Android ports?


Discussion Dynamo
Respected User
Jr. Uploader
Oct 1, 2018
Anyone have names of androids ports guys for unity sistem ?
Android versions of Unity games need to be made by the developer, there aren't any porters that can/will do it. From what little I understand it's incredibly difficult to make a Android port of a "finished" Unity PC game, it's like more remaking than porting.


Nov 9, 2018
I hope the unity game devs should also cross compile their games to android as well to expand their playerbase. They won't have to edit their scripts anyways... Just install and setup android sdk in unity and poof!


In a Scent
Game Developer
Jun 19, 2018
I hope the unity game devs should also cross compile their games to android as well to expand their playerbase. They won't have to edit their scripts anyways... Just install and setup android sdk in unity and poof!
It's a lot more involved than that (at least with Ren'py). You need to compress all media since smaller phone/tablet screens won't notice much loss in quality for the large savings in space. Need to adjust and rescale UI to fit mobile as well. On top of that, Android seems to be almost a non-factor in terms of Patreon support. I port my game but can completely see why a dev might not want to waste any effort on it.
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Nov 9, 2018
Non-factor in patreon support - ok, point taken.
But rescaling UI's in unity should be automated by the game engine cuz if their ui's were set in a fixed size pixel rather than by percentage of the screen res, then it's not a good game engine imo. As for the images... What image size do you use? Old Renpy porters usually don't bother sizing down the images, no biggie, except that of course it's a memory/storage space muncher, but it'll draw nonetheless (with a bit of hiccups hereand there) cuz it's just a texture that will fit itself in a 2d rectangle if that's how renpy works.

Edit: about the ui rescaling, yeah... They have to be re-edited for small screens silly me
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