RPGM - Completed - Ambrosia [v1.07] [Shimobashira Workshop / Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The best RPGM game I have played

    Ambrosia is to keep it short an absolute masterpiece now if you were hoping for vanilla you will have to look elsewhere but if you happen to like corruption games this is a must have. Now lets get to the goods.

    Gameplay 4/5
    Ambrosia has some great gameplay though it doesn't have the depth that some H RPGs have its neither too grindy or ridiculously easy. also there are several enemy's that have h attacks in which your worn outfit is represented and it doesn't end there in almost every dungeon a loss leads to an h even as well.

    The plot 3.5/5
    I wont go into detail to avoid but the plot is there but it's not exactly what you'd expect from a priestess at least for the corruption side of it. If I were looking at the good ending alone the plot would probably be 4/5.

    The Goods 5/5 :p
    Grade A stuff not only is the art quality but many different outfits are represented in H events, though there are a few in the priestess outfit only and some outfit specific events that wont for obvious reasons. I'll list some of the outfits here: Schoolgirl, bunny suit, body paint, and many more. additionally many H events will progress alongside Flodes lewdness level


    So the game overall is great if your looking for some nice fapping material but if your looking for an amazing storyline and or grindy or difficult gameplay you may want to go elsewhere. Oh and for those that may be wondering after you complete the main questline it does become free play with the possibility of starting a new game with all of your stats and non story items it also lets you choose whether you want to reset Flodes virginity and her H stats (If you reset virginity its represented in the gallery for all first time penetration events). Another thing I should mention is after the completion of the main storyline it is possible to purchase an item to unlock the full gallery from the fortune teller in town.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played a lot of HRPGs and each of them have their own flaws. In this game, most of them are not present. Beautiful character design, a lot of sex scenes, a well-developed crafting system, a lot of bosses that require a different approach, a system of teleports. All this makes the game one of the best representatives of the genre. I highly recommend trying it!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I almost missed this gem.

    This is a really good corruption story. It's up there with any of the great Japanese corruption makers, which I can't name due to rules.

    What it's hidden behind is a REALLY slow burn, and renders/graphics that don't inspire a lot of investment or confidence. I'll admit I dropped it once a long time ago due to that.

    But put in a little time and you're rewarded with a very good, well-worn story of the corruption of a priest girl, with a twist of an economic goal of trying to build a church, by any means necessary of course, tied with the 'save a friend according to a time limit' story. I have no illusions, this isn't the most innovative plot ever.

    But you just know a high quality narrative when you see it. The MC starts as a girl that shys away from sex and of course you have the option to gradually wear at her morals, which is very well done. And I do mean gradually, with the most tame hints to start. You're going to have to enjoy the corruption genre to enjoy this.

    There is the effort to build a real game behind this, but honestly I chose the easy game setting and did a full save at some point and just looked at the gallery for remaining scenes, because there is a fair bit of grinding here. I'd suggest others to do the same because the gameplay is kind of unnecessary for me.. not deep enough to engage and the real gem is the corruption narrative here.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2325461

    If you're here for good gameplay, this is not the game for you. The gameplay is mediocre at best (just think of your average RPGM gameplay), but it does not hinder nor distract from the best part of this game: the eroticism. The eroticism and corruption aspect is very thorough for what it is, which can make the pacing seem 'slow' (I think I prefer this pacing once in a while), and along with good art and execution, you have a cute and charming game.

    I am happily awaiting translation for Shimobashira's most recent game (Magical Girl Celesphonia).
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    A slow burn erotic corruption rpg that takes its time and isn't short at all. I had great praise for this game. You can avoid enemy encounters, do a virgin run and obtain many endings and types of scenes which are a plus.
    However here are my flaws with it
    a little grindy although you can get massages equip an item or fight monsters at night to speed up that process
    grinding corruption is a little monotonous but it speeds up the farther you get into the game
    the alrarune's fate is timed so there is a time limit
    The corruption is nicely written and nicely paced but I've seen it done the same or better in other games although what is great about the corruption in Ambrosia is its slow pacing and eventual buildup.
    The art is kinda meh, not that great, and a major con is that there are way too many reused CGs. The animation is just bad period and there are plenty of other doujinsoft out there that actually have sex with all the monsters. I also think there should have been some (more) beastiality scenes for corrupted Flode so that was a missed opportunity. This game has just about something for every fetish but the execution is lacking compared to its contemporaries. The battle fuck mechanic is mediocre and I've seen it done waaaay better in other doujinsoft rpg games. The clothing damage mechanic is also somewhat poorly done and is done better in other games. My recommendation is to play it until you get bored and then download someone else's saves and watch the scenes you didn't get.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A very solid lewd RPG

    Ambrosia has a good mix of traditional JRPG elements and lewd content that will probably satisfy a lot of the people here. It gets bonus points for having a well developed combat system- where a lot of games in the genre fall apart at some point, Ambrosia keeps providing challenges as long as you seek out the optional encounters.

    The game has a nice variety of scenes. The MC's descent into sluttery is a prevailing theme, but it's perfectly possible to complete a playthrough while retaining the MC's virginity and/or keeping her almost completely insulated from sexual encounters. The player has a lot of freedom in this regard, which will also affect the ending. The dialogue is pretty good, sometimes quite funny, often very erotic and hot.

    My main reason for keeping one star off is the game's art. This will be subjective on some level, depending on your appreciation of the MC's character design, so YMMV. For me one thing really sticks out: The sometimes cringey anatomy when drawing the women's privates. I suppose pixellating this in the Japanese release may have made it a low priority, but when a vagina appears on the belly, it just looks weird.

    All in all, very much worthwhile, though.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    :love: Turnbased combat RPG Game, with town exploring, mid battlefuck, H-events.
    The game has the corruption system that includes H-counter, virgin status, corruption level. :)
    About the battlefuck mechanic, There is a clothing damage, the enemy can damage your clothes, and if your clothes are badly damaged, specific enemies can violate you! :p
    A little bit grindy... But the details, H-events, so many things to do in this game made it enjoyable. :giggle:
    The main protagonist design is quite cute. You can also change her outfits. And for the ones who keep her virginity, worry not the game has an item that unlocks all of the H-scenes. ;)
    There is a good amount of CGs, but a lot of them are reused. :whistle:
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is quite good, including the story and the main chracter.
    Why I give this game 3 stars though, is because you are on a timer because
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    For me personally it takes the enjoyment away, since I just want to finish the game as fast as possible.
    If you don't mind being on a timer, then go for it, it's one of the better games out here.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best RPGM games on here.

    *H scenes are ok.
    *Story is good.
    *replay value is excellent with use of new game+
    *Combat is classic turn based and can be easy or hard with use of in game item to make it easy or hard.

    I would recommend trying a pure run first then corrupt on new game+
    Even when you do this there are still tons of stuff to change, discover or do differently in different playthroughs.

    Only thing that sucks is its gonna be tough to find a RPGM game that comes close to this in terms of gameplay and re-playability.
    imo ofc.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game. I still prefer their last game, Antithesis (Also on F95), but this one is still top tier HRPG.

    + The corruption mechanism is amazing
    + Sex scene is quite hot, especially the imprisonment scenes
    + The mc is super cute
    + Decent play time (got 15 hours)
    + almost no grind, except exhibitionism stat

    - There are a lot of reused CGs
    - Costumes selections are small and gated heavily by exhibitionism stats
    - The ingredient and crafting system seems fun on paper, but actually a chore to do on a HRPG
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Have played it and my opinion of it is very high. Loved every second of it. When I finished the game and returned to my front castle yard, the music hits me and I feel nostalgia for the environment despite playing it all in one session ~9 hours. Excellent game, though I have not been able to finish off the night time bosses of worlds with greater or equal to four star difficulty (Gave up on the field regen one).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a few elements that, if present, always elevate my enjoyment of a game. Fast, fluid combat, lots of different gameplay mechanics, wide variety of scenarios sometimes intentionally triggered and corruption. Ambrosia has all of these in droves. So, if you're a fan of different gameplay elements alongside corruption, you will thoroughly enjoy Ambrosia. I have a few nitpicks, especially regarding the quality of the H-Content but for once, the flavour text made them sexier than they should have been.

    RPGM combat is usually a tedious affair. But I actually had a lot of fun during combat in Ambrosia. Probably because it was incredibly fast-paced. You could kill most enemies within 3 hits (apart from bosses) and if you were strategic about it, even bosses could fall easily (even at very hard). I always enjoy battle-fuck mechanics and Ambrosia implements that alongside clothing damage. Always fun. There's an abundance of magical attacks, buffs and debuffs at your disposal and for once, they actually make a difference in combat. I actually enjoyed using the debuffs on bosses before one-shotting them. There are also a lot of items present. And they're actually useful (especially the treasures). All in all, the combat was as satisfying as RPGM combat can be.

    But that's not all. The game implements a lot of unique gameplay elements and some polished old ones. There's considerable map movement and a variety of areas to explore, each looks different and has some semi-decent artwork in the backdrop during combat. There are 3 major cities teeming with activities to do. There's a shrine which you can update (which unlocks abilities, passive income, more H-scenes). There's also crafting. Materials can be procured from dungeons. This was a poorly implemented iteration, I felt. I didn't craft any equipment because materials were incredibly rare. But then again, I didn't need any crafting because the usual weapons were adequate. You can also do missionary work by distributing pamphlets or giving sermons. There's clothing changes. There's food collection and a special food shop to divest your accumulations. The most unique thing I encountered was the fishing mechanic where at particular spots you can fish provided you have bait and a fishing rod. There's also a day/night mechanic. Night enemies are harder and there are creeps everywhere which will damage your clothes or harass you.

    H-Scenes are seamlessly integrated into this entire affair. There are the usual bar-work, dance-work, prostitution, but you can also get harasses during missionary work or be coerced into doing stuff for money etc etc. The usual. I really enjoyed the scenarios here. Properly titillating. However, the artwork during the scenes themselves leaves a lot to be desired. If that was fixed, this game would have been one of the all-time greats. As it is, it's somewhat disappointing but still thoroughly enjoyable.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A really really complete RPG game, have tons of features i like, colth changing, sex stats, corruption, talent.
    You have many level of corruption that change the scene, and the game have multiple endings, you can upgrade your temple, get some legendary items with many effects both on story and gameplay, this game is a masterpice !
    Art is also beautifull and it's uncensored thanks Kagura Games !
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, you can see a lot of effort has been put into it. You never get bored or wonder what to do.

    - Main character
    - You can do the slutty virgin route
    - RPG mechanics
    - Interesting story
    - Long game with post game quests

    - Lewd transitions to abrupt
    - Lot of repeated CG
    - You have to save before every h-scene because you can loose your virginity without any warning.

    In an ideal world where good RPG would be a standard, I wouldn't put 5 stars to this one. But since most of the h-rpg are just an excuse to put some hentai into a very basic and shallow game, this one definitely stands out and is worth spending your time on.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Been awhile since the last hentai game managed to keep me playing for so long. 11/10 ;)(y)

    - MC design is cute and her character art is really expressive
    (good character development too always a surprise to see this in hgames)
    - Nice CGs
    - Great storyline and execution of plot
    - Beautiful map designs
    - The church itself has a lot of things to do which I really love. [Things like furnishing and upgrading that shows actual visual differences]
    - Everything unlocks at a natural pace, no sense of power gap or grinding involved
    - Tons of collectibles (they even reward you for reading the books)
    - Postgame bigger than expected which is definitely a plus

    - Wish everything is available in Collection Room instead of being separated into Arena. The absence of missionary job scenes is kinda disappointing too.
    - Fk Dex
    - No post game power cheat item

    Overall I really enjoyed this game, now if you'll excuse me it's 6 in the morning and I need sleep. Gnight :sleep:
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Ambrosia is basically 'the' sandbox/adventure game I've been searching for. I was impressed by the variables and dymanics that are made availible. From the item creation to character's freedom to go into town to do whatever, I hope to see more games just like these. There are not a massive amount of dungeons, but most of the elements of the game makes up for that.

    Basically: you have the freedom to enter towns without clothing (after character developements), clothing system is operated well, the fighting is very well done, there is a complex amount of stats items that work together making the game feel balanced, and none of the hardcore H-events/scenes are 'forced' in playthrough of the game. Translation is done well, and bugs are minimal. The posting even offers a free 100% save game just to preview some of what is offered late-stage game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall a good, full featured game that provides not only hours of play time, but quite a few sexy scenes. Provides a good, long narrative, that doesn't take long to resolve but at least it has a goal in mind and the battles are somewhat challenging early on. Bosses can be a challenge, and the special monsters provide an extra challenge.

    Grinding is somewhat beneficial with extra skills that provide bonuses the more you do actions, though the artwork is repeatable and in some places not that inspired at least its somewhat erotic. The gains from sex activities can also provide "bonuses" the more you do them. While you can do a virgin run through, its not the easiest path, and I made it quite a few days before one battle where an Outlaw just took the priestess and her virginity; then decided may as well go full on slut.

    Provides a New Game+ so you can keep replaying. The birth system looks fun and can provide you with more bonuses and daily items.

    Fun and enjoyable game!

    • Good battle system
    • Earned bonuses and awards
    • Long hours of playtime
    • Story! And it makes sense overall
    • Bonuses for grinding
    • Maps aren't that large
    • Quest System
    • Artwork is somewhat repeatable, a few are little more than a comic style image
    • Need to watch the "training time"
    • To get the better ends need to somewhat rush to get the Treasures to avoid having too much "training time"
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a solid RPG game with corruption options that reach out to you through the game,

    The English translation
    Very well done, I saw one or two places where Japanese popped up, I personally fixed them with T++ for myself. They were only like three of them that I noticed.
    Writing is just very well done though over all.

    Playing character
    You play as a Female protagonist. She is a devout religious person with deep convictions in the beginning.
    But has gotten her self in trouble with some big wig in the religious order that she is a part of, and been banished or moved to the Island where your quest will proceed.
    She is instructed to try and repair the religious nature of the Island, and bring the natives there back into the fold, while rebuilding the old dilapidated temple there.

    Battle system
    Pretty much standard hit, or cast magic, which for me is fine.

    ( some of those game makers experimenting with crazy battle systems just bugger the hell out of me)

    Pretty standard, potions and there description may take a small amount of time to get use to. (Nothing major there)
    Accessories are something to study as in some places you may find the use of one better than another.

    Material gathering and Item making
    It has a sort of construction ability you will find during the game play that you will be required to use for some of the quest line. So gathering materials is going to be something you need to stay on top of.

    This will also allow you to make some of the best gear in the game so spend some time understanding it. ( Some needed materials are in places you will not see for some time. Or only found in certain locations and certain bosses)

    Multiple endings decided by your choices through out the game.

    My choice for the rating
    I would give it a better rating but the images used for the H-scenes and minor animations are very repetitive and some of them are not aligned very well.
    You are not to bothered by them in the early game, but after some time trying to extend the corruption level or increase it you begin to see this much more.

    Over All
    I think it is well worth a play-through I enjoyed it a lot.

    The quest's are done in a way that is somewhat leaner, but choices you make can give them a somewhat non-leaner feeling.

    I found it quite fun, and thought the quest line was very well thought out.

    My first play*through
    I chose to do a virgin run, this was just my thinking, but after finishing my Virgin run I was able to open all the H-scenes with and optional thing acquired during the game. (So for me this was good) As new game plus was then available for my next run.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    Definitely up there in terms of gameplay. Every so often you have a very deep and content full game and this is pretty much almost there with only a few little niggles that could have been changed.

    Story it a priestess whose friend is kidnapped, you have to find relics of a goddess who happens to be the rival of the god you serve. Along the way you can choose how corrupted the girl gets and with whom.

    You have different outfits, different stuff you can do such as shoot porn, work in a brothel, be harassed by perverts, help people in the confessional booth, get a cute little acoltye that you can do stuff to when your rank is high enough in the church. All good stuff.

    The map features a variety of locations and the area combat itself is quite fair and balanced, harder areas will hurt and easier areas will not, there were some close escapes for me such as the Mimic Guardian where I was uber lucky and managed to go down to just 1HP when I thought he would kill me.

    Scenes are still images and do vary depending on the corruption level of the main character, the clothes she wears etc etc which is nice. All in all a good corruption RPG.

    Points that would have helped would be a little more amount of events, whilst there is a lot and I said it was content heavy when you take the game overall, I find that 1 area has 1 or 2 naughty traders but the dirty town has few encounters, while a port town has perverts everywhere and lots of events. I get the niggling feeling the dev wen't from area to area adding stuff and then moving on without going back to areas. There could be a little more. Animation would have made it even better but not everyone can do that so one shouldn't be too harsh in that regard.

    But I do recommend it, it did surprise me because you never know what you will get with RPGM.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Führer Strsser

    It fits my taste also published by Kagura Games. So yeah i'm biased when it comes to Kagura Games.
    Here's why:
    Good storyline
    The transition of being pure to corrupt
    Uncensored :)
    Art is good
    Multiple endings
    with good organized recollection room