazy tag" territory - You know what I mean, they are not exactly conservative, but they have a clear vision on adult content, and don't break away from it. Basically they could be a bit more flexible... I see what you did there brain. (I would also add that if they don't mix things up soon, the "egg reference" will apply to them as well).

    I'd say this is a 9/10, and some of the most fun I had with a game of this genre. You can find better (scale/quality/complexity) here, no question, but if we are talking about a "very nice time", then this numbers very high on my personal ranking.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is amazing both as a regular RPG and as an H Game.

    You can avoid sex entirely and the game still throws unique challenges at you for doing so. You may have to earn more money through "other" means or fight your way through. It's very possible to aim for a virgin run and you can even slut out as much as you can for money and shrine development points while staying a virgin (anal is allowed without losing your V status). It always feels like there's some risk and reward when you play this way so I don't recommend speedrunning your way to slut mode. You can enjoy that side more in the Postgame or New Game +.

    The battles go by super fast, and it doesn't feel like you have to grind. The enemies can be somewhat speedy on the field but you get an accessory super early that makes them move slower. You can rematch every boss once per day for good exp, items, and okay money.

    The game definitely gives off an Atelier vibe with the emphasis on gathering and crafting. Probably my only complaint is that sometimes your consumable inventory gets cluttered. I recommend using up your HP and MP healing stuff often as the half and full heal items become plentiful super fast. I also recommend selling off all your ailment heals like antidote, paralyze heal, etc because ailments feel super weak against you.

    Random other fun stuff:
    There's no harmful downside to exposing yourself a lot and sticking with "service" type actions if you're aiming for virgin run. Save often.
    Check your key items as you get new treasures. Some of them have fun effects.
    I love the "achievement" system. Stuff like fishing 10 times might give you a pemanent +15MP boost, etc.
    I like the shrine building mechanic and it gives you other things to develop beyond exp/money/slut stats.

    IMO this one is worth taking your time with. Pay attention to the lore, don't rush to H scenes. This is a high quality game overall. I would personally recommend changing the difficulty to Hard as soon as you can because you can ignore a lot of the game's systems otherwise. There are even achievements for beating the night bosses on Very Hard.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy Grail of H rpgm.o_O

    Best Rpgm i ever played so far.Gifted and sealed deep memories in heart.Thrilling story from start till the end combine with balanced and interesting core gameplay.Really deep work on main character who piercicely reflect your gameplay:sneaky:
    It really feels that this game was made with care and love,begin with neat character menu to fantastic selected ost.
    Highly recommended to everyone.;)(y)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game and is quite long. Only thing is is that I feel like I've played this before since Shimobashira Workshop makes very samey games so I feel like everything I have to praise about this game I've already praised on their other games. It's not a bad thing but it leaves me without much to say.

    There is some grinding here and there. The game takes very traditional ideas and does it well. There's loads of content. I'd recommend it. If you've played their other games you know what you're getting into.