Seeking Any good Japanese RPG Maker games with decent turned-based combat system?


Jun 20, 2020
Something like Brave Alchemist Colette or the recent one like Dungeon With Girl?
Jan 28, 2018
You can look at the list in my signature and give it a read.

If I were to list some, TUNNEL ESCAPE is decent HOWEVER it is grindy as fuck. Black Souls (and its sequel) of course. Gachinko Pirates is decent since you don't need to grind (no levels) so strategy comes from building the right team and fighting the right opponent. Kozue's Strange Journey is one too since it is based on Persona 3 (the old one, not the remake) gameplay. Most RPGM games are just standard rpgm gameplay anyways so the ones I listed are at least unique but it might bore you as you play through it.

Edit: Didn't realize that the last game was banned, just find it elsewhere
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