Anyone able to help me find a specific H-Game?


Sep 27, 2017
Not sure if this is the right thread but thought i might ask as i am pretty sure people would be able to point me in the right direction.
I was playing some Town of Passion earlier today and it just popped into my head and i remembered a shit tonne about the game but couldn't remember the name of the game and thus couldnt find it.

What i could remember:
The protagonist gets bullied on first day during the intro, basically goes into a second personality and thus then gets subsequently expelled. He then goes to an alley and you get the first h-scene. He then passes out and you meet the principle character.
Hypnosis is a big theme in the game.
You can have get h-scenes with a violet haired chick, a green haired ditz, your mother, your sister, a busty brown haired student and the principle. That is all i remember character wise.
One of the main features is you have to get magic books/save school students by going underground and orgasming on them.
You have to earn money initially by doing a part time job but then you can get a sex shop from your uncle as a method of paying back a debt. I think his name was gip or gop or something.
Last thing is that it is a completely animated game.