Seeking Android Compatible Games with Actual Gameplay


Formerly 'TheLastMaleNeko'
Oct 11, 2020
Pretty much looking for exactly what the post title says, I'm looking for titles that are actually games on some level, and are compatible with android hardware.

What do I define as "Having Gameplay"? Pretty much anything that offers some level of interaction beyond "click button to progress until thing happens" or "click button to make something move faster, slower, or change position". So most Visual Novels or very basic Sex Similators are out. There are some out there that I feel ARE actually games, two good examples being Corrupted Kingdoms and Ravager. Both are technically visual novels, but they also incorporate more mechanics into them like resource management, problem solving, free-form exploration, ect. As long as the game is more than a Clicking simulator to progress plot and see tiddy(just to clarify, no hate towards those types of games, I think they are perfectly enjoyable, and if you love em then that's all that matters! I just want to try and find games that offer a bit more beyond that).

Some other good examples of games that I've played that I'm looking for more of would be both Imouto!? Life ~Monochrome~ and its sequal Living With Sister: Monochrome Fantasy. Both have money and time to manage, relationship mechanics, and the later has unlockable skills, combat, and mini games, all good RPG staples. In the same vein there's games like Isekai Awakening, Summer Memories Plus, Lust Doll Plus, and Daily Lives of My Countryside, just to list off a few. They all feature things to do, explore, level up, or just generally manage.

There's also games like Life With a Slave -Teaching Feeling-, Night Adventure, Hypnotizing the rich bitch into my personal plaything, and the Urge to Molest games. These are all more along the lines of interactive sandboxes, but they all allow experimentation, growth, and progression through action. Ive played more than just the omes listed, but these are just the ones that still stand out in my mind/were played more recently.

Lastly, what do I mean exactly by "Android Compatible"? That can be games with official/Fan Made/modded ports directly to Android(Anything in a .apk format). Or it could be games runable on Android using simple Emulation, such as with JoiPlay. What I'm not including is games ran through a PC emulator on a phone. In my experience, it tends to be fairly difficult to set up, and mostly yields less than stellar results. It also makes EVERY game an Android game, and thus defeats the point.

If you know of other emulators that work well for games, do please name those off! Currently i know and am familiar with JoiPlay, but I know a few other emulators do exist. Additionally, if you know of games with work in progress ports being made, let me know those too! Long term, I'd like to compile a list of games that are playable on android hardware, so I'd definitely like to know of promising projects to follow.

As a final, more specific ask, if anyone knows anything about a mobile port of Peeping Dorm Manager, or how to get it running on mobile, please let me know! I've found references to it existing, but only dead ends.

Thanks in Advance, as I get recommendations I will add them to this post, and to a larger list I will be posting later!


Formerly 'TheLastMaleNeko'
Oct 11, 2020
From my list here, I think only SKA and ZR have official Android ports, but they're good games.
So looking through the list a little, I see some that do have official ports! And a decent amount are based in RPGM, which is typically pretty easy to run through JoiPlay! So I'll have to do some testing, and see what works and what doesn't. Thanks for the suggestions!