RPGM - Completed - Ambrosia [v1.07] [Shimobashira Workshop / Kagura Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is all together just a solid standard RPGM game. All of the systems are put together well and there isn't much I would say are cons. The combat is good, the quests are fair, the gearing system is good, a good variety of outfits, the story is fine. As the 1 star reviews however have said there isn't really much substance to this game. Although it does everything well, it does nothing great.

    The story is ok.
    The erotic seens are ok.
    The outfits are all pretty standard.
    The corruption is ok.

    There is nothing about this game I would call terrible. But none of it has much soul or anything to separate it and made it great. If you want a good new solid RPGM game to counteract the sea of super jank games, play it and I don't think you'll be disappointed, but you won't be finding a new favorite title.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far the best of the Kagura games.

    There is a ton of content, side quests, (damaging) outfits, sexy scenes and so forth. Two towns and a village have lewd activities that level up as indecency goes up.

    There is even a pretty great exhibitionist bodypainting quest.

    Strongly recommend to anyone who has liked any of this corruption style RPGMaker games, as this is really at the top of that genre.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    An above average HRPG, but not without flaws. You play as a novice priestess exiled to an island to spread the faith, through the course of the intro it's established that this faith hates monsters but none the less you befriend one and save a villager together. Then monster friend gets kidnapped and you have to save them by gathering the 7 relics of an old god who helps you throughout the story. You find out that the holy faith is made up and they destroyed the faith in the old god through mind wipes and good old fashioned murder, priestess never seems too bothered by this. So you rescue monster friend, find out who the real big bad was, go fight him, game ends. It's not awful, and not nearly as cliche as the standard demon king plot, but it's not fleshed out all that well and none of the characters even seem to care that much. Priestess main character isn't much upset by finding out her faith is a sham, old god isn't bothered by the slaughter of her followers.

    The combat is pretty much your standard RPGM turn based system. There is technically some battlefuck mechanics, but they're limited to only a few enemies, who share a few CG pairs that you actively have to try to trigger. I mean you need to spam defend for 10+ turns in a row for them to strip her, let alone actually grab her and do anything. It's there, but not well implimented at all.

    Which leads me into the H scenes, there's a fair few and a decent variety of fetishes too. My only complaints here are how easy it is to miss some of them and the lack of a way to unlock everything in the gallery post game. Oh and there's a couple of broken animations, just images not lined up properly so there's dicks thrusting into empty space.

    TLDR : It's above average, but only just. It's not a terrible RPG but it probably won't grip you either, so unless you really enjoy turn based combat just download a save file, the battlefuck isn't worth it. If 3.5 was an option, I'd pick that.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Realy nice game to play :)
    The fun factor increase fast and the end game is pretty epic.
    I just failed the order of the quests.. becouse i missed 1 person until i was complete op.. but anyway nice game, hope there will be more lategame content.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    GG Jack

    Sex stats, sex achievements, corruption, good art, good translation, good gameplay, good scenes, everything you could wish for in a hentai game right here.
    One of the best, definitely.
    Was looking for something similar of this quality for quite some time.
    This is a masterpiece.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this one on untranslated version

    A GEM that deserve translation

    +Middle paced corruption (not too fast, not too slow)
    +H Scenes changes based on your corruption lvl (4 stages, if I'm not mistaken)
    +Clothing system affects H scene images
    +Battle-fuck included
    +Great quality H CG
    +Gameplay is not boring either

    10 / 10, will definitely play again, this time translated