RPGM - Abandoned - Another Night [ACT1 v2.0] [Zokas]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    An isekai game where you kind of get gender swapped (but not really?) girlfriend becomes powerful dom futa girl and boyfriend becomes a very feminine and submissive cute trap male and take up the identities of two people in the Isekai world, while maintaining their personalities. Girlfriend is one of the most powerful beings in this world, she's an "alpha futa" which is very rare, despite of this she remains as someone who is very shy that barely talks. Boyfriend's supposed to be a very shy slut but he's brave and not as slutty, even if he reluctantly loves cock. (these are minor spoilers to character development)

    I really liked the writing and the map design, it was very endearing at times, and very sexy at other times. Battle gameplay was simple and regular rpg, nothing stands out. Act 2's plot is very exciting, left me wanting more. I also really like how the characters have to explore the weirdness of this new and very openly sexual world, even though they never got used to it because sadly the game never got finished. It's not exciting if the characters never embrace it in the end. Part of why I like the weirdness is that it's kind of relatable to me whenever I try a new kink.

    This game has some serious issues with the dialogue that will be a big no for those who do not have the patience. It moves so slow that you have to spam the interaction button to reach the next dialog box, it likes to pause between dialogues and do animations. It makes the game much longer than it needs to be (my save file says 2 hours, could be less since I was idle at times). Another problem is the music, you will hear the main menu music during the whole game. There's only one other song which is the battle theme. This is a game I can recommend and give 4 stars, but at the same time I am afraid these issues can be way less tolerable for some people, so I should give it 3 stars.

    Tips for players: I know you love the genocide route, but you are a weak defenseless pathetic little trap. You can't always do genocide. Just avoid the enemies unless you are futa. I never leveled up and I didn't grind, I got through fine. It fits the narrative.

    Press ctrl to skip dialogue quickly. So quick you won't get to read it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1157790

    This game has an interesting gender swap premise, and the writing compliments this premise nicely. While the art isn't great, the real problem is that the RPG aspects of the game are poorly conceived. Later in the game you will encounter enemies that will damage you and there is no way to heal outside of the town. However, at points on the main questline you cannot access the town, and given the RNG miss mechanics of the battle system, you can get so damaged that it is impossible to win battles. This means that, by chance, you can be put in a situation where it is impossible to forward the plot.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    In the world of this game, a boyfriend and his girlfriend are spirited away into a new world and given new bodies, this world is dominated by futa's to the point that males have devolved into sissy traps, which is what the boyfriend became, while the girlfriend has become a "alpha" futanari which the local town immediately begins to worships her.

    Guess whose your self insert? the sissy trap whose immediately forced to suck a horse off or the big futa that everyone loves?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    wow i didn't expect much from this game but it suprised me how good it actually is i love the idea of a guy and a girl and the girl having a massive cock that is such a hot idea and it is done greatly in this game it takes time to build up instead of immediately starting to fuck but that's all i'm gonnasay about the story as i don't wanna spoil anything

    the artstyle while not great does the job really well it's obvious that the developer put a lot of time and effort to draw it as well as he/she could and it shows

    the characters are also really well written surprisingly well written and at the end i actually wanted to see more of the characters almost as much as i wanted to more of the probably extremely hot sex scenes between the 2 main characters

    anyway the conclusion i really like this game i like the idea i like the characters and i actually came to love the artstyle it fit's really well it's obvious that the developer is really passionate about this game and wants to tell a story as much as making a really hot futa on male porn game i hope that the developer doesn't abandon this game and keeps working on it
  5. 4.00 star(s)

    Aulo Vibenna

    v. 0.1.1

    This game isn't too bad so far. Femdom, trap and sissification tags is what lead me here, just to be clear. Despite I hate bestiality and pain, I've found this game funny to play. Thanks God you'll be helped with CTRL to move the text fast. But, if you won't, between too many clicks, you could miss the point.
    (wait 2 sec)
    And the points...
    (wait 2 sec)
    And the exclamation points!!!
    (wait 2 sec)

    The story starts when you wake up and your girlfriend is taller and stronger than you. And she has a dick. And she loves you. And she's still supercute. Both of you are in a parallel universe, you have already a past but no memory at all. As an aid to immerse yourself in environment there're a couple of books, here and there, promising fantastic encounters:

    "Hey cutie! Want to spend the night with me?"
    Let me think... oh yes, I'd like it.
    "I can dominate you however you want"

    So the story is funny and promising. For a game it's all I could ask.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I just gave this game a try, and am trying to rate it for what it is--not to compare it to other games.

    So far, it seems like a mildly interactive visual novel done in rpgm. Usually, I would say this as a negative remark. However, the story and characters are where this game shines. I found myself immediately hooked by the plot and by the characters, even the minor ones. I hope the developer continues to succeed with them--giving more development for everybody. I especially appreciate how we are introduced to the world from a newcomer's perspective, teased with just enough information, but not inundated by long boring monologues about everything.

    As for the medium: I will say it is not as confusing an disorienting as most rpgm games in the genre. For the most part, I got from one point to the next without much hassle. The fights seemed pointless, but there weren't many of them. In the future, I hope that the developer either puts more dynamic content into the rpgm element, or switches it to RenPy.

    The art is cute and unique, in my opinion. I like it a lot more than the rendered stuff we usually get at least, even if proportions aren't constant.

    The sexual content is there, and it's fun. Though it's still early in the story for there to be too much for me to critique. I will say, it has successfully set up a lot of fun possibilities.

    As far as the technical aspects go, there were quite a few typos, especially with the names (where a character seemed to have been called by a different character's name), though not enough to stop my enjoyment of the story. I found one bug (though it happened to be game-breaking). For me, the game froze repeatedly, every time I got to where Ike wakes up after being beat up, and the other character goes to get him soup. Right after he complains about his back hurting and needing to get up (Windows 10).

    What I would like to see in future updates (if the creator has any interest in my opinion): I would like to see more divergent paths, even if they don't change all that much. For example, the option for the protagonists to stay faithful to one another or not. Perhaps a little more input on character dialogue--for example, shaping whether Ike acts like a jerk in the beginning or slightly kinder. I think these small touches would make the story feel drastically more flexible and interactive, even if they didn't change the overall course of the story.

    Overall, I think this game could end up being really good. And I want it to live up to its own potential. I encourage people to try it and show a little encouragement to the developer. Because I think that this could be an amazing game.