Unity - Completed - Amour [Final] [Octopussy]

  1. 2.00 star(s)



    I'l at the 2/3 of the game, and the starter weapon is still the most useful and honestly the only viable weapon of the game. Good damage/bullet, good reload time, cheap ammo, and damage over time.

    Then we have the assault rifle, wich cost over 100k to completely upgrade, only do 20 damage/bullet (compared to 50 for the pistol), long reload time, and ammo cost 10 time pistol ammo.

    The shotgun is a death sentence, no damage, huge cool down between shots, expensive ammo, expensive upgrades. It has a special anti-armor ammo... That is weaker than the damage over time of the pistol.

    The bow... no, just no. Low range, low damage, slow reload time. Ennemies appear in swarms, and half of them move fast. Do you want a weapon that can't aim and is slower than the slowest enemy to deal with them? No.

    I haven't tried the sniper and the rocket launcher yet because they are wayyyyy too expensive, you wont make enough money during a run to buy back the ammo...

    Other than that, you won't have time to watch the sex animation (and you will lose if you do anyway), so... nah.

    There is a gallery, so... if you just want to play the game for the adult content, do yourself a favor and use a full save or a gallery unlocker.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Amour is a very simple game that feels more at home in the Flash era of H-games but still holds up pretty well. Mostly the animations are good and the grind isn't SO bad that it makes you want to rip your fingers off.

    That said, it is still kinda grindy even in the beginning and the animations has that distinct 'flash look' at 1080p.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved the game...3rd person shooter and lots of sex scenes with different kind of monsters. Might be a bit time consuming to level up the gadgets but the time failing is worth it. Overall a convincing little H game
    Likes: mc247
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    honestly there is nothing "bad" about this game yet nothing is excellent either.

    many enemy types. (like 20-25). sex is animated but more like sprite graphics.

    you just shoot enemies incoming and if they reach you then that enemy rapes you. there is gallery.

    game is a fun little game.

    upgraded shotgun with shrapnel is OP. feels like cheating. anyway i completed it with pistol+sniper fully upgraded. you can switch between weapons while one weapon is autoreloading or has its cooldown on for shooting.

    you can play this through in like 2hours. sex scenes look fine imo
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Defend agains large hordes of enemies, if they hit you you get H-scenes, there's a nice difficulty curve with large list of weapon upgrades, the H-scenes are fantastic, if you haven't played this before I strongly recommend you play it, you won't regret it.
    Likes: jttth
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The game itself is average. It's not bad, not at all. I do struggle to call it good, however.

    It doesn't waste time trying to be more than it is, and that is something I greatly appreciate it. Most of my favorite H-games are those that have a nice underlying context to fuel the fantasy, but otherwise let you run wild right into all the violation and sexy situations.

    Unfortunately, this games does want to be an arcade-y shooter. You stand to the far right, while utilizing weapon swapping and meta upgrades to increase your firepower and handle the onslaught on incoming enemies. If an enemy touches our heroine? She gets fucked (or at least something similar.)

    The problem lies in the balance, the progression, and the weapon swapping system. The balance, in particular, is absolutely atrocious. I believe this is because of the very open-ended system of upgrading weapons. This leads to the game feeling like a wall at certain levels, and an absolute breeze on others. This feeling is further compounded in some of the later stages that you'll come across, where it was very obviously intended for the player to have certain specific upgrades to handle a threat. If you're just going to force the player to utilize certain upgrades to make a level completable, why even allow the player to pick their upgrades at all?

    Progression is naturally the follow-up to the previous discussion. You just don't seem to have enough indication on how best to spend your earned cash between levels. Should I buy this new gun? Or should I upgrade the ones I already have? If I buy this new gun, will it even be worth using at its base form, and if I needed to upgrade this gun to make it even worthwhile, why was I allowed to waste my money buying it in the first place?

    Weapon swapping is fun, at first. It gets old, really fast. In the later levels, you just don't have enough time to switch between all of your weapons without enemies making it to you. Visual clarity is also consistently awful past a certain point in the game, with certain enemies literally hiding inside of each other, or even taking bullets for enemies behind them because their dying animation still has collision.

    Ultimately though, I get tired of reading reviews that discuss game elements too heavily because I, myself, am here to be a degenerate horny man, so let's talk H-content.

    It's okay, I guess. Nothing new. Nothing exciting. The heroine has all but zero reaction to getting railed by a giant tree monster. Each enemy only has one animation(give or take a few that have a slight shift when speeding up), and it just repeats until climax at increasing speeds.

    You ever play an old-school H-Game platformer/side-scroller? That's the same kind of animations you get here, but without any of the frills that tend to come with more modern H-Games. No statuses, no initial resistance fading to giving in and enjoying it, no variation if you've been touched by the same enemy enough times, etc...

    Again, it's not bad. It just isn't doing anything better than the games that have come before them. If you're new to H-Games, this is a good starting point, but if you're a long-time degen like me, it's not worth your time unless you really need something mindless and generic to run through.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Amour is a good defense shooting game, a great improvement from most of Octopussy's other works, it's still not perfect but it is fun to play.

    Gameplay: This game honestly has a very good gameplay.

    -Progression: It's a bit weird but it does have proper progression where the game gets harder as you go. I find at the start, the difficulty spikes are very noticeable. The school area gets hard very fast, but after that area, the difficulty becomes very well balanced. There are enemies that the game expects you to be able to defeat at that stage. And most of the time, it completely lines up with the upgrades you've already made, so you can defeat them on the first try without paying attention to a specific upgrade you haven't had and grind for it, because you might have already gotten that upgrade.

    -Weapons and strategies: This game is honestly amazing at the weapons and upgrades. Each weapon feels super unique, all serves different purposes and applications to specific enemies. And it's not a brainless "click here and your weapon shoots faster", there are real strategies you can try to use. For example, an enemy is armored, takes less or even no damage on regular shots. What do you do? You shoot 'em with armor breaking rounds or explosives. Too much enemies? Pull out your machine gun and spray over them. During the game, it flows super well once you understand what you want to do. Even if you don't, there's still other ways to defeat them and the game doesn't force you to do specific methods to defeat the enemy. It's this freedom that genuinely surprised me.

    -Enemies: Much like the diversity of weapons, enemies are amazingly designed as well. Like I said, most of them have unique properties and ways to deal with, that requires you to think of strategies to manage and keep them away from you. They also have great synergies, combining their strengths and easily overwhelms you if there isn't a plan in your mind. It's the uniqueness and combinations of these enemies in each area that keeps the game from being boring, making every new encounter fresh and fun. There's also a place where you can view the enemy, how each body part multiplies the damage you make, and how they work in general, so I also really like how transparent the game is.

    Art and animation: much like other Octopussy's work, the art is good. It's still inconsistent sometimes, but overall is improved. I really like some of the enemy's design, and the UI this time is also pretty cool to look at. Animation-wise, it's not amazing, but is serviceable.

    Soundtrack: It's still meh, not a whole lot have changed in terms of music. The menu music is actually not bad, but the battle themes is still unmemorable as always.

    H-content: the H-scenes pretty good, there's a lot to enjoy. You also have different outfits you can use and they also changes the H-scenes. But the game do lack proper H-game mechanics. Whenever you get hit, you'll be put in a mashing minigame, mash out aaaaand... that's it. No pleasure bar you have to pay attention to, no debuffs or buffs gained from those, no nothing. I know that this genre provides next to no room for any sort of H-mechanics other than the previously mentioned mashing contest, so there's really no point in complaining about this.

    Story: the game lacks anything story related. You are put in an area, standing in one place, shooting pink bullets at anyone approaching you. Though I somehow thinks that this is not entirely bad. One of Octopussy's weaknesses is grammar. If they ever attempts at any sort of writing, it would suck. So you know what? I'd much prefer not having a story over having a badly written one.

    In conclusion: this game is a very well-made, well-balanced, thoroughly thought out game. It may lacks any sort of mechanics tying the sex into the gameplay, it is still an amazing game to play. 8.25/10
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a simple but fun game gameplay. The progression is well balanced and that game has enough content too keep you interested for a while. The adult content could be a bit better in my opinion, but I give this game 5 stars but it does what most adult games fail to do. I had a really fun time with it and I'm looking forward to see that team's next project
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Amour is a casual and fun hentai shooter game. The presentation of its soft and colorful anime artstyle in the main character, the enemies, the environments, and menu is beautifully done. The gameplay mechanic is very simple by using the mouse to move where you want to and click to shoot. Since the character is always stationed in one spot(the right side of the screen), I initially thought the gameplay would get boring quickly. But it's quite challenging due to the 4 enemy types in every stage.

    The first is the Swarm type, which they are first and weakest enemy. The danger is how they can overwhelm you the more they arrive at once. The second is the Athlete/Runner type; they're slightly tougher than the Swarm, but are the first to take away your life if not dealt with quickly. The third is the Tank, obviously having the highest defense. And lastly, I call the Flyer type with enemies flying or floating in the air. I like how each enemy pleasures the female character in their own way when she's "attacked".

    I love the amount of content you can unlock by defeating enemies to earn money. The money can be used to buy new weapons and upgrades, increase life, costumes, animations of sex scenes, etc. The animations is fluid enough to be immersive and enjoy its content, especially the Gallery. It adds motivation to keep playing.

    There a few notable, yet overall minor aspects that keep me from giving this 5/5 stars. The main one is the pacing of the difficulty level. For example, it seems normal in the beginning like in the university level. But for places like the jungle stage, the 3rd level sometimes is equally hard like the 5th level of the stage. The second is there isn't a double penetration or gangbang animation with any of the enemies, not even as an option to the Gallery. The last one is after beating the game, it just says "Victory" and that's it. No ending, credits, or "Thank you for playing" in the complete version of Amour. Despite this, I still enjoy the game!
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Absolutely solid h-game, all around. Excellent sprite-animations with a good variety of scenes. Fun and challenging gameplay. My only complaint is that the challenge on a couple levels is a bit absurd. (The last level of the first stage, when you first arrive at it, and last two of the final stage, in particular, are infuriating.) But otherwise it's pretty fair, and very worth playing. I'd love to see more like this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: 5/5. Is interesting and balanced, it is also quite original for a H-game.
    Animations: 4.5/5. Enemies are sexy and animatons are great, though some are much better than the others.

    Overall an excellent game that will probably be comparable to Koonsoft series once it's done.
  12. S
    5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable bullet hell-sort of game. Great animations, somewhat difficult, especially the final levels. Unique weapons, some better than others (like anything over the shotgun). One of the few games I would get excited over updates for.