Ren'Py - Amnesia [v0.100a] [Super Alex]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Dr Secz

    Amazing animations and graphics ,story is going in a good way. A lot of improvement in plot with every single update. Keep it interesting and spice, go back and forward,make us play the game ,but dont take down players ability to enjoy. There is a lot of games who tried to input this amnesia plot, yours look unique. It has senses for spice and sexy. Definitely in my top 5 games. Well done, keep smashing it. Dont rush.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is fucking terrible.

    The story is linear and there aren't really any impactful choices for the player to make. A lot of your time will be spent on tedious fetch quests, or wandering around the same few locations trying to trigger events that are keyed to specific days and times. Of course there is no easy way to figure out when or where an event might occur, so the player has to keep returning to the same place over and over again hoping to get lucky. This is made worse by the fact that the sandbox environment has very little depth. There are only a few npcs you can interact with outside of your "housemates", and the content for these additional characters is quite limited. Lastly, the game currently only contains 2 sex scenes, and one of these involves the MC being drugged and raped.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Not even going to bother typing up a full review, as the dev is definitely making the game to milk the patrons. After all this time in development, the content that is here is few measly scenes, a whole bunch of boring fetch quests and a sandbox complete devoid of anything to do. I understand the game "being slow grind", but this is just making fun of the player at this point.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This game looks good, good renders, good animations, etc. The problem it has is that it promises players the moon at the start but ultimately it goes nowhere. There is barley any CG in the game or explicit scenes, and it has been in development for a long time now. Another problem is that the free roam model and the vague tips guide makes it almost impossible (And I had to download guides and mods) to figure out what to do next. And when you finally do figure it out, the rewards are disappointing. This game had shown a lot of promise but at the sluggish pace its being developed at currently seems like it just going to end up abandoned before its ever finished. Right now its sort of a hot mess and needs miles of work in it.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok. Let's start.
    First time on this site I saw a game who so good and in other hand so bad.
    All 3d, visuals, animation looks wonderful, and you're starting to think it's a decent game. But after u start playing and u see a plot (not sure its even exist) which terrible and don't have any sense and any logic at all. And game interface looks the same, all interactions need unnecessary clicks, interactions and moves which again out of any logic. Then u see updates one in a half a year with barely 5 scenes... and start thinking it's a scam beautiful on the outside and ugly on the inside...
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    it has really nice renders and really good UI but that's where all stops, it has been long time since it started the story still not going anywhere, sex scenes are basically non excitant. and navigation is mess, trying to figure what to do and what's next is often if not all the time a complete frustrating task.

    i had really high hopes for this for as it stands now and how long its been since it started i cant really recommend it.

    then again this is my personal opinion and should stop you from trying it on your own
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is an absolute disgrace. It can't be rated higher than a 1 star in my opinion

    I will concede that the models in the game themselves are pretty to look at. And that's the sole reason the game deserves a star. Otherwise they hardly change their facial expressions throughout the duration of...what little gameplay we see

    The storyline itself isn't original at all. You live with your mother and two sisters. Inevitably, one hates you...just because. Hell, MC almost dies and had been left comatose and she still hates your guts. A trope that has both been done to absolute death before, and one done far, far better in MUCH better games than this one

    Let's talk about the plot overall. There isn't one. That's right. After three, yes, THREE years, all you really have right now is a bare-boned introduction to every single character in the game

    This game is three years old and is still a blue-baller with, last I checked, one actual sex scene. The rest involve peeping and...well, nothing else. NOT worthy of even rating in my opinion. Some games have more action in their demo or 0.1 alpha release than this game has accumulated in THREE YEARS

    The dev started working on this game alone. And the workload might have been immense, but the result was still disappointing. Now that they've hired a full staff of 7, and still manage to churn out a dismally tiny, irrelevant update, there's absolutely no excuse. It's just excuse after excuse with the dev and a huge part of why this game isn't worthy of a star

    So, to sum up, one star. Just because of the models. And even that is being overly generous. I wouldn't recommend this game. Perhaps in 2043, IF the game isn't already abandoned by then, we'll finally see some real progress

    You wouldn't order a meal at a restaurant and sit still as they plant the grains of rice which will arrive on your plate in the distant future. I wouldn't recommend playing a game which means waiting the same amount of time to finally start to take off. Assuming the devs actually continue on and not abandon it partway through. Better games than this have been thrown to the wayside, so I have no reason to have faith in the devs of this one
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Changed my rating from 3 to 2 stars. While the game has nice renders and girls are hot, the updates are so tiny and the game barely moves anywhere forward. At this point I'm not even sure game will ever feel finished and we'll get any proper sex scenes.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    it looks like it could be really great, but everything about the implementation and details here is pretty terrible. the non-mc character models all have the vacant, blank look of mannequins. the story stalls itself out into uninteresting, unsexy tripe. and the cherry on top is that the dev couldn't figure out how to write dialogue so as to make an inc patch (i mean, that's what this game is, no one's playing with a very worried landlady...) almost impossible to autogenerate.

    skip this. it isn't worth anyone's time.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    "Amnesia" unironically checkmarks all of the 3DCG visual novel tropes:

    • MC wakes up in hospital bed with amnesia (but you knew to expect this)
    • All-female "housemates"
    • Sexy, lonely "landlady"
    • Sexy, friendly "housemate" in unhappy relationship
    • Sexy, rude "housemate"
    • Ex-girlfriend that is definitely not over him
    • 99% of the dialogue is the MC thinking to himself.
    • 99% of the MC's thoughts are of him thirsting for everyone he sees.
    • Under the table crotch peek
    I didn't get too far but you get ultimate bingo if you find a shower peeking scene :LOL:
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Empty updates, stalling, stupid game. I've been following the game for more than a year, the quality of visualization immediately pleased me, you don't often see this among similar products. Playing the game to the point where the content ends at the time of the passage is frustrating. Everything is blurred and smeared. In the future, I followed the game and went further as updates were released, which each time were small, practically useless, not moving the plot forward and not giving an impact, only an increase in tension. After so much time, emotionally the game took a toll on me.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    i don't speak russian so i cant continue the story . There a mix of english AND russian elena's storyline . This update is out for a week and no fix of language yet . Does the dev care about such a problem ? I don't think so ....
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    John Bon Clay

    Giving this a 3 star rating.
    It's good, but as many already has pointed out - it suffers from a lot of issues!
    Making this a VN, removing sandbox mode that is, and chill down on certain clicks, such as the food thing, when you have to click to him to eat, I mean it was a little fun, I would even keep just that part but all others no. Like the ones where there is just a picture and no text, if we want to see the full image we have the "H" key, don't worry!

    Do that and this game could easily go above 4 stars, for example if you piss off the nurse in the beginning you won't get a hand job from her later. Now I'm fairly sure that no one of you will want to replay all that clicking, and going here and there just to see that hand job but, if this was a VN with less clicking elements, you probably would or could take some time to explore. In general be pervy but nice seems to be the right way to play this game, but I could be wrong.

    Not sure if you need a guide for this as some stated, I played this for a good long while now without it. Now take this with a grain of salt, but to me it gives off an aura of Foot Of the Mountains and Deluca Family. The spying from Foot Of the mountains and I guess the mystery and the family personalities goes kind of hand in hand with Deluca Family, I wouldn't say if those two made a baby, just gives off an aura from those games to me. So again take that with a grain!

    The protagonist can be a bit annoying as well, this is just my preference but I never like it when the protagonists are vengeful, hateful, Anger issues (like raging teenagers) and uses the word bitch or slut, especially not in their own minds. I mean if someone pisses you off royally I would understand if the protagonist went out with a bitch word while being in frantic anger mode, but else no, it would have to be really fucking justified for me to approve.
    He could also use a bit of balancing, as someone said as well, badass at one point and meek at other points. Sure he is probably a bit of a switch, even his personality. Almost worse worse than I am, and that's bad, trust me! :)

    Of course renders and models and such are nice as hell, some really nice scenes and animations, one of the nicer ones I have seen even, top class! The "Landlady" is really hot, I don't mind the glowing eyes on her either, but that's just me, I can understand if some do.

    Tl;dr: Good game, would be so much better if it was a VN - no sandbox, has its issues, and you don't want to replay this game to explore more options, be pervy and kind - is my advice.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    I am super mixed about this game. First the positive: I think the mom and sisters are gorgeous. All of the side character LIs are hot too. Sleep groping on Kate is fantastic and I found the dominating Elena character different and fun. I like the premise of the story and that the mom seems to know more than she lets on leaves me eager for the story to develop and resolve. What I dislike: the writing is sometimes aweful but other times done well. It’s probably the translation but it’s inconsistent. The worst part is the sandbox grind. Without BOTH mods, it’s unplayable, in my Opinion. That’s ridiculous. and for all the grind there’s so little action. Almost none with the family members. I won’t be playing it for many updates. maybe I’ll check back in 2 years and hope for better hint system with more action. The renders and story have promise.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This VN I am really mixed about. There are some really good parts but there are some really shit parts too. It's saving grace is that these two polar opposites have somewhat of a balance.
    It does kind of read like it's written by someone that has limited experience of woman other than what they have read and seen in shows.
    The MC is a mess, at moments he is a fucking champ and the next he is a wimpy cuck fuck.
    My favorite parts where the Kate interactions by far, she alone was the reason I persevered through the whole game.
    Rei is almost decent but it just felt like a projection of Elena in an Asian package.
    Not a game I would play through again without a substantial addition or makeover.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    As others have mentioned the game is designed terribly.

    After the first few days there is pretty much one event in one location per day.
    there are about 15 locations and 3 different times, so that is about 45 clicks (plus another 20 going back) just to progress.

    To make things worse the quests are peppered withfetch quests to make you click through all the rooms even more.

    Even the completely empty hospital (20 more clicks) and Mall (20 more clicks)

    If the world is going to be so empty this should be a VN, honestly one of the worst games gameplay wise i have played.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Beautiful women, decent story, great femdom scene with Rei. A good foot fetish scene from Elena, hope to see more femdom content from those two.

    However, not being able to find the Spa, the terrible clue tips and wandering around the map where you have to be at the right place at the right time when the stars align to progress the story drag the rating down to a 1. Seriously, this is a frustrating progression system.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played a lot of games on here, and the animations plus the design of the main ladies in this are absolutely top level. There are quite a few scenes which i constantly boot the game up just to experience again.
    I enjoy the slow burn story and the mysterious backgrounds of the main characters due to 'Amnesia', however i do play with a walkthrough, and can understand if someone would rate this lower due to some frustrating sandbox mechanics or if they didn't like the story.
    I personally think it deserves 5 stars, one of my top 5 favorite lewd games so far
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely horrible game mechanics, this should have been a VN. That is unless you enjoy clicking on every location whenever time passes just to be sure you haven't skipped anything that might lock you out of content.

    But it gets worse. There are even elements during cinematic screen transitions that are clickable which affect the story and are easy to miss.

    The first minigame i encountered i got stuck and from reading the thread most replies seem to suggest this game is unplayable without a walkthrough mod forcing me to start over after 3 hours of playing. At least I got to see one lewd scene.

    The renders are amazing but not worth the atrocious experience of trying to complete this game chore.
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5226039

    This is a good game in regards to renders and storyline however, there are huge issues which greatly impacts the players experience. One of my biggest pet peeves is the sandbox instructions for what to do next. Without a walkthrough this game is a nightmare. Certain things you can only do during certain times of the day unbeknownst to you in a map of a large house with multiple rooms.

    When you have to talk to someone at a certain time of day in a certain location to complete a task (when the time or place is not mentioned) is infuriating. This is because you will not be able to progress without completing the task. It's a massive game of where's waldo where most most of my time is spent mindlessly wandering. Even with walkthroughs it's a hassle.

    However, the biggest issue or game breaking problem is the money system. In the game we have to purchase things to progress in the story. However, when i purchase something crucial to story and am not given any other way to earn more money what do i do? I can no longer progress with the story! If the buying of certain items is not applicable to this version lock the items from being purchased until the plot is implemented!

    If i can purchase an item not knowing it isn't for this version and no longer have enough to purchase the mission critical items, with no way to earn more what then? The game is then broken 3/5 stars!