Amount LI


Jun 14, 2020
1. How many LI's or side characters do you prefer in AVN? For example: 3 love interests, 5 side characters, or 5 - 10, 20 - 50, and so on. What is the optimal amount for you as a player to avoid getting bogged down in biographies and backstories?

2. What is a satisfying number of male characters for you to accept? Not love interests, but friends, boyfriends of other girls, acquaintances or enemies, and so on.

p.s I know that this is all individual and depends on the plot and narrative, but I want to know the opinion of different players on these subjects.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
There is no "optimal number"...

You can have as many main or side character as you can handle writing.


Sep 14, 2016
1) As long as they're cis-women, 18 or older and hot - I want to fuck all of them.
2) As long as I'm the only one fucking the women, as many as you want.


Dec 25, 2019
depends on the type of game.
For a Harem game i'd say 5-7 main girls (plus a 2 or 3 side girls as long as the mains get enough content)
5 for a solo route only game as long as the character type offer a wide range of stories and personalities
For a bang 'em and leave 'em type game ( no consequence for cheating or a non monogamous route) as many as you can write good stories for (max 20? personal opinion)


Bear chaser
Game Developer
Mar 23, 2019
I know that this is all individual and depends on the plot and narrative
Yup, you answered yourself there.

My answer, as a player and dev is the same: As much as your imagination/time/technical resources allow.

1. How many LI's or side characters do you prefer in AVN? For example: 3 love interests, 5 side characters, or 5 - 10, 20 - 50, and so on. What is the optimal amount for you as a player to avoid getting bogged down in biographies and backstories?
On harem games is a no brainer: as much as you can, in fact, the more the merrier. On non- harem games... man, my answer would be the same: as much as you want to. You want a number but I can't give you one, because you do 5 and if your game is good I'll want you 10. You make 10 and I'll want 20.

2. What is a satisfying number of male characters for you to accept? Not love interests, but friends, boyfriends of other girls, acquaintances or enemies, and so on.
Just like the above reply, as much as you want. It may be annoying to spend time designing and writing a male character (just like me writing female characters, as gay) but it pays off on the quality of your game. I... guess you should tone it down on an harem game since the focus are in the pokemon LIs, but in non-harem games I say, add as much as you want.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
there's almost always too many and the story suffers for it. but I don't think it's a particularly big problem. do whatever you feel like doing, just be aware that it directly increases your workload. or conversely shrinks the character scope and more importantly the impact of the characters.


Dec 24, 2021
Let's should be me, my mom, my older sister, and my younger sister. But I'll also take another younger sister if the dev is offering.
You could throw in a girlfriend and I'd be ok with it I guess, but she'd have to be really fuckin cool with all the incest happening at my house.


Jun 14, 2020
Let's should be me, my mom, my older sister, and my younger sister. But I'll also take another younger sister if the dev is offering.
You could throw in a girlfriend and I'd be ok with it I guess, but she'd have to be really fuckin cool with all the incest happening at my house.
the one missing here is the dead father :D

Oh my

Dec 25, 2019
Opportunity Cost is a thing.
The more LIs you make the less time you'll be able to spend with any of them.
More LIs pigeon-holes into Harem.

Romance means one partner.
The more LIs there are, the less I bother, because it's a smaller percent for me.