Anyway to exclude MTL games now?


New Member
Nov 26, 2018
Just was wondering with all the machine translated Japanese games, whether they'll be any way to exclude them cause I'm sick of finding a new JP game that's MTL'd.
It just ruins the experience, rather play it raw than MTL.
Nov 10, 2018
I don't think there's any way to exclude those game right now, but i hope someone will add another prefix for it, so you can exclude it on "latest updates".
And i mean "someone", I'm talking about the mods.
(no offense)

btw, not all of the MTLs are really bad, some are edited tho :)


Quiet Eldritch Horror
Jan 2, 2018
Right now there is no prefix or straight forward option to exclude a machine translated game. In the future the staff have stated a tag will be created for Machine translated games but there is no set timeperiod for new tagging system.

That being said, the only way you're going to filter it out is by filtering out RPGM entirely because 99% of MTL games are RPGM. I wouldn't recommend this because as mentioned some machine translations are not terrible, but also if you like RPGM then you are effectively missing out on a whole variety of games that you might enjoy. So you COULD filter it but i wouldn't recommend it.

We have gotten good about including if a game is an MTL in the OP of a thread so yes, you have to click into the thread but if you check you will never have to waste your bandwidth downloading one if you don't want to :)