Mod Unity anything-goes-in-a-fallen-world-final-


Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
link do jogo:

because of the fake positive virus I put in anon files to download and extract

link translation:

tutorial english auto translator folder and reipatcher setup inside game folder

2.perform the reipatcher setup. expects to generate a copy of the game exe

3. Run the a copy of the game it has between patch and run parentheses

4.and ready already will play even offline Portugues.

tutorial portugues brasil

1.coloque a pasta auto translator e o setup reipatcher dentro da pasta do jogo

2.execute o setup reipatcher. espera gerar uma copia do exe do jogo

3. execute o a copia do jogo que tem entre parenteses patch e run

4.e pronto ja vai jogar portugues mesmo offline.
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