Ren'Py - Amity Park [v1.0] [GZone]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is just phenomenal. I never watched the show, as I am closer to the X-MEN and super/batman animated series generation, but I did see these characters from hentai websites.

    First of all, the art is just amazing here. It captures the distinctive style of the cartoons perfectly while accentuating the curves and just making everything very sexy. The game has animations during scenes which is quite rare for a 2DCG game. Nothing bad to be said about the art direction.

    The dev's really outdid themselves on the writing. I did some rudimentary research, and the game seems to incorporate some key plotlines from the original show and generally stay true to the characters. The relationship dynamics, character's personalities, and idiosyncrasies seems to be preserved as much as possible. The game maintains a generally light tone and humor that might be found in these kids cartoons. The humor is not cringy or overdone. It made be chuckle quite a few times. I'd imagine that this game is exactly what you would get if you added porn to the source material.

    The writing during the scenes are solidly above average. The game has a light tone overall, being a kids toon parody, but the writers put in some effort in making the dialogues very spicy. I think the objective is to develop a light male dom aspect during scenes as Danny gets more comfortable banging all the sexy chicks around. I doubt we will see anything crazy in terms of fetishes, but I can definitely see fappability in this game.

    Gameplay. This is one of those free roamers that is pretty linear. Not my favorite kind of gameplay, but it is done tastefully here. You won't ever really be lost or annoyed by the mechanics and the progression is very smooth. Battles are not very hard if you just pump strength and block at the right times.

    All in all, a very solid entry in the toon parody genre.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    If you liked the tv show, you gonna love this game. Very good CG, faithful to the series, good enough fighting system, and an enjoyable story. Even if you didn't watch the series, you should try this game. Looking forward for new updates.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 446419

    Dang! Devs delivered what they promised. We were promised a huge Maddie update and we got it.

    With that out of the way, let me tell you about my experience with the game. The art style is great. The gameplay is also very nice. A built-in walkthrough and no super grindy elements are huge plus points. The story is going smoothly.
    Since all of the preambles are out of the way which makes me hopeful that all of the future updates will be like the current update and have a complete story arc of at least one character per update. (Here "complete story arc" means that we actually get to fuck the character by the end of the update.)
    I am super happy with the way Maddie's update turned out and I hope that there will see more of her in the future. I am looking forward to the Jazz's update and would like to see some father-daughter action too. Keeping my fingers crossed for that.
    Anyway, good work and keep it up (hopefully without any delays in the future).
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Before i start this review i must clarify something, I didn't watched original show, and i actually know show only from MILFtoon like cartoonish pictures, comics and other port^^ So i may not get all references from original show, but gowd daim the "mom" is hot in this one^^

    Well first of all this game is some sort of "time management"/Visual Novel type of a game, that mostly holds your hand so hard its really impossible to stuck, on one side its very good because clear objectives during quests are actually in many cases the weakest part in "sex/porn" games especially those unfinished, on other it may feel a little bit too easy because there aren't many places you at this moment can go to they are not all unlocked at the start of the game, so yup, super easy. Time management at this moment isn't big of a deal, even if you waste your time you don't actually lose or can "fail" quest if you don't manage your time correctly, but to be honest even if it's the weakest part of the game it doesn't feel as much of a hindrance, second issue is that at this moment it isn't super long game.

    So if we have all bad things about this game covered up to this point let's talk about positives. First of all game is funny, has both elements of "Cartoon Network" type of cartoon and teen series about growing up, but game does not loses tough with reality and actually makes most of the time believable character arcs, especially for a both sex game and game based on cartoon. Drawings are good, animations are nice, sex scenes aren't spectacular but aren't bad at all. There are some nice clothes that you can buy for some heroines. In general I think that this game is must have to play if you like cartoon like porn from MILFtoon, or like sex games and are fan of the show. Still i hope it will develop more and add way more content, maybe even some more "Milf" like heroines, i also hope for some harem like endings in futre, if this game also had option impregnation ending... then hell yeah boi... but so far so good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    player 53

    It's definitely made by someone who loves the original TV show. A very good storyline. That's mostly what I look for in any medium. Didn't feel forced or anything which is obvoiusly a little rare in most adult games. Characters are true to life and fun to mess with.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. Just wow.

    I went in with really low expectations of a dev who wants to cash-in on nostalgia so he'll wastefully copy->paste a story from a tv series and use a handful of well-done images he traced from the cartoon.

    But this dev didn't. In fact, it was extraordinarily well done. Everything from the story, the dialogue, the characters, even animations, it's all extraordinary. I can see there's heart in this. What are you still doing here? Don't even look at more reviews, just give it a shot.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    top notch! Loving the art style, soundtrack, easy going gameplay and the animation this game offer.
    The combat system provide a small relaxation time , you could say it's more like a mini game(?) so you'll know sure it is story driven and simulation.
    The art style got my most attention , the story is already good because its inspired by the original series, but the pairing up with the art style is just sooo compatible and it's like they made for each other. The game's a masterpiece, please keep up the good work, love you.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Zer0x J360

    If you're a fan of Danny Phantom then you're gonna love this!
    Ive enjoyed the showed for most of my teenage years, and I also hated the abrupt ending that it gotten.
    So when i see there's a parody game with these characters that i grew up with. I instantly jump on it.
    The art style is very beautiful in the aspect of keeping it cartoonish and have the similar look to the original cartoon.
    The story is still in development, but alot of heart is being poured into it. I can see this game become better every update and shaping this series for the better. Hopefully it will have a satisfying ending unlike the cartoon.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok it´s not the best game here but i kinda liked it.
    That´s why i give it 3 stars (and because we can´t get the sister XD).
    I have to admit I was a little reluctant to try it out because i thought it will disappoint me but that was not the case.
    PD: If dev unlocks the sister i will give 4 stars (i promise) XD. It´s only because it teases so much about this thing but you get nothing at all than blueballs.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Story: 5/10
    Art: 9/10
    Originality: Ahahahaha

    Grouped these together because they're all about the feel of the game, possible immersion(hahahahah). Overall the story is bottom of the barrel, if not for the porn it would barely pass as a mediocre episode of the show. The passing grade is because the english is ok and there where few if any spelling errors at the very least. Art is as close to the show as you can get and that's what you want from a porn parody of something like this, it only got a 9 because 10 is for overachievers. Originality ? It's a parody of something and it's not even good at it, it's basically a bad episode of the show with fucking in it, but then again what even is original anymore ?

    Gameplay: 4/10
    Performace: 9/10
    Playability 5/10

    Gameplay is the amalgam of mechanics that are within the game while playability is the overall feel of the game as a whole. Mechanics wise we have a "dating sim" with no dating sim elements, none of the scenes are naturally repeatable (they have the computer replay cop out tho, for what it's worth), a fighting system so bad they rigged it so you can't lose, a map that has only one thing you can do at a time in it and probably 85% of the places you can actually interact with cock block you throughout the entire game. I'm starting to think 4 is excessive for this. But despite this the playability gets a passing grade, because at the very least you can't get stuck doing a mission or in some location, the grind is bareable and the fighting can't be lost, even tho "winning" it is complete RNG horseshit. Performance gets a 9 cuz ren'py is a beast and you can hardly fuck it up royaly, but there's so much more you can do with it that noone seems to want too. 10 is for overachievers.

    Content/Time since existence: 2/10
    Overall duration: skip text: 30min, read between the lines:45min, read the entire thing: 70min tops.

    First post on this thread alone is since aug 2017, so at the time of writing this review, this game has been out for at least 22 months(don't check me on the math). If you play this game with ctrl (recommended for not wasting your time with the poor writing and story in general), you can have this game "beat" in less than 30 minutes. If you stop through skips and read between the lines to get the feel of what's going on, it barely reaches the 45 minute mark and you won't miss ANYTHING. This is shameful, in my opinion. The fact that this game gets any support with the amount of content it managed to churn out in almost 2 years is mind boggling. People really need to start improving their standards, or else shit like this becomes the norm.

    Rating a game on this forum is hard, especially with all the review deleting, but mostly because i don't know if it should be rated by the standards of this forum, or by the standards that should be expected of projects that are being given so much money and time.Ultimately i settled on both. Compared to the dog shit that you can find in this medium, this game is average (3 stars), it has virtually no content for how long it's been in development (great real actual games have been made with less than what this guy is getting on patreon and in less time). But the art is really good and the idea is there, just executed very poorly. But if i were to judge it on the standards that this site should (imho) have, the game is barely poor(2 stars). It's just unacceptable how little of "game" there is here after 2 years. Even the tags are misleading: incest ? a hug with your mom ? watching you sister masturbate to porn ?, milf ? you mean the 25 year old nurse ? or the mom that gets a nude flash and a hug for content after 2 years of development ? Nah ... better luck next time!
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    The game started off quite well, but once I got to mission three, it stopped working and sent me into a never ending loop of the lab incident with the mom and then the next morning up to the speech. Then I repeated the lab incident again and ended up on Saturday. I did get to go to the mall and buy back the med supplies that Kate had stolen. The advance time didn't work. So eventually I gave up and deleted the game. Up to that point, it was an awesome game. Thanks
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so much fun to play! The graphics are unique and engaging, coupled with a fresh take on an old story line. First tasted this about four months back and then knew I had to support this on Patreon. Each update comes out regularly and really is a treat. I highly reccomend this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    At present, the game is not very large in any capacity. There are five episodes, four of which contain as many non-optional story missions while the last, episode five, contains two. There are eight locations officially available to explore (not counting Paulina's house), and the majority are less than two rooms large. For most games I would count these as negatives, since they would likely leave it feeling like a sex-fest of unearned orgies between characters who feel insubstantial and unreal in a world the size of a matchbox.

    Given the rating, you can probably tell that's not the case. Amity Park stands out as a game that recognizes pacing as important. While the early game does include nudity, non-penetrative sex and masturbation, it is sparser than expected and probably not what you'll remember (that's not a jab; I loved the animations and other art, but the dialogue is far more memorable). I came to really enjoy certain characters (I already enjoyed most of them in the show, so maybe I'm biased) and loved every moment they were featured. Jack, in particular, is great, and he is not the focus of any sexual scenes (he is in one briefly, but it's the one scene where you probably won't be paying any attention to him, at least until it's over). It's a bundle of laughs at its best, and thoroughly enjoyable.

    I mentioned the animations, so I'll type about them and the art a bit, even though I know as much about this as a goldfish knows quantum mechanics. I've seen some animations in 2D games that essentially look like someone's dragging sections of the image out and back again in an infinite cycle until you click to advance, or like the characters are digital puppets with a fixed range of motion and no souls. That's not the case here. While these characters still don't have souls, they do at least look alive. Not only that, they're crisp, quite fluid and enjoyable to watch, besides the obvious sex appeal. There is care put into these animations, and it shows. Every time one came up I became just that little bit happier. As for the environment, I was skeptical about integrating CG backgrounds into a game with 2D character stills and pictures, but they work together surprisingly well. The CG provides a consistent sense of space while retaining the feel of a digitally drawn background. As for the aforementioned character stills, they're a faithful recreation of Butch Hartman's style. Love it, you'll love them. Hate it, you'll want to douse yourself in gasoline in a fire pit before ten minutes is up, because there is not much deviation from that style aside from sexual differences.

    The actual "game" portion of the game is currently so basic it's hardly worth mentioning, so I'll just say that it works as it should. It's a bit of back-and-forth punching and blocks, with the occasional ghost power or augmentation thrown in.

    Before I move on to the cons, let me just say this: you can court a ghost. It gets five stars for that alone. I find it hard to accept just how rare (semi-)friendly, romantic ghosts are in fiction. If that rather specific interest appeals to you, this game does not disappoint.

    Moving on: if I were to look for negatives, I would have to say (as I mentioned at the beginning) that it feels constrained. There are nine locations (one of which doesn't seem to be available at present), each with a few doorways to go through and about two characters at most you can interact with regularly, and even then it's meaningless, repeatable expository dialogue. Most locations lack interaction entirely, leaving them feeling empty and far too small (since there isn't really anywhere to go once you've arrived). Aside from story there isn't much to do, so once you've finished the game you can mess around with Desiree (the best female character in the game the only character with repeatable sex scenes in real time, as far as I know) until you get bored, then accumulate millions of dollars in minimum wage fast food work.

    Still, it's a work in progress, so berating it for lacking in features that take substantial planning and development time would be unfair and an inaccurate representation of the fun to be had. Based on what is here, there is great potential for it to blossom into something worth telling your grandchildren about, even though you'll immediately be thrown in a home for doing so. The story is fun, the characters are entertaining and the sex is great. Plus, again, you can court a ghost.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly I wasn't sure what to expect from this. After playing the 0.4.1 version I can say I was pleasantly surprised. Really good content - good writing, quality artwork, and all around really hot. Definitely something I'll be supporting on Patreon in the future. The creators did a really great job with this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    this game have a really good art and based on the animation danny phamtom make this great to see in a game 10/10 because art and the gameplay and also the scenes you get are easy to get you don't need a walkthrough to play the game and that a really good point to this game i really recommend.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The Art is on point. The Pacing is good. Animations are excellent. I really enjoyed the reworked Game. There isn't too much content yet, but whats there is great.

    Never really watched the show but I don't think it's really necssary to enjoy this VN.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The art adaptation and story roots are great. I don't think I've tapped all the content but navigation, layout and art are top notch. There do seem to be a few glitches but I'll be watching excitedly for further development.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The current content in the game is pretty good. Being based off a show with so many attractive characters, this game has so much potential to be great. The present issue with it is simply a lack of updates/content in general. I can't wait to see how this project shapes up in the future, when it can hopefully provide more than a few minutes' worth of gameplay.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Only 3 whole episodes right now, but it has very solid content. It is well written in plot detail. Obviously the art is very superb. For the small amount of content it has right now as a fledgling project, it is good. The interactive interfaces and all of the game play is pretty good too. I do hope they implement more sexual content with all of the characters later on and that it isn't neglected because of patreon rules about incest
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    It was very good in version 0.6.. then it all went to sh*t. Took out the best scenes, remade the game, took FOREVER to update, excuse after excuse after excuse for a BS Update. Had more gameplay/content before the update, game was done in less than 50 clicks, even the battles got nerfed. GZone will probably blame the computers he used or say he was too busy making live feeds instead of focusing on the game. Usually I don't usually care and am patient with updates, but after pledging for several months and getting this kind of update, I was left with a dislike for the game. Don't Promise Content If You CAN'T Deliver.