Others - Completed - Angel at Dusk [v1.0] [Akiragoya]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A really cool game. The gameplay is great, the level design is great, the progression system feels very rewarding once you've unlocked some of the high-level weapons, and the in-game leveling system turns you into a powerhouse the more levels you can complete in a single go. This game feels very satisfying to play, and you can tell the dev put a lot of care into its game feel and game design.

    There are not many gripes I have with the game, but they're still worth talking about. While the artstyle is stellar and extremely detailed and rich in colors, it unfortunately suffers from the kind of issue you'd expect from a shoot'em up of that kind, especially Japanese ones : Once you get going and a lot of enemies and bullets appear on the screen, the game turns into a clusterfuck of shit with bullets of all sizes and colors flying all over the place like a uncorn shat a rainbow on your screen. It sometimes can be quite problematic to find out where your character is on the screen, and so you can easily take cheap shots that would have been very avoidable otherwise.

    Thnakfully bullets are always drawn on top of everything else, so if you know what to look for you're in the clear most of the time. Overall, the game is very, very generous with its difficulty, and tries it absolute best to ease new players into the genre. The tutorial is pretty good at teaching you the fundamentals and the more advanced techniques, but it ends up dragging on for way too long, with the developer seemingly narrating the Bible while you just want to get going.

    The story itsef is pretty interesting, albeit very cryptic in its telling, especially if you're playing the other game modes aside from the main story, where it can get really esoteric and pretentious. Most of the story is told with a small text box ovelaid on top of the main game, and it flies pretty fast, so it's very common to miss the end of that particular plot point before you move on to the next level.

    Not that the story is particularily developed, it's mostly a pretext for the gameplay to happen, and while I'm not a big fan of that kind of stroytelling, it still works well enough here. Just don't come in expecting some character development or whatever. And don't expect some adult content either, there's none of that here.

    But overall, it's a really fun game. It gives fans of the genre a pretty cool new addition to the genre without leaving casuals in the dust. It's polished, beautiful, well designed and challenging without being unfair. It's an excellent game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    tldr: good shot em up-bullet hell-bullet heaven game, but bad porn game.

    Plot is revealed in OP as well as in small paragraphs that appears right after beating each boss (5 in total).
    In short:
    Humanity made a breakthrough in genetic.
    First it defeated all diseases.
    Next it proceed to erasing memories of a criminals turning them into vegetables happy fools.
    Next it began removing senses of smell (cause here are fouls smelling things), hearing (cause there are bad sounds), pain (pain is bad, m`kay?) and neurons/intelligence (because by multiplying knowledge you multiply sorrow).
    In the end humanity turned itself into a dumb fleshy....things that feels only happiness, which were called 'angels'.
    But after several milliards years Sun turned into a red giant (due to exhaustion of hydrogen in it) angel be like 'awwwww' and began developing neurons back again, thus turning back into intelligent beings.
    The end.
    Who player control? Whats point of a thing player controls? Where are it appeared from and where it going to? No answers to that questions. What, you expected something different from a japaneese shot em up, in terms of a plot?

    There are like 16 or so different ships. Each ship have different attack patterns and weapon. Most have 2 weapons, main, that shot continuously and heavy, that should be charged by holding attack button.
    By default 'C' shots main attack and 'Z' after holding it, shots heavy.
    Heavy attack destroys enemy projectiles, but not instantly, since projectiles have 'health', and not constant, since charged attack have 'health' on its own. After destroying enough of enemy projectiles it just passes through all consecutive, like usual projectile. Some projectiles cant be destroyed, only pushed away.
    Charging, and holding, charged heavy attack prevent player from using main attack, for balance reason.
    Some ships that third superweapon that clears screen, but have long charging time and special condition to gather charges for them, more on that later. Activation button 'X', usage grants limited invulnerability.

    Game have deeply nested, connected mechanics, I will try to explain them without causing any confusion.
    Game heavily relies on a close quarter combat. There are no collision with enemies, as well as with walls, which only empathize it.

    Why you should be in a point blank range to the enemy? if projectiles hit enemy up close, relatively to players position, the more 'resources' enemy drop on death and on hit. This resources are green hearts (appears on hit) and yellow orbs (spawns on enemy death).

    Yellow orbs is an experience. Used for level ups. Should I say more? Amount of orbs deduced on the amount of players projectiles that hit specific enemy 'up close'. So lots of shots from point blank distance -> lots of experience, lots of shots from the Sun - Sagittarius A distance -> close to zero orbs.
    In addition to that there are experience multiplier, which do exactly what it name suggests, multiply incoming experience. Ranges from 0 to 100%. However each hit to the player decreases it by roughly 10 percents. It slowly rises from 0 to 100 over time so one or two hits doesnt change anything.

    Green hearts used to replenish charge of players 'regeneration gauge'. After filling it up players restores one extra life/projectile hit, up to the maximum, no stacking. Ships that have ultimate weapon uses green heart to charge ultimate weapon, after all hearts is filled.
    Same logic of spawning as an yellow orbs close->lot, far->none.
    There are also blue hearts, that grants minuscule amount of 'regeneration. They spawns from destroying enemy projectiles with heavy attacks. But they changes nothing due to the amount of gauge they grants.

    Graphics is pretty and colorful. Lots of flashy and dashy effects. Lots of small visual details, like an eyes on the players UI that follow players ship movement, that shows that creators made an effort/knows what they were doing.

    What about a 'horni content'? It have none. Just enemies with a usual japaneese '(non american) female tits with an eyes in place of a nipples' things. Screenshots in the OP provides everything you can possibly see.

    Beat it in a hour or so with a basic ship. Pretty sure there are more content that that but meh.
    Overall game have a strong 80-90 shot-em-up vibe, but much easier. There are no 'death on enemy collision' and player actually have several lifes/ability to make mistakes. Fun game with couple interesting things, but without of a porn content. Should it even be here, on f95???? Question that will leaves me awake, all the way up to this night.

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