I played this to completion a while back (on only one of the routes, granted.) If I remember right, during what should've been a straight-up lesbian sex scene, it just gave my female MC a smooth, nondescript black penis/foreign-object, called it a "dildo," and then threw me into an obviously male sex scene. 'Cuz reasons. Was pretty obvious a female player-character was a complete afterthought, if that. Call me old fashioned, but I like being treated like a lady when I choose to play as one. But no, game just deus-ex-machina's a dick onto your female character and says "you're totally still a woman, I promise." But then again this might've all changed since I played it.
The dialogue interactions were alright, if a bit frustrating due to there being very specific "correct" things to say when initially talking to characters. I can only get turned down so many times before I flip a table.