Seeking An Isekai that sorta stuck in my brain for reason I can't explain.


New Member
Nov 27, 2017
Hope this is the right place for this. Sorry if it's not. I'm looking for an Isekai I found a while back but lost the files for.

It was a 3d game. I think it was unity or unreal could be wrong though.
In it you start at a party that you catch your partner cheating so you bail and run into an elf. Who you follow through a portal where you find a tribal girl. She takes you back to her tribe. You fight a village pleb to marry her then go to a Viking village?
Don't remember this one the best. I think there was something with a crusty village elder and magic lol it was fairly new when I found it and I remember it being a like rough but it stuck with me for some reason.

Any help finding this game would be greatly appreciated. I've been searching for it for quite a while with no luck.

Edited post as I found the other game I was looking for almost straight after posting this lol. It was Taffy Tales.
Edit 2 Had to make farther changes as I missed a spot mentioning two games and wanted to go over it again.
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