Anyone to test a new game ?


Mar 19, 2018
Is there anyone who would like to test a new demo of my game ? I will be honest ... The renders are sometimes really bad, the story doesn´t get too far. There is currently one BJ scene, 1 sex scene with a decission of finishing inside or outside. Then she kicks you out. It´s a day 1 for the game. Before the storyline reveals in front of you. Please help a fellow perv and leave a review.

I´m currently re-doing all the really bad renders in the game. So some sort of overhaul is on the way.

Thanks anyway.


Is there anyone who would like to test a new demo of my game ? I will be honest ... The renders are sometimes really bad, the story doesn´t get too far. There is currently one BJ scene, 1 sex scene with a decission of finishing inside or outside. Then she kicks you out. It´s a day 1 for the game. Before the storyline reveals in front of you. Please help a fellow perv and leave a review.

I´m currently re-doing all the really bad renders in the game. So some sort of overhaul is on the way.

Thanks anyway.
The Mega link needs a decoding key.


Be nice! Until it's time to not be nice...
Former Staff
Nov 2, 2018
Downloading, will have a go, will get back to you later... :)

Alright, done.

I'll be blunt, not offensive but blunt.

Everything but the menu screen and the end screen looks extremely grainy, the attention to detail in general is decent, but the overhaul you mentioned is definitely necessary.
In the long run you should really get someone to convert the engrish into proper english. It's not that it's incomprehensible but there's much room to improve for it to be enjoyable.
Lastly I suggest that you embrace the following: Narration goes without a name tag, but thoughts are generally easier to associate if you use an italic name tag (or a regular name tag and the text written italic) of the person thinking.

Good luck with your project.

PS: I don't drink coffee (for real), so being forced to get some after being offered to avoid it was a bummer... :p
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Mar 19, 2018
Downloading, will have a go, will get back to you later... :)

Alright, done.

I'll be blunt, not offensive but blunt.

Everything but the menu screen and end end screen looks extremely grainy, the attention to detail in general is decent, but the overhaul you mentioned is definitely necessary.
In the long run you should really get someone to convert the engrish into proper english. It's not that it's incomprehensible but there's much room to improve for it to be enjoyable.
Lastly I suggest that you embrace the following: Narration goes without a name tag, but thoughts are generally easier to associate if you use an italic name tag (or a regular name tag and the text written italic) of the person thinking.

Good luck with your project.

PS: I don't drink coffee (for real), so being forced to get some after being offered to avoid it was a bummer... :p
You´re not being blunt nor offensive. My English has it´s flaws I´m well aware of that. The coffee loopback was actually a test of if/else parameter in python, but was left there for further use later. Thanks for the idea of writing the thoughts in different styling not without name tag. I want this kind of criticism to set the game in a place where it could be enjoyable and playable. Right now I´m aiming more into the graphical side of things. The renders are heavily grainy I´m well aware of that too. I currently have, let´s say a quarter of the game remade. Thanks
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Be nice! Until it's time to not be nice...
Former Staff
Nov 2, 2018
I would try to not bother you anymore with this product of my imagination that I want to present as an art :D Thank you for the Eye opener/Hearthbreak :D
Hey, I didn't say that it's a wreck, I want my time back or anything like that, I just presented my thoughts on improvement... long as something has the creampie tag and is not RPGM I'll give almost anything a shot with an open mind and I do see potential in your baby, especially if/when the things I mentioned have been implemented...
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Mar 19, 2018
Hey, I didn't say that it's a wreck, I want my time back or anything like that, I just presented my thoughts on improvement... long as something has the creampie tag and is not RPGM I'll give almost anything a shot with an open mind and I do see potential in your baby, especially if/when the things I mentioned have been implemented...
The creampie scene is already remade btw.:LOL: