Any 18+ games that are similar to Megaman/Shovel Knight or, Metal Slug, bullet hell/shootem up FF/ Tactics/ Fire Emblem/Advance Wars?


Jul 29, 2024
or I just want a addictive replayable or roguelite loop. Just think of all the popular indies games Enter the Gungeons, Issac, etc Or Short Boss Rush like Cup Head, Darkest Dungeon.
It doesnt have to be EN translated but would be a plus.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
Going Deeper, an original roguelite. Darkest Dungeon literally has a porn clone, EroDungeons. These two I'd say are closest to an addictive roguelite formula.

There are a couple Vamp Survivors clones, but they are kinda meh, giving out rewards after completing stages. Netoria Tactics is, predictably, a tactics rpg with ntr.

Platformers have a dedicated tag, just filter and sort by likes and then stars, you'll get all the ones worth trying close to the top.


Active Member
Jan 19, 2023
the tactical combat and the pokemon-like collecting and evolving units is very addictive; the mini-worlds you explore are randomly generated (world theme, biomes, available monsters, random events); you can set the length of your playthrough (the shorter ones are recommended for learning; losing while learning is fine), and customize each playthrough with many options (with additional ones unlockable during the game).

if you go to and use search function with keywords like "replayable" or "addictive" or "roguelike" or other genre you have in mind that's not findable with tags, you should find threads listing the better ones.