Identify Any hero available to help me find this game?


Dec 15, 2019
Hi all, I'm looking for a game I played a few months ago and can't remember the name.
That's what I remember so far:
The MC lives with his "mother" and "sister" in an apartment, he has a rich (and a bit loser) friend living in the same building (this friend usually spy on the neighbor in the other building with binoculars).
This neighbor's sister catches the MC "spying" on her in the bathroom (but it was accidental) and accuses him of being a pervert. This neighbor's mother pays for the renovation of the MC's apartment.
Unfortunately, that's all I can remember, however this happens early on in the game.
Thanks in advance for any info.

PS. It's a 3D Game/VN using RenPy (If I'm not wrong).
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