A bit of a mess.
Visuals are sort of decent, but body variety seems to be very limited -- most females seem to be with wide big hips and very large tits. While it might have been some idea of ancient ideals, there were people of all kinds of body templates at all times.
There are some okay H scenes. The animations are okayish. Everything is going on in interiors though, which are somewhat dimly lit. True to the time, but not very easy on the eye.
Interiors/Landscape is pretty OK for setting. Clothing is half there, half impossible. But these are limitations that shouldn't be judged too strongly, as models might be harder to come by. The attempt has definitely been made and is vaguely better than in many other games who try to do some historical bg.
There are multiple choices, which don't appear to affect much -- apart from choosing to spare or not some slaves who attacked you on the road, many of other choices lead to just a bit of change of dialogue at best. The walkthrough indicates the "right" ones, but it frequently seems to be arbitrary, or at least does not appear to lead to any longterm consequences even within the scene.
Plot is all over the place. You are a Roman legionnaire
For an Ancient Rome type of game there's a somewhat decent attempt at some historical context/background, but although master/slave relationships are introduced and stressed all throughout the game, they are very "unmastery" and pretty unlike what they have historically been.
Also, there appears to be very fragmented understanding of what was considered good/bad/shameful in those times -- and for whom(!) (yes, I know Ancient Rome was a long time period. Nevertheless).
Lots of small details that don't make sense for the setting. For example, MC's uncle "praises God" at some point, whereas a Roman would praise a
specific god for a specific reason. Or at the very least he would praise God
Finally, the English texts of the game are sadly with tons of grammatical, punctuation and word mistakes, and frequently quite simplistic, making it sound as if written by a not very well educated teen sometimes. Or badly translated. Also the Roman vibe is interrupted by some modern words/phrases every now and then.
The game sometimes feels a bit of Desert Stalker wannabe, which it most certainly isn't.
I would like to give game more due to the setting and attempt, but currently it doesn't warrant it. Maybe in future versions. As it is, it sits between 2/5 and 3/5, but I decided on 3 b/c there might be hope of improvement.
UPD: Oh, and the game feels very jumpy, because it has very many screen changes that you can't set to be on-click -- you can just adjust the speed. This is incredibly annoying and if not fixed by the next version, I'd downgrade review to 2/5 even if other things are fixed. Please have either fully fledged animation, or let me click at my own pace.