It's a nice thread and honestly needed - there's hardly a way to tell if a game has an anal-focused fetish since developers who build around it don't put enough emphasis on its presence, and developers who emphasize its presence often don't build around it enough to be justified.
The assortment of games mentioned is growing at a good pace, and there's some awesome gems of games here I would've never found due to not having enough time to sort through the many games left behind after filtering for the category on the updates search page.
I'm happy with Anon2298's efforts culminating in such a nice list of games for the anal fetish. While there are no star ratings on the main list, that's fine since ratings are subjective and seeing the score on the other side of the link is a click away. The checkmarks give a functional enough indicator of anal-related content to make the thread helpful, and plenty of banter happens throughout the thread for a game's merit of quality or how well it adheres to the standards of being a good anal-fetish focused game.
Along with the helpful nature of the thread and thoughtful summary indicators, I appreciate Anon2298's careful formatting that makes it easy on the eyes to read through the list. So hop in the thread to talk about fun butt-stuff, offer some suggestions for things not yet on the list, and enjoy a much easier source of anal-inspired hentai games than the long and unreliable filter would grant you.