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Others - Abandoned - Amy's Lust Hotel [v0.11.0] [Drunk Robot]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Honestly, terrible...
    It pains me to say this because I can feel there's some work in there.

    But still... everything feels clunky.
    Sex scenes are the old repeat of jpg1/jpg2 slideshow, more slides would have been appreciated?
    Even the game's walkthrough is a mess and is hard to follow.
    If a character is in the room you can't access certain options, like checking the main panel on the management session, which gives you access to daily tasks and so on...

    And the art is not that great.
    Sorry dev, but I won't even look after this one.
    Best of luck in future projects.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to give an average but it is more of something in between 2 and 3 in reality
    It kept me going for some time, I enjoyed what someone else pointed the different body types of the characters.

    The main problem is the "story" it is confusing, because is not that intuitive and most of time you need to go to the achievements to understand what to do. and then, even once you understand what there is to do most of the events are locked behind a specific day or time of day but several in the same slots(if you choose one you have to wait for the next slot do something), which makes the progression really slow to see anything. Several events can only occur in the early morning, others you need to do the hotel things, and then some actions like talking a bit to a sister for a quest burn the whole part of day you were in for some reason.

    Then the UI is all messed up, Settings do nothing. Then sudden crashes in the hallway and if you by mistake click go to title you an not click anything.

    The game has potential in my opinion but needs to be more logical on what to do(or spread the events along the week revamping what advances time) and needs the UI to be fixed
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    After playing this one for the second time with v 0.62 I would not recommend this one.

    The writing is bad with numerous translation errors. There are a few buttons and dialogue that are in Italian in the English version. I had to Google translations so I could know what button I was clicking. The character development is almost non-existent. We get an opening scene in the prologue with the M/C giving a hummer to her therapist with no explanation why she needs therapy or why she even there in the first place. This type of stuff just continues as we go.

    The animations are poor. They are loops with an end button mostly. A couple of renders are still grainy.

    The game had potential as a sexy hotel sim but completely misses the mark on both counts. The hotel sim is just poorly done and the game is not sexy. The animations for emotes of the characters would qualify as inappropriate affect.

    There is more I could comment on, but I'm not going to waste anymore time on this one.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    At it's core it's got some potential but if you go with a game engine that isn't standard you better know what you're creating and better be aware of the user experience and know what you're forcing yourself to be compared against. This is just subpar to games with similar render level and content done in game engines that are a lot more fun user end to play.
    For a handful of people it is a 3 , for most users it's going to sit around a 2.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I don´t have a lot to say that no one had said before, but I can say that it got me hooked up in the beggining. I like mostly-women-protagonists games and this one has an interesting story so I had to test it for myself. But the game barely has any content, I got bored playing it for 1 hour trying to find something interesting to do while getting hardly any progress in the game, so I had to find cheat codes to gt more money and buy anything I can. Even after bying everything I found 0 progress.

    I don´t want to disencourage the developer to keep working on the game so I would suggest him to find other ways to work on the game. If this game is too hard to make as you want it to be just keep the game simple, you can try to focus on simple aspects and focus on them, because I feel it is too big while lacking quality in everything it offers.

    I think it has pottencial, but it´s still not here...
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    The initial premise of a college girl trying to refloat the family businnes with the help and/or the obstruction of her family could be good, but the execution is actually pretty bad.

    The graphic design of the characters is good but generic. It seems the dev doesn´t have modified a lot the generic models of DAZ3D or the program he´s using.

    The writing is the worst in this game. The characters are cliché and unnecesarely rude with each other. For example, a conversation:
    Daughter: "Mom, where is the key of the gym"
    Mother: "Why do you need the key of the gym"
    Daughter: "To put it into my pussy"
    Mother: "Fuck you, brat"
    ¿Why they hate each other so much? No clue in the game. Of course, situations are mostly stupid, as the one when the MC needs the contacts of her sister in the yakuza for getting... manure. Not drugs, weapons, something like that; manure, because for some reason, it´s an illegal manure. By the way, she needs the manure for fertilizing some kind of "magic" rose that makes that everyone that smells its fregrance feel the need of fuck inmediatly with someone... Again, stupid.
    Also, it´s really dificult to follow the missions you have to do without a walthrough, and of course, the gameplay is tedious since there is a lot of grind.

    To finish, the game looks at firs sight way more kinky that really is. Right now, there are only a couple of sexual scenes, pretty vanilla.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This story has a lot of potential that is really undermined by interface problems and confusing goals.

    The good
    --Beautiful renders of women with different body types. Love that aspect of the game
    --Has the bones of a potentially interesting story.
    --Some of the angry interactions between sisters are hilarious.
    --Some gaming aspects really interesting once you figure out what you need to do.

    The bad
    --Pressing escape, ends the game.
    --even following achievements it's really hard to understand what you're supposed to do. Unplayable without the achievement list. I really had no idea what to do. Once you figure out how to do some of those things, too often it's sometimes days before you can actually DO those things. The priest is only at his chapel literally two or three times a week. And only once a week for each of the 3 achievements.
    --Game conversations frequently don't adjust to reflect changes or achievements.
    --Very buggy in places.

    For now, consider this a 2.5-star rating. Rounded up since I hold out hope for the game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Although there are a lot of improvements possible, for a v0.1 the game is promising. Graphics are well done. The story progresses. This game deserves a better score in my opinion, normalized for the early developmental state.
    Likes: vat69
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.1...

    Thus far, even though this VN/Game is just beginning, it is a bit of a rough start outside of the visuals and very basic game mechanics...

    The visuals of the characters are done fairly well, and even the backdrops mostly look unique and high quality... Navigation is basic, but how the branching works for sub-locations takes a tiny bit of getting used to... The UI is not that bad, but you have to guess your way through a majority of it in the beginning, because there is no tutorial and hovering over icons doesn't show any text to clue you in on what they do... Sure, they are a visual representation of what they do, but not all are so easy to determine what that is exactly, until you try them... There also seems to be a problem sometimes when interacting with other characters, where left clicking one of the choices doesn't work all the time, requiring multiple clicks to get it to activate...

    When the game first begins, there is no Text to clue you in that you have to select one of the pictures of the protagonist to determine the language (Italian or English), so I didn't even realize at first that I had to select one for a language selection, in the first place... They each are wearing clothing that represents the language, while it and of itself is a cool idea, you really should clue folks in, on that screen, via text that they need to make a language choice to move on...

    I've also seen several of these character models before in other VN/Games... Some of them are so exactly like the ones in other VN/Games, so you can tell right away that not enough time was spent on character visual design with some of the characters... I understand there are only so many models to select from or purchase from the companies and folks who make them available for purchase... But altering those models to be a bit more unique is always an option...

    The script for English readers has some broken English, misused words, and a tiny bit of spelling/grammar problems here and there... Most likely due to slightly poor translation/interpretation... The plot, what little there really is, revolves around a female protagonist who is left in charge of a family run hotel, after her grandfather dies... Of course, almost every one of her family members doesn't really think she can handle it... From her pregnant aunt, to her sisters, to he mother, to her cousins, etc... Apparently there has already been some childhood incest between the protagonist and one of her cousins, so expect this to have an overshadowing (and overused) incest theme...

    Almost none of the characters are really believable... Especially the protagonist... She seems to be willing to have sex with just about anyone around her, and her family seems to be just as sexually messed up as her... Each of the characters have their own personalities, but most are cliché and some are even way over the top...

    The meat of this game is primarily an erotic themed management grinder, with only the tiniest of story elements added in... You need to manage the hotel while interacting with both customers (to keep them happy) and other characters... As well as getting the hotel out from under almost a million dollars in debt... And it sounds like the protagonist is willing to do whatever sexual things she needs to do to get stuff done, even if it doesn't always happen... And do not expect any hand holding, and do not expect any kind of clues to be really given... Sure, there is a list of tasks to be accomplished to push the tiny amount of story progression forward (which can only be viewed from the protagonists bedroom)... Outside that, you have a game day broken down into segments, with different people in different locations through out each game day... But because you are not really clued in much by the story text, beyond the overall goal, it is very difficult, and time consuming, to sometimes figure out what you really need to do, to get the next step accomplished... And in the mean time, it's pretty much a repetitive game... You may try to talk to various characters in various locations at various times, but most of the time you get the EXACT same responses... I understand it's new and still in development, but using the exact same dialogue, a majority of the time, really? You could just have no talk option, once a conversation has been experienced, so you don't need to experience it again and again and again every time...

    I really get tired of these games claiming to be a Sandbox, when it is apparent they have no idea what a Sandbox game really is... This game is a Hotel Management Grinder with erotic flare, not a sandbox... So many newer developers like to exaggerate, using power words to describe their product, especially with the word Sandbox... In this game you have to Manage money, story progression, customers, and character progression... It is not an open world to alter, freely, as you see fit, with very few restrictions, like a kid in a sandbox...

    I can see some potential for what it is, so do not get me wrong... But I can also see this is going down the porn fest road... Which is fine, as many of these Management Grinders don't really always focus on the story stuff, and just want to make an erotic filled game... Based on what I've seen and read thus far, do not expect this game to be story rich with a deep and meaningful plot, filled with mostly believable characters... It is so not that... It does have a tiny bit of story, but it's rather fantastical with characters that are mostly eye candy and not very believable...

    Also, be extra careful... Because if you press the ESC button at any time during game play, the game shuts down... And you will lose any progression or settings changes you made after your last save point... That is something the developers really should fix... Perhaps by having the game ask if you want to quit when pressing ESC, rather then just doing it...

    Overall, the visuals mostly look decent, and the UI looks professional, but there is definitely some work that still needs to be done to polish up the basic game mechanics... The UI is not always very intuitive, lots of repeating conversations, story text is not very good at clueing you in on how to go about working on the next step, and it's very early into it's development... It has some potential for being an interesting erotic management grinder, but don't expect top notch story telling... I really don't think that is this games goal in the long term, based off what I've seen thus far... It ooses porn fest, both in the characters and the story elements that are already present... Will I check back on this one? Perhaps, given time for the developers to polish up the game mechanics and other things I mentioned, and perhaps add more content, over time... We'll have to wait and see...