Any guide on how to set up a patreon? (Insecurity and anxiety is keeping me from it)


Jun 24, 2020
Hi everyone.

I have some experience working on other patreon projects as an artist and animator. I also know how to program (quite experienced in 2D platformers games)

Naturally I have been thinking on starting my own project. I have a thing for monster girls, futanari and Netorare, so I would do a platformer around these themes. You progress to save your loved one, while fucking by the villainous succubus, only to discover in the end that she fell in love with the succubus and you become a sex slave for both.

I am not so sure how to proceed with this though.

Sometimes I think I should just complete the game and post it on itchio. Other times I think I should try to star and indiegogo page and ask for a small sum, so I can complete and then later create a patreon to gather interested players... other times I think i should do a small demo, and set up a patreon, discord, etc. But I am not so sure how small the demo can be. This whole process makes me quite anxious, and I end up giving up the project. Sometimes I think that my fetish monster girl + futanari + netorare is not interesting enough,

Any tips regarding this whole process would help a lot, or any guide of sorts if someone can recommend. Thanks a lot in advance!
Oct 30, 2020
Patreon is pretty simple, they make it easy for just about anyone to setup an account. You might want to actually do a combination of those., patreon etc. Shoot me a message and I can help if you like.

Dont let the publishing aspect distract you from making your game. You can start with one or none. When you are done with a small demo, post it here and see what kind of reaction you get. If its positive, then you can look at setting up the rest.

Crimson Delight Games

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
You're basically asking 2 questions in one: should you develop your game, and how to set up a Patreon.

The first question is all on you, as no one can answer whether or not you want to put in the work on your project, and later share it with the world. But if you're passionate about it and have the skills, then there's really no reason to do it as a hobby project. What's the worst case scenario? People ignore it. Big whoop, no harm done. Consider working on it because you want to, not because you're looking to please anyone else.

The second part is setting up your Patreon, which is easy. Making it look good is much harder. But in all honesty, getting eyes on it is the hardest part, so if you have any anxiety just remember that no one is even going to look at it unless you provide people with a good demo, and do a lot of advertising around the net. Which means you can experiment with Patreon layouts without worrying about people storming the gates.

Good luck! ;)