Are you sure you're not making a Twilight Zone episode? First, Oedipus Complex implies for a father to be present, which I see no indication of - there's no plot to speak of whatsoever, so as far as I'm concerned this is vanilla M/S incest.
Next, everything is out of whack: the proportions, the faces, the consistency, everything. Also, I get it, ultra thicc is a fetish, whatever, but I never heard someone say "You know what gets my motor running? Torpedo-shaped tits."
Seriously, this face especially:
What is wrong with your face?!
Lastly, let's not forget the fact that you think this is worth money and you immediately created a Patreon account for this, but then again, considering how much garbage there currently is this isn't a stretch. Get some feedback and criticism first, polish your 3D skills a bit and then showcase your work. Eventually you'll garner enough support to justify a Patreon, but by immediately skipping to the last step I'm going to assume you simply want a quick buck.